God is Coming

Chapter 1037

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A group of young people lost their minds and didn't know how they left the room. Fortunately, someone responded quickly and immediately called the relevant person, but it was always displayed as unavailable.

In the private room, a few people from Dadi Houde disappeared again, hiding somewhere. Only Chu Jungui and Lin Xi were left to enjoy the invincible scenery outside the window.

"These little guys are also in the plan?"

Chu Jungui nodded, and said: "That's right. Su Jian probably won't come, so they found Su Jian's old enemy Xu Yannian. Xu Yannian disclosed the news to Su Jian's family, and they found him just now. The people around that little guy fanned the flames, and then we met here. Among the few people standing behind just now, there is a person from Dadi Houde. Dadi Houde is still very reliable in doing this kind of thing .”

"But it doesn't seem to have much effect on Su Jian."

Chu Jungui said: "Of course this matter can't bring down a fleet commander, but I just want to find something for him to do, so that he won't think about other tricks when he is free. Moreover, I also let other people know, urgently." If it is done, I have no bottom line in doing things. Of course, this matter can be big or small. If Su Jian doesn't handle it properly, he will be disgraced. After all, compared to an incompetent general, an arrogant relative is more lethal. people hate."

"Is this okay?" Lin Xi felt a little different.

"Of course it's not good, so I'm just making trouble for him first, and the next thing we have to do is the business."

Lin Xi was taken aback, he didn't expect Chu Jungui to think highly of Lin Xuansheng. But this time Chu Jungui didn't tell her the overall plan, and Lin Xi didn't know what he wanted to do. This sense of distance is unprecedented.

At this time, the news reminders continued one after another, and Dadi Houde kept sending relevant information. While watching, Chu Jungui parted his mind and said to Lin Xi: "Tell me about the Lin family."

"Okay, let me think about it..." Lin Xi hesitated. After a while, she bit her lower lip and said, "I haven't told you many things about the family. On the one hand, I don't want to cause you trouble. On the other hand... I don't want to expose the dark side of the family to you. We After all, the Lin family has a history of hundreds of years, and I am also a member of the family, and the honor and disgrace of the family is also my honor and disgrace."

Chu Jungui nodded and said: "I understand, you can talk about what you can, and you don't have to force what you don't want to say."

"Our Lin family is mainly rooted in the dynasty's army. There have been many famous generals in history who have made great military exploits for the dynasty.... In recent years, there has been a gap in the talent of the family. After Uncle Xuan Shang became the marshal, people from the clan who are similar to his age The ability is not enough, Uncle Xuansheng is already outstanding. The younger generation originally had a few very talented people, but they were unwilling to suffer in the army and chose to do business. The next generation is my generation Brothers and sisters, we are just getting started."

Listening to Lin Xi's introduction, Chu Jungui gradually sketched out a picture. The Lin family is indeed a giant, and it has grown stronger and stronger with the passage of time. There were indeed a group of famous generals in the Lin family's ancestors, but as Lin Xi said, there were more and more children in the Lin family, and there were also many high-ranking and powerful people, but the famous generals gradually decreased. Many of the younger generations of elites chose to go into business and politics instead of the army. However, the current size of the Lin family is dozens of times that of the past. The family has set up a whole set of training and education system for the younger generations. Among other things, at least one-third of the children of each generation of the Lin family will be able to get top-level education. genetic optimization.

This also makes the children of the Lin family much stronger than the children of ordinary families, and those who compete with each other are also children of other big families.

At this time, another request sounded on the communication channel, and it was actually Lin Ya. Chu Jungui was a little surprised. He didn't inform Lin Ya when he came out this time, and asked her to wait in the base, and bring her in when the real dream world opens next time.

With a thought, Chu Jun connected to the communication directly in his mind. He was distracted and listened to Lin Xi's talk about the situation of the Lin family, checked the information of the Lin family, and talked with Lin Ya at the same time.

After chatting with Lin Ya for a few words, Chu Jungui also asked her about the current situation of the Lin family. Originally, Chu Jungui had no expectations of her at all, but she said: "The problem of the Lin family is actually very simple. It takes up too many resources, but I don't have the matching talents and resources. Sooner or later, something will happen!"

Chu Jungui was taken aback and asked her to elaborate.

Lin Ya suddenly felt a little guilty, and said: "Father told me these things. He said that the foundation of our Lin family is the army, and we don't have a strong industry like other families. In order to show integrity in the early years, the ancestors strictly restricted the family's children from doing business. The industry is also not taken seriously. It was not until the ancestors of this generation passed away one after another that the restrictions in this area were gradually relaxed, but it has already widened the gap with other big families."

Lin Ya continued: "Father said that now the first choice of the Lin family's children is to be in the military. But the problem is that the military position is a public asset, not the Lin family's private property. The Lin family and several close families support each other. Our Lin family has always been united and united. Although there are not many high-ranking ones, there are a large number of middle and high-level ones. Uncle Xuan Shang is qualified to be a marshal, but his father said that now there are more than 100 generals in the Lin family, and half of the seven or eight hundred school officials are qualified. But they They are all surnamed Lin, and if they move one, they move one, what should they do? In this case, the opponent can only choose to uproot them, and if they kill by mistake, they can only blame themselves for being unlucky."

Chu Jungui didn't expect Lin Ya to say such a thing. Although she was just retelling her father's words, it seemed that her father did have a rare sobriety.

Lin Xi also vaguely mentioned the same topic, but not as boldly and directly as Lin Ya.

In Chu Jungui's consciousness, thousands of people from the top to bottom of the Lin family have woven into a huge network of relationships, interconnected with each other and intricate. In addition to the Lin family themselves, this network is also involved with at least a hundred families, large and small, and there are at least hundreds of high-ranking officials at all levels.

Such a big net can be said to affect the whole body. Chu Jungui chose a small person at random, a young major, and then found that assuming that the major was guilty, dozens of people would be implicated, at least 5 of whom were directly responsible, and the highest rank was a major general.

This is the reality of the Lin family. The huge family has already become a huge community of interests, and the internal and external relations are extremely complicated. Because of many years of operation, although many members of the Lin family have low official positions, they have an important position and great power. They also weave a protective net between each other. The old people who are in charge of the Lin family are quite sharp-eyed, and they have made arrangements in key positions early on, and the results have been remarkable.

But success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He. Because of the Lin family's layout for many years, a huge cake was cut in the military circle. However, in the past 30 years, the contribution of the Lin family to the dynasty has fallen far behind the benefits obtained.

The building will collapse, not because of one day.

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