God is Coming

Chapter 1065

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"I just heard that some people don't pay attention to the law of the dynasty." Li Ruobai said to another person beside him: "Call the police, by the way, tell the police here that we are already clocking, if they plan to be late, they'd better Find a better reason!"

A person beside Old Jim suddenly rushed towards Li Ruobai, and directly swung his personal terminal and threw it on Li Ruobai's head!

However, as soon as the man rushed in front of Li Ruobai, he suddenly flew backwards, hit the wall more than ten meters away, bounced to the ground, and remained there. And his personal terminal was in the hands of Li Ruobai. With a rub of his hands, Li Ruobai crumpled his personal terminal into a ball and threw it on the ground.

Everyone, including Old Jim, was dumbfounded. The personal terminal is not a fragile thing, it can withstand the harsh environment of space, and even the entry-level model uses high-grade alloys. Li Ruobai can knead a personal terminal into a ball, let alone the same steel plate.

At this moment, a tall and cold beauty behind Li Ruobai threw out a card, which landed directly on the man's head, and slowly slid down.

"Medical bills," she said.

At this moment, old Jim lost all momentum, gritted his teeth, and said, "Half an hour is too short, I have a lot of things to pack."

"You can pack things slowly, and handle the authority transfer first. From the moment the conference ends, I will be the chairman of Comet de Frey."

Old Jim's eyelids twitched and he said, "Very good! Then I wish you a pleasant stay here!"

"It will." Li Ruobai smiled.

The beauty who had just performed Flying Card Kungfu was connected with Old Jim's assistant to handle the transfer of authority. Li Ruobai went to have lunch first, and gave old Jim time to slowly pack up his personal belongings.

Outside the headquarters building, more and more people are gathering, and the sound waves are getting higher and higher. The restaurant where Li Ruobai dined was on the third floor, and through the large French windows, he could see the crowd gathered below. Although the sound insulation effect is good, you can't hear what the crowd is saying, but it must not be a good thing.

In the next room, Jill was handing over to Old Jim's assistant. Jill was holding the bread in one hand, and constantly producing various documents for the other party to sign. Every time a document was signed, it meant a transfer of authority. Old Jim's assistant was about to cry. He had prepared a little trick, but it didn't work in front of this young and lovely girl opposite. She is like a living legal encyclopedia, and she can find regulations to deal with herself at any time.

In the restaurant, Li Ruobai ate calmly, ignoring the thousands of people demonstrating outside. After lunch, he drank coffee and afternoon tea leisurely, so it was time for dinner. By this time, all the procedures for the transfer of authority had been completed, and all the authority in Old Jim's hands had been transferred to Li Ruobai.

Then Li Ruobai got up and said, "Let's go, let's go to the new office." Then he left the restaurant with everyone.

Old Jim's office is empty at the moment, but the layout is still magnificent, with unobstructed views of mountains, rivers and waters. Sitting in the chair, Li Ruobai can see the invincible scenery of 270 degrees. He turned around first, and praised: "This old guy just knows how to enjoy it!"

Then he put his personal terminal on his desk and connected to the company's internal network.

A mysterious stream of data appeared, and immediately began to sweep the entire network of Comet de Frey through Li Ruobai's personal terminal.

Li Ruobai pretended to look at the data at first, then simply pushed the personal terminal, sighed, and said, "I know there is nothing wrong with me. Come here! Let's start the second step!"

At this moment, Chu Jungui's consciousness has followed countless information streams to the Domiller Starship Research Institute. It's a very old institute with over 20,000 employees. Domiller is the famous research institute for the owner of the Langtao-class capital ship. It was in full swing 200 years ago, and it has been earning money back then until now.

With the help of the chairman's authority, Chu Jungui successfully entered the mastermind of the research institute. This is the ultimate goal of his going around.

Of course, there will be no starship design drawings in the main brain. Those design drawings are stored in a separate main brain, and physical isolation is implemented for security. Although the Langtao class is an outdated design, after all, there are still two ships serving in the dynasty fleet, which still have inestimable value. Even with Chu Jungui's energy, he couldn't get the battleship design out of thin air. Not even a doctor can help in this matter.

Chu Jungui browsed around the intranet of the research institute. Apart from the design drawings, he had no other secrets.

The mastermind where the blueprints are located is extremely well guarded, and the security facilities are controlled by the military. If you want to get in touch with the mastermind, you must have the approval of the military, and at least you must be an actual general like Lin Xuansheng.

But Chu Jungui didn't need to contact the mastermind. As long as a request is made to the main brain, part of the starship design drawings can be read.

In fact, the Domüller Research Institute has applied the design of the Langtao class to 4 heavy cruisers and 7 light cruisers. If the design concepts are not fundamentally different, they may have to be moved to destroyers. This kind of access can only access a very small part. In addition to the design, starship maintenance will also use the design drawings, so the access authority is not high, and there are many owners.

After Chu Jungui walked around, he found that there were more than 1,700 parts that could be consulted. He tried to consult the design drawing of one part, and his body temperature immediately rose sharply. The capital ship is completely a space city, and the amount of data in even a small area cannot be processed by Chu Jungui's brain. However, according to the design drawing in hand,

As for what it can be assembled in the end, we still need to get the design drawings before we know.

Chu Jungui withdrew from the data flow, and began to discuss the second step with Li Ruobai. Now Chu Jungui directly and indirectly controls more than 65% of the shares, and almost everything can be settled with one word.

After the acquisition is completed, it is to sort out the business of Comet de Frey, separate the design and manufacturing plants, and clean up redundant personnel at the same time. Both Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai were impressed by the number of personnel in Comet de Frey.

Chu Jungui did not show up, but Li Ruobai presided over a meeting, calling all the heads of various departments and branches. Before the meeting, Li Ruobai uttered a harsh word that anyone who was more than 10 minutes late would be fired on the spot. Even if there is a good reason, they will be dismissed first and then reappointed.

After this sentence was released, the effect was quite good. There were 79 of the 110 group-level leaders, and 690 of the 760 department and branch-level directors. For a while, Li Ruobai was full of small heads.

Only then did Li Ruobai realize that he had made a mistake and shouldn't have held the meeting in the office. No matter how big Old Jim's office was, it couldn't accommodate the images of nearly a thousand people. In the end, the system automatically shrunk and simplified according to the environment, and turned into piles of floating little heads.

At this moment, tens of thousands of workers were marching outside, surrounding the headquarters building. As for the company's management, most of them appeared in front of Li Ruobai, and the rest were desperately rushing forward.

Li Ruobai glanced at the management team, showed a slightly sarcastic smile, and said, "I know that you instigated those who went on strike outside. But they are still on strike, and you are all sitting here. What's more ironic Yes, most of those who strike will be laid off, and as long as you do this well, your jobs will be secure."

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