God is Coming

Chapter 1055 Revisiting the old place

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Chu Jungui doesn't intend to continue chatting on this topic, even for the current test subjects, feelings are still a difficult mystery. Compared with emotional uncertainty, career and war are more suitable for me.

Li Ruobai may have a guilty conscience, so he tactfully did not continue this topic, and started discussing the acquisition of Comet de Frey instead. At this time, Chu Jungui just received a message from an old acquaintance, Henry from the Federal Excalibur Group. Back then, when Chu Jun returned to Guangnian, the two sides had cooperated a lot, and fought side by side, defeating Jane and her behind-the-scenes funds.

Henry still adhered to the straight-forward style, and said: "Old friend, I haven't contacted for a long time. Our cooperation in the past was very pleasant, and it also made my status in the group rise further. I have been thinking about how to repay you, and recently discovered that Opportunity. I hear you're secretly buying a stake in Comet de Frey. Don't ask me how I know. Financial institutions' nondisclosure agreements are as reliable as a bitch's chastity. What I'm trying to say is that in this case I can help, we just happen to have a couple of clients who own a lot of Comet de Vrye stock, add up to more than 2%; some funds also have shares of Comet DeVrye, I can convince those funds to let them replace these The shares are all sold to me, and this part also has 1%. This is what I can control, as long as you want, they are all yours. "

This is unexpected good news. For a company with a fairly dispersed equity like Comet de Frey, 3% of the equity is quite important.

Chu Jungui did not agree on the spot, pondered for a while, and asked, "What do you want?"

After a while, Henry's news came: "If possible, I would like some shares in your new company."

There are several star fields and hundreds of light-years away, but the news arrives in a blink of an eye. It can be seen that Henry has used the most expensive wormhole communication. Sending and receiving a message in this way, the price is about to catch up with a direct spaceship ticket.

"I will consider it." Chu Jungui replied.

"They're yours now." Henry was very straightforward.

At this time, Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai sat down in the leisure area of ​​the spaceship, and the spaceship took off under a slight vibration, flew out of the planet, and sailed to the jumping point outside the galaxy.

"What do you think about their board of directors?" Chu Jungui asked.

Li Ruobai had done his homework in advance and said: "The old chairman has been working for decades, and his nickname is Jim the Good Guy. He himself holds 1% of the company's shares, and all other directors add up to only 0.1%. So this is a A purely management-type board of directors has basically been decided by old Jim for many years. Such a board of directors is actually of little value to the company's operations. As long as we pay a little more than the market price, they should have no reason to refuse. After all, the value of this company is very limited. , the growth potential is almost zero.”

Chu Jungui said: "Let's see how far we can talk with old Jim tomorrow. He should also retire."

Li Ruobai said: "I think a 15% premium is enough, and there is no need for a higher price. After all, after the acquisition of the company, a large sum of money needs to be spent to reorganize the business. No rational person would refuse such an offer." offer."

Chu Jungui hesitated for a moment, and said: "I think the 15% premium is a bit too high. If we don't buy it, the stock price of Comet de Frey will fall by 10% in the next year. What can we offer shareholders? The greatest value is liquidity, which allows them to cash out their shares. Without us, it would take three months for shareholders to sell their shares and the stock price will drop by 30%. So rationally, we can press Buy at a price 5% lower than the market price."

Li Ruobai shook his head: "The vast majority of people are irrational. If they would believe what you said, could they still hold it until now? I bet there are many people who firmly believe that the future will rise, and our acquisition will Boost their confidence."

Chu Jungui frowned, what Li Ruobai said was not without reason. He weighed it and said, "Then try 10% first. If you can win it smoothly, it's good to save some time."

"That's fine too." Li Ruobai had no objection.

According to the market value of Comet de Frey, the difference of 5% is several billion. Chu Jungui still felt a bit at a loss, but compared to other opportunities, this was the easiest one to win.

After the spacecraft jumped, it successfully arrived at the galaxy where Comet de Frey's headquarters is located. Lin Xuansheng had already greeted him in advance, so old Jim deliberately canceled today's vacation and made a special trip to wait for Chu Jungui to arrive.

This time when he returned to his hometown, Old Jim specially prepared a grand welcome ceremony for Chu Jungui. When Chu Jungui got off the spaceship, there were colorful flags, flowers and a sea of ​​people in front of him.

There is a military band on the left and right sides of the tarmac, playing the welcome song vigorously, and the standard is quite high. The judgment of the art component in this aspect is not wrong. Many people in the military band can be called performers. I don’t know why they came here to play the welcome song.

Although Li Ruobai was also used to seeing big scenes, he lifted his spirits at this moment, and said with a smile: "It's very hard work, it seems that this time the negotiation has a great chance of success."

Chu Jungui glanced over, but didn't see any expectant faces. From Old Jim to the members of the board of directors to the management of the company, no one was present, only a woman who was in charge of reception came. Chu Jungui found out from the database that she was the director of the public relations department, or a deputy.

Chu Jungui remained calm, exchanged a few pleasantries with the woman, and then boarded the prepared flying car and headed to the headquarters of Comet de Frey.

After a while, Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai were brought into a large meeting room. The layout of the meeting room is like a grand theater. The chairman seat is obviously much higher than other seats, and there is a special high platform and a gorgeous background wall.

Old Jim was sitting on a high seat, looking down at Chu Jungui with a carnivore smile on his face.

There were not only Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai in the conference room, but also nearly a hundred people, only a small part of them were known by Chu Jungui, including those who had met and seen in the materials. Among the people he knew, Chu Jungui felt that at least 90% had nothing to do with today's negotiation. It's about the acquisition of the entire company. What do you involve a large number of people at the departmental level?

Chu Jungui remained calm and walked towards his seat. The seat was at the far end below, across from old Jim. Chu Jungui would not admit his mistake, after all, there was a nameplate on the seat.

Li Ruobai pulled Chu Jungui down and said, "Why don't you call all our people in?"

Of course, Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai couldn't be responsible for such a big deal as the acquisition of a starship company. Following them was the entire team, more than 300 people, and more people were behind to support them. There are twenty or thirty people who can bring it to the table.

But Chu Jungui shook his head and said, "No need, let's listen to what he wants to say first."

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