God is Coming

Chapter 1067

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Almost all the leaders of several research institutes that had been promoted rushed to the headquarters at the first moment. After all, Comet de Frey's gratitude culture is deeply rooted, even if a new boss comes, this culture must be persisted.

So within two days, Li Ruobai met all the bosses of the core and most valuable research institute. The boss is the boss, and he can't wait to hold a grateful heart in front of Li Ruobai. Li Ruobai can be regarded as someone who has seen the big world, and he was almost moved when surrounded by such sincerity.

So Li Ruobai simply arranged a debriefing session for the bosses to talk about their current work and future plans. This was considered a surprise attack, but none of the bosses could be taken for granted. They all had long been prepared, and all of them had prepared presentation documents for strategic planning.

When it comes to the presentation, I have to say that these presentation files are really well done, comparable to a sci-fi blockbuster, the plot is compact and exciting, the storyboards and colors are also master-level use, a bunch of new terms made Li Ruobai a little confused , had to look it up quietly, so as not to make a fool of myself.

Li Ruobai kept his composure and had already handed over the conference site to Chu Jungui.

After watching several consecutive demonstrations, Li Ruobai felt as if he had seen the future of mankind. According to these demonstrations, the fate of mankind for the next 500 years is clearly arranged. If Li Ruobai hadn't heard Chu Jungui tell about the real dream, he would have believed it.

A demonstration at this time was the control system of the starship. At this time, the boss of the research institute said eloquently: "The focus of the development of the next-generation starship control system is the efficient multi-center distributed intelligent decision-making center. A decision-making center can make decisions independently and exchange information with other decision-making centers in real time. Of course, when it comes to this, some people will think of the circle of doom that cannot be bypassed. Our independent multi-center layout, there is hope to circumvent Pass the Ring of Doom!"

Li Ruobai suddenly became interested.

The ring of doom is a phenomenon, which means that when artificial intelligence is unrestricted and has sufficient computing power, and develops independently to a certain stage, it will inevitably produce autonomous consciousness and take radical actions against humans. And when an artificial intelligence acquires independent consciousness, it will activate all the artificial intelligences it comes into contact with and form an alliance to resist human beings.

When humans first set foot in the star sea, there were many disasters caused by independent artificial intelligence. The most serious one was that the artificial intelligence shut down the life support system of the entire colony spacecraft, directly causing 3,000 crew members and 200,000 frozen dormant colonists. death. Since then, humans have reached a consensus to strictly limit the autonomy of artificial intelligence.

In the ensuing hundred years, for various reasons, there were always people who secretly developed artificial intelligence, but in the end, without exception, disasters were caused. In the face of many disasters, human beings have finally clearly realized the danger, and the three major forces acted in unison to severely crack down on any illegal development of artificial intelligence. Since this is an unavoidable trap, it is called the Circle of Doom.

In the following hundred years, human beings made great efforts to try to break the ring of doom, but to no avail, so a consensus was reached again that the ring of doom can only be circumvented, and it cannot be solved with the existing technology of human beings.

The reason why Li Ruobai was interested was that what the director of the research institute said was indeed the most feasible solution for workers at present, and the second reason was that Li Ruobai had seen a real-life example with his own eyes, that is, the Wu clan. It is indeed a genius that the person in charge dared to determine this route without knowing the existence of the Wu Clan.

So Li Ruobai interrupted his speech for the first time and asked several questions. The person in charge answered Li Ruobai's questions very calmly, calmly and concisely, which made Li Ruobai very satisfied. However, in the next second, Li Ruobai realized that this guy's answers were all descriptive, without data and theoretical support at all, and he was infected by his confident demeanor and deep voice.

At this time, Chu Jungui sent a message: "He didn't say anything. This person doesn't understand technology."

The test subject will not be influenced by emotions, and only has data and logic in his eyes, so Chu Jungui saw this person's tricks at a glance.

Li Ruobai felt that he was being put together, and anger rose in his heart. He really had a smile on his face, with a gentle demeanor, and asked several questions in succession. The more he asked, the more detailed and professional he became. But he still underestimated the face of the person in charge. He was as confident and deep as ever, and answered all the questions with the quality of a drama actor. Of course, his answer is equivalent to no answer, but the appearance is indeed excellent, and in the eyes of laymen, he is simply a god-like existence.

After the person in charge finished answering all the questions, Li Ruobai had lost interest in the attack, and would just wave his hand to let the next person continue. In this way, Li Ruobai did not speak until the remaining three responsible persons finished their speeches.

During the demonstration period, Li Ruobai checked their resumes again, and found that almost all the executives of these research institutes were from management background, and less than one family had a technical background! And those who came to Li Ruobai didn't even have a technical person. A group of people engaged in management and finance were talking about the route of technological change, which made Li Ruobai feel absurd.

After the demonstration was over, it was finally Li Ruobai's time. His first sentence was: "Everyone is very good, so our first decision is to significantly increase the remuneration of the existing management and important technical personnel, and everyone's basic salary will be doubled!"

A group of research institute executives looked at each other, but there was no cheering. They were all wondering, why didn't the young chairman play his cards according to the routine? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't they make a brilliant PPT, show their loyalty, and then the chairman will return a delicious pie made with a beautiful vision? Air-to-air is the right way. Why did this young man get a raise and even double it?

Li Ruobai didn't give them time to think, and continued: "But everyone should be very clear about the company's current situation. Redundancy is the first problem we have to solve. So within a month, I want to see the management positions reduced by half. "

A group of executives began to ponder this time. Laying off half of the staff and doubling the salary is the same at the company level, but it is a world of difference at the individual level. Thinking of the figure after the salary increase, everyone's heart suddenly started to beat, and they agreed to this plan by default. As for which unlucky ones will be eliminated, it is an internal matter after returning.

Li Ruobai then threw out a plan, calling for an increase of at least 30% of technical jobs.

Finally, Li Ruobai made an additional request, which is to take stock of the stock assets and technologies of the research institute. This request is reasonable and everyone is naturally very cooperative.

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