God is Coming

Chapter 1056 Just kidding

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After a 30-minute opening speech and welcome speech, Chu Jungui thought that he should get to the point, but he didn't expect old Jim to say "I'll add two more points...".

Of course Chu Jungui didn't want him to finish the two points, who knows how many two points there will be after two points. At that moment, Chu Jungui showed an unhappy expression. And the old fox noticed this immediately. If he couldn't even read this expression, then old Jim must be playing stupid.

The old fox obviously received the signal, paused, and said, "Today's situation is special, so I'll make a long story short... Finally, I want to emphasize one point..."

To make a long story short, after talking for 30 minutes, Chu Jungui looked as usual, but this time it was Li Ruobai's turn to turn green. After all, this young master is young and promising, and he really doesn't pay attention to the chairman of a company with a market value of less than 100 billion, not to mention that the chairman holds quite a few shares. At that moment Li Ruobai snorted heavily.

In a large and silent conference room, this hum was a bit harsh. At the moment, many people cast dissatisfied eyes, and some were quite severe.

Li Ruobai was not polite, and stared back one by one. Could it be that he is afraid of these fun-loving guys?

Even if Li Ruobai didn't play cards according to the routine, and didn't respect the old and love the young, the old fox couldn't continue talking on his own. He sighed deeply, with helplessness and concern for the young people on his face, and slowly said: "De Frey's Comet was a community company when it was first established, and was later acquired by the Federation, and then the headquarters was moved to Dynasty Star. Domain, to this day. I would like to say that Comet de Frey is a system-wide corporation, not just a dynasty corporation. Although I have the name of the Federation, my heart belongs to the entire human race. This is an ancient A company with a history, and a company with infinite possibilities in the future. The arrival of today’s distinguished guests has once again confirmed the value of Comet de Frey! That’s all I want to say, thank you all!”

There was thunderous applause in the big conference room, and some people were moved to tears. In the audience, only Chu Jungui and Li Ruobaian were sitting still, and they didn't fit in with the atmosphere of the audience.

The welcome ceremony is finally over, and the next step is a small-scale negotiation. Under the guidance of the staff, Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai got up and went to the next meeting place.

When the two followed the crowd to the gate, an old man suddenly stopped the way, snorted heavily, and said with dignity: "Young people don't have any manners and patience, what can they do? I didn't say you..."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Li Ruobai took a step forward, his body touched the old man lightly, and the old man suddenly bounced off like being kicked by a giant beast! As soon as his body left the ground, Li Ruobai grabbed him, plucked it from the air like a leaf, and gently placed it on the ground.

The whole process was so fast that most people just felt a flash before their eyes, and then saw the old man change places, and didn't see what happened in the middle of the process. The old man himself was dizzy and felt dizzy, as if the sky was falling down, but he was not injured at all.

Although most people don't know what happened, at least one thing is clear, that is, these two young people are very difficult to mess with, and they are ready to turn their faces. They knew very well what Chu Jungui was here for. Their task was only to enhance the atmosphere, and they had no part in the real decision-making. If it really angered Chu Jungui and made this deal go bad, I'm afraid it's not the boss's intention. This group of people can sit here, and they are all elites among the minions. The core element of a qualified minion is that they cannot add drama by themselves.

So all the people around were silent, watching Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai leave. As for the old man who was still dizzy, the eyes around him were full of sympathy and gloating, and they distanced themselves intentionally or unintentionally.

The process of changing to the new meeting room was smooth. Most of the directors attended the meeting, and several directors who were in other places also participated remotely. In addition, there are some financial and legal experts who sit in the back row and are only responsible for explaining and giving advice.

This is the correct way to negotiate. Chu Jungui still didn't bring his own professionals, and sat across from Li Ruobai in a row.

Old Jim smiled and said: "It seems that something unpleasant happened just now, but don't worry about it, it will not affect our cooperation. Although I don't know Mr. Chu well, it doesn't matter. Mr. Chu is endorsed by a big man, young and promising .Then let's get straight to the point!"

"The development of Comet de Frey to today is the hard work of me and everyone here. No matter how big a company is, it needs people to run it. It can be said that without these people, there would be no Comet De Frey. Mr. Chu and I have been talking for so long. I just want Mr. Chu to know the importance of history and heritage to our company. Since Mr. Chu has a unique vision and is so optimistic about Comet de Frey, I would like to know what your plan for the company's future is, and to the heroes here How is it arranged? Before knowing these things, I think it is too early to talk about the purchase price.”

Chu Jungui didn't expect that Old Jim would get straight to the point. It seemed that the so-called welcome meeting was all acting. It may also be that he wants to suppress Chu Jungui's momentum in order to strive for better conditions.

Chu Jungui pondered for a while, and said: "I have some resources in the military, and I have a good relationship with the Federation. Comet de Frey can manufacture capital ships, and I want to restore the company's position in the construction market. I believe that after the acquisition , after structural optimization and capital injection, the company was able to regain orders for capital ships from the military.”

The smile on Old Jim's face remained the same, but Chu Jungui caught the changes in the expressions of several directors. It was the expression of hearing a joke.

Comet de Frey lost its order for capital ships. It is not a year or two. It is impossible for the berth to wait for the illusory military orders. The berth of the starship. Those engineers and designers who were specially born for battleships have already been employed elsewhere. The current Comet de Frey is barely manufactured even for heavy cruisers, and the orders are dangerously low. Maybe in another ten or twenty years, even the military heavy cruisers will miss Comet De Frey.

To put it bluntly, even if it is given an order for a battleship, Comet de Frey cannot be built.

Those directors are naturally very aware of the internal situation of the company, which is always self-knowledge. So when he heard Chu Jungui's future plans, he immediately classified him into the category of young and brainless, stupid people with a lot of money.

Chu Jungui didn't mind being treated as a joke by them, because he was joking.

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