God is Coming

Chapter 1066

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The meeting was quite efficient. It took Li Ruobai half an hour to assign tasks to nearly a thousand people present. The core of the task is one: layoffs. Specifically, it is divided into two parts. One is to lay off those group and middle-level managers who did not show up and then screen them. Those who do have a reason will be reappointed. The second is to fire all workers outside who are on strike.

Li Ruobai deliberately left a hole, that is, Comet de Frey will resume recruitment after a while. Many people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news. The headquarters of Comet de Frey is a small city, where either the employees of the company or their families live, and there are basically no outsiders. If the headquarters recruits, isn't it always these people who come and go?

Li Ruobai looked at their expressions, and dismissed the meeting without saying anything. The two little beauties, Jill and Yu Na, each led a team of elite soldiers and began to take over various departments. They are not fast, but not slow. The words have already been released, and anyone who wants to take advantage of this time to do something will spend the rest of his life in prison.

All departments are very cooperative, not only cooperative, but also very active, trying to perform well in front of the new boss. It was already late at night, but the buildings of the company headquarters were brightly lit, and almost no one was off work. The news has spread that those who participated in the strike may be fired on the spot, so these lucky people who still have jobs are all working overtime. We are all ordinary people, after the passion above, we still have to rely on this salary to support our family. The job at Comet de Frey is quite good. There is more money and less work. Once it is lost, it will be really reluctant. After all, everyone is working part-time. Work is not for salary, is it for feelings?

Moreover, the new big shareholders and the board of directors are not dealing with each other. It is a fight between the rich and the gods. Why do these little people worry about the rich?

At this time, Old Jim was looking at the brightly lit headquarters in the distance, silent. A trusted aide next to him said angrily: "A group of white-eyed wolves! We agreed to resign together, but they all ran to serve the new master!"

That look of resentment was simply gnashing of teeth.

Old Jim's face was gloomy, but he was not angry. He silently looked at the brightly lit world that once belonged to him.

At this time, the confidant pointed the finger at the assistant again, and said in a strange way: "The handover on your side is also very fast. Have you taken a fancy to the little girl? Are you so cooperative?"

The assistant's face darkened, and he pushed back unceremoniously: "Everyone has a basis for everything, and he just recited the laws! You have been the Minister of Justice for 20 years, can you recite 3 complete laws? ?”

"Stop arguing!" Old Jim interrupted the two irritably, and then sighed again.

The assistant said cautiously: "It may not necessarily be all bad things, the company's stock price is rising steadily, and it is almost approaching the high point."

The confidant snorted and said, "The stock price only went up after we left. What's there to celebrate? Isn't this a slap in the face?"

The assistant ignored him and said to Old Jim: "The positions we hold are very profitable, and the shareholders who are on our side will also be grateful to us."

Old Jim took over the personal terminal, looked at the long string of numbers carefully, and said after a while: "Forget it, I'm old too, I can't do it long ago, and it would be nice to have billions."

"It will be 10 billion soon." The assistant said.

The confidantes around stopped talking at the moment, looked at each other, and felt that this was not bad. There will also be their part in the profit, although it is not much, but if the profit exceeds 10 billion, they can also get hundreds of millions. For a migrant worker, this is wealth that he would never dare to imagine in his life.

"That's it, let's go." Old Jim withdrew his gaze.

"Boss, do you want to take a profit now?"

Old Jim hesitated for a moment and said, "Leave it alone and see."

The news of Comet de Frey's change of ownership has just spread, and the stock price has risen to such a high level. When the new owner announces the plan, it may reach a new high.

Now Li Ruobai is sitting in the new office, finally sorting out the structure and personnel composition of Comet de Frey. Comet de Frey has hundreds of large and small companies with hundreds of thousands of employees. Li Ruobai basically figured it out in just half a night, which can be described as super fast.

Finding out is only the first step. The second step is to rectify and lay off employees. This is the tough battle. Li Ruobai pulled out all the resumes of the company's middle management and began to look through them one by one. As long as this batch of middle-level people is done, the rest of the work will be left to them.

This step is much slower, and it will be dawn when all of them are finished.

Li Ruobai has a plan in mind. Basically, about 70% of the staff are redundant and need to be abolished or replaced. The same proportion of departments is also useless, the entire group has 8 supply chain business groups alone! It all came together over a long period of time, basically someone who at some point got old Jim's favor and was empowered to set up a separate department. However, as a company with a long history, the internal structure of Comet de Frey has long since been perfected. Newcomers can only find ways to get a share of the existing business. As a result, a large number of departments with overlapping functions have emerged.

It has to be said that the Langtao-class capital ship is indeed a very excellent design, so that the company can earn money for 100 years.

As soon as the sky turned bright, Li Ruobai received a message from Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui wants to set up 3 new departments, and increase the funding and level of 4 research institutes, including the Domiller Design Institute. Seeing this new plan, Li Ruobai immediately saw that it was a preparation for the construction of the starship.

In the morning, investors finally waited for the latest news about Comet De Frey, and they quickly interpreted the inner meaning of adding institutions and upgrading research institutions: Comet De Frey is going to return to the capital ship market!

All of a sudden, the market's enthusiasm for Comet de Frey was fully ignited, and the stock price also rose steadily. In the frenzied mood, almost every announcement of Comet de Frey will cause violent fluctuations in the stock price. Regardless of good news or bad news, stock prices go up.

In this way, in the next week, Comet de Frey announced more than a dozen news a day, and almost the entire company was completely transformed. Heaps of new departments were established. Amid all the dizzying maneuvers, the main thread was clear: Comet de Frey was transforming into a highly efficient company.

These changes naturally made investors happy, so the stock price also bloomed all the way. Apart from Chu Jungui, perhaps only Li Ruobai understood the purpose of doing this: easy to disassemble and easy to sell.

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