God is Coming

Chapter 1074 Winning the Bid

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The news released by Su Jian did not cause much disturbance, and most investors who had bought Light Year would automatically find reasons for Light Year. For example, a financial host said impassionedly, if you can't get the order from the dynasty, can't you go to the federation? Can't go to the community?

In this way, Light Year's stock price rose slowly but firmly, and the time soon came to the day of the bidding meeting. At this time, I don't know how many people are sitting in front of the personal terminal waiting for the result.

In his own home, old Jim came to the study early and began to wait.

The bidding will officially start at 9:00 a.m. Dynasty Standard Time. Half an hour before the start, shadowy figures appeared in the hall, and of course they were all remote images. In fact, the bidding proposal has been automatically submitted through the system at this time, and these people at the scene are taking this opportunity to communicate with each other, naturally some are friendly and some are not so friendly.

The image of Chu Jungui at this time is an ordinary middle-aged man, standing quietly in the corner, and no one comes to chat with him. In contrast, Li Ruobai stood in the center of the hall, and became the focus of the entire venue with several people.

These few people are well-known in the industry, and behind each of them stands a powerful military industrial group. Originally, the status and size of Comet de Frey was not enough to stand here, but Li Ruobai has a very high reputation and status. Since Light Year repelled the Federation, Li Ruobai, who has a close relationship with Light Year, has also become famous. . Secondly, everyone now knows that Comet de Frey is fighting behind Light Years. Although Light Years is far from being considered big in terms of market value, no one dares to underestimate it. After all, Light Years' record is too brilliant. Which war group dares to say that it can bring the Federation to the negotiating table?

In such a small scene, Li Ruobai was able to handle it with ease, talking and laughing happily. Several people were bragging to each other with professional hypocritical smiles, and suddenly there was a small commotion in the hall, people stepped aside one after another, and several people went straight to the center of the hall. The leader was a middle-aged man dressed in awe-inspiring clothes. He came straight to Li Ruobai, looked Li Ruobai up and down, and said, "I've heard of you, you are very talented. But it's better to stay away from some things and some people, so as not to affect you. your future."

Li Ruobai smiled unchanged, and said: "Since I was young, many elders have taught me this, but unfortunately I never listened to it. Oh, by the way, who are you?"

An angry look flashed across the man's face, and he said, "I have a little friendship with your elders, so I came to remind you. Since you don't want to hear it, then forget it. My surname is Xu."

"Remember it." Li Ruobai nodded, as well-behaved as a child.

Li Ruobai's slightly exaggerated expression immediately angered the people behind the man. A young man sneered and said, "I heard that you also want to bid for the capital ship? Do you think you want to make toys? Or are you planning to repackage the old antiques from 100 years ago to fool people?" ? Tell you, the bidding plan is automatically judged by the mastermind, and your little relationship is useless here!"

The middle-aged man said: "Okay, just stop talking."

The young man immediately shut up, but when passing in front of Li Ruobai, he lowered his voice and said, "Coincidentally, we just finished the new design, let's take a look at the results later!"

Although the young man said that his voice was not loud, but everyone was using remote images, and they could amplify the audio images if they wanted, so in fact, everyone heard what he said, which immediately caused a small commotion.

The Xu family is a giant in the military industry of the dynasty, and two of the ten largest military industrial groups belong to the Xu family. The Xu family has been making efforts in the field of starships in recent years. In this battle of the vertical line, the capital ship War Frenzy of the dynasty did not perform well, and it was at a disadvantage in the duel with the sword of the morning light, which was even weaker on paper, and thus attracted a lot of criticism. The Xu family came with the design of the new capital ship this time, and it was clear that they wanted to replace the frenzy of war and grab the military's order for the next generation of capital ships.

There are a total of seven capital ship bids this time, all of which are veteran military-industrial groups of the dynasty. However, there are also many types of capital ships, and there are also some capital ship-class base ships and so on. The people around Li Ruobai basically bid for capital ships and starships of the same level.

At this time, the bidding had ended, and the mastermind was evaluating the proposals of various companies. As the announcement time approached, the hall gradually became quiet, and people stopped talking and stared at the big screen in the center.

There are many screens in the hall, corresponding to different levels of military product bidding. Of course, this information will also be transmitted directly to people's personal terminals synchronously, but many people still look at the screen subconsciously.

At 10 o'clock, data began to scroll on each screen. By convention, small projects are announced first, followed by key projects. Each project will be announced according to the ranking of finalists, from low to high. The ranking is based on the overall score. This scoring standard is public, so there is no possibility of black boxes and subjective impressions.

As the projects were announced one by one, the hall began to be noisy, some cheered, and more lamented. However, the main brain is stern and selfless, and gets as many points as it deserves, and will never be lenient. In fact, each company has the same system. Before submitting the proposal, they generally know how many points they can get. The main reason is that they don't know how many points their competitors will get.

About half an hour later, all the results of the small projects came out, so people turned their attention to the big screen in the center, waiting for the final and most important result of the capital ship bidding.

This time, there was no result at the scheduled time, and it caused a commotion, which is not common.

After a full three minutes of the scheduled time passed, the results began to appear on the big screen.

The first one to appear was Yunding Technology, and the winning bid was a capital ship-class base ship. As soon as the result came out, several people immediately cheered. But people quickly quieted down, and the next thing that was announced was the plan for the new battleship.

Immediately afterwards, the Starfall Group appeared, and the winning bid was indeed a capital ship! The Star Waterfall Group is one of the two major military industry giants of the Xu family, specializing in starship manufacturing. When this result came out, there was a sudden commotion, which meant that another top player appeared in the field of starship manufacturing!

Agents of many established starship manufacturers had gloomy faces and kept sending messages to the headquarters. Some people also began to use various resources to try to understand the details of Starfall's new plan.

During the turmoil, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Why are there still?!"

All eyes were cast on the big screen in an instant, and the logo of Comet de Frey rolled out on the screen.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and then there was a bang, and exclamations came and went one after another. This time, two battleship proposals won the bid at the same time, and the one with the highest evaluation score was not Starfall, but the little-known Comet de Frey!

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