God is Coming

Chapter 1036 We have the final say

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This young man, Chu Jungui, has just met him, the one he met in Xinggang. There were four or five people who came in with him, both men and women, all young, and equally arrogant.

Chu Jungui was very surprised, he didn't wait for Su Jian, why did he wait for such a group of guys?

Before Chu Jungui could speak, the young man said again: "Listen well, my name is Su Jingyang! Su Jian is my father! What are you, you dare to ask my father to come here to see you?! It seems Giving you a crime of treason is really light. My father is too lazy to touch you, I have a bad temper! Today, the young master will beat you up first, and then throw you in prison, so that you can be sober and sober!"

Excitedly speaking, the young man grabbed the water glass in front of him and wanted to splash it on Chu Jungui's face. However, as soon as he picked up the cup, someone grabbed his wrist and couldn't move anymore.

The young man turned his head and saw that the one who grabbed him was actually the young girl who led the way in to report. He thought she was just an ordinary waiter at the time, but now that little hand was like a steel clamp, clamping him so tightly that he couldn't move. After a little struggle, the pain was even more severe, as if the bones were about to be pinched and broken.

A few young people next to him immediately clamored, and they were about to step forward to do something noisy.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them, and they couldn't see anything clearly. Everyone's stomach was punched hard, and their stomachs were turned upside down, wishing to spit out all the food they ate a few days ago. But the soup poured into their throats and got stuck, and they couldn't spit it out at all, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable, and they all squatted down slowly.

Only then did they see clearly that what appeared in front of them was a tall and thin man with rare dark gray pupils. He was expressionless and looked at everyone as if he were looking at a dead pig.

None of the young people knew when this person appeared, nor did they see how he made the move. A young girl burst into tears with pain and wanted to curse, but couldn't utter a word. This man is obviously hard-hearted, and he treats men and women equally.

At this time, Chu Jungui slowly reached out, took the water glass from Su Jingyang's hand, poured it on himself, and said, "I have accepted your wish."

At this time, a ghostly young woman appeared behind Chu Jungui, and handed over a tissue. Chu Jungui wiped off the water on his body, and threw the paper towel into the trash can. The ball of tissues flew halfway, and suddenly disappeared, as if a hand had picked it up, and it seemed like nothing happened.

Su Jingyang's face was pale, and somehow he felt a little afraid of Chu Jungui. He couldn't save himself, so he turned to the girl who grabbed his wrist, and shouted, "Who are you, why don't you let me go? Let me tell you, my dad is..."

The girl smiled sarcastically, interrupted him, and said: "We belong to the Dadi Houde Group, and we are here to carry out the tasks assigned by the group. It is not up to General Su to dictate what our group does."

"The earth is virtuous..." Su Jingyang's face suddenly became very ugly.

Dadi Houde is the most famous and largest private security group in Dynasty. The purpose of the group is to convince people with virtue. This group has a large number of armed personnel throughout the galaxy, and it is said that the integrated force is no less than an entire fleet. Backed by a military-industrial technology complex, Dadi Houde has an extremely wide range of business fields, from general security to receiving live assassinations, and even directly ending up participating in local wars. It can be said that it is the biggest thug under the command of the military-industrial technology complex. Such a group can really ignore Su Jian.

Su Jian's son is a little younger, but he is not completely a fool, he still knows how much the earth is good. Moreover, the other party knew his identity, but he was still not polite at all, obviously he was confident.

At this time, Chu Jungui sat up straight and asked left and right: "Is everything recorded?"

The ghostly woman reappeared and said: "What he said just now has been recorded verbatim, and by the way, some shady things have been found out. For example, 10 days ago, this Mr. Su Jingyang was in the bar. Two young female students got drunk, took them back to the hotel and raped them, and then gave the two victims a sum of money and a few luxury items to seal it up..."

Su Jingyang jumped up, but he forgot that someone was still holding his wrist. He jumped up, but the girl's hands didn't move at all. He only heard a soft sound on his arm, and his face was distorted in pain. He also wanted to save some face, so he didn't cry out, but sat back to his original place obediently.

He endured the pain and said: "That's not the case at all! They are completely voluntary, and we got along very happily in those few days, so I gave them some gifts. I am happy, of course I have to pay for it. Not that kind of stingy person! Follow my women, even if only for a while, I will make them the envy of my friends and girlfriends!"

Chu Jungui turned his head and said to the ghostly woman, "Is that so? Are they voluntary?"

The woman's voice was strangely hoarse and low, and if one didn't look at her face, she looked like a butcher with a big beard. She said: "Maybe it used to be voluntary, but I believe that 2 million per person will make them realize their mistakes and bravely say what they should say. In addition, their family and friends will also become evidence, and they will get a reward for this." A legitimate payment."

Su Jingyang was startled and angry. Now he didn't dare to move his right hand, so he could only slap the table hard with his left hand, and said angrily: "Is it with me to use this method? Do you think I will be afraid of you?! You will spend money, Wouldn't I?"

He raised his head, pointed at Chu Jungui with his chin, and said word by word: "I'm richer than me?!"

Chu Jungui thought for a moment, and Fang said to the ghostly woman, "He seems to have stolen my lines."

The woman said: "You don't have to worry about it, he is the only one who becomes rich from the poor."

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "Then why don't you let him know how much money I have?"

"It's not necessary. With his meager brain capacity, he will probably only say a lot of words after listening to it. You won't get pleasure and a sense of accomplishment from it."

"Makes sense. What's your next move?"

The woman bowed slightly, and said: "In the past few minutes, our experts have drawn up a plan, which will collect what this young master and his friends have done, and then help the relevant personnel to restore their 'should' memory, and then post the organized deeds on the designated media, there should be a very obvious effect within three days."

Su Jingyang sneered: "This kind of story seems to be a fabricated story, which media will release it?"

The woman said: "The top 50 media outlets in Dynasty all have in-depth...cooperation with us. Any material we provide can be published on the designated page at the designated time to achieve the designated effect."

The woman looked at Su Jingyang, showed a creepy smile, and said, "So whether these are facts or not, what you say doesn't count, we do."

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