God is Coming

Chapter 1075 Huge Upgrading Potential

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De Frey's comet winning the bid itself is already very surprising, and what is even more surprising is that it also overwhelmed the Xu family!

The Xu family's ambition this time is clear, it is to grab a big order for the next generation of battleships. If this order is won, the Xu family will establish an unshakable advantage in the field of military industry. In fact, it is impossible to keep the bidding for capital ships a secret, and the manufacturer of the war frenzy will not sit still and quietly propose an improvement plan. It's a pity that the Xu family came prepared, even if the manufacturer put forward a targeted improvement plan, it still couldn't stop the Xu family's plan from passing. This shows that the improved war frenzy cannot be compared with the new generation of battleships.

It's not the most surprising thing that the Xu family won the new capital ship. Comet De Frey, or Light Year, is the biggest dark horse!

Moreover, it is very rare to win two new proposals at one time, which means that the two proposals are very competitive and follow different routes. If it is a similar technical route, the mastermind will only choose one.

People have not yet recovered from the shock, and the news has spread throughout the capital market.

Old Jim's hand holding the teacup was frozen in the air, and his whole body was like a sculpture. He read the short message over and over several times, and still couldn't believe it was true.

The door of the study was suddenly knocked open, and the assistant rushed in stumbled, out of breath, and said, "Boss! Stock... stock price!"

"What are you panicking!" Old Jim reprimanded, and then opened the page of Comet de Frey. The moment the page opened, his hand suddenly froze, and then trembled slightly.

The stock price of Comet de Frey has doubled, and the upward momentum is extremely fierce. Facing the sudden increase in billions of wealth, even old Jim can hardly keep calm.

He took a deep breath and said slowly, "Maybe it's not a bad thing to hand over Comet de Frey to them."

While watching Old Jim's face, the assistant said cautiously: "Boss, you have worked very hard in the past few years. It seems good to be able to make some money quietly now."

Old Jim smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "It's not a little money."

"That is, that is."

At this moment in the bidding hall, the image of Chu Jungui quietly disappeared. Li Ruobai still stayed in the center of the field, as if he had become the focus of the audience. He naturally handled this kind of situation with ease, took care of everyone, and talked eloquently, but in fact he didn't say anything.

Chu Jungui withdrew from the virtual hall, and on the screen next to him, Comet De Frey and Light Year were rushing forward. Chu Jungui waited for a while, and finally received the military's assessment report.

At the same time, the report was also sent to Starfall's headquarters. The conference room was already full of old men with extraordinary manners. At this moment, all the high-level executives of the Star Waterfall Group have been present. Although they have won what may be the most important military order in the history of the group,

Everyone said nothing, watching the assessment report silently.

With the ability of the Xu family, they couldn't get the specific design drawings, but they could still get the evaluation report. Besides, the conclusions of this report will be made public after a period of time, and only the part involving confidential data will be kept secret.

The report gives a very detailed evaluation of the new proposals submitted by each company, with tens of thousands of scoring items added up. The weight of each item is different, and it can be roughly attributed to four major aspects: attack, defense, reliability, and cost. The evaluation is based on the Dynasty's active battleship War Tide as the standard, and the standard score for each major item is 10 points. Achieving ten points means that the performance is equivalent to War Tide.

The final evaluation score of the new capital ship submitted by Starfall is 11 for attack, 11 for defense, 10 for reliability, and 9 for cost. The mastermind’s comment is at the cost of a limited cost increase, in exchange for a comprehensive upgrade of offense and defense, effectively improving the starship’s total combat power and unit cost combat power, which has obvious advantages compared to the current war frenzy, so the mastermind thinks it can As an alternative for a new generation of battleships.

This result was as expected. The Xu family mobilized almost the entire family's strength for the new plan, and it was only then that they came up with this outstanding design, which beat out many competitors to win the bid.

But everyone is concerned about Comet De Frey at the moment, and wants to know how this long-deceased starship merchant managed to become a blockbuster.

Opening the evaluation report of Comet de Frey, someone immediately laughed. In the program evaluation, the overall rating of the attack column is impressively 6!

In other words, the attack power of this new starship is only 60% of the war frenzy! Where is this capital ship? ?

However, the hall fell silent immediately, and everyone continued to read. The next big thing is defense, and that's where the Comet de Vrey scored a 9. This score is not bad, but it is also compared with the previous one. It can't even compare to the war frenzy in active service, so what can replace it?

The third reliability is not so good, also 9 points. And in the eyes of experts, this score of 9 is very watery. Because in the design of many key structures, Comet de Frey is extremely conservative, and uses a large number of reinforced components to ensure strength and toughness. For example, the diameter of a pillar of war frenzy is 10 centimeters, but it becomes 15 centimeters when it comes to Comet de Frey.

The first three items did not meet the standards. It can be said that Comet de Frey submitted a version that lags behind the frenzy of war in terms of performance. The final score of such a starship can beat the Xu family, and there is only one reason left, the cost.

At this time, the score of the major cost item jumped into everyone's eyes: 27!

The final evaluation of the Light Year Plan is 6 for attack, 9 for defense, 9 for reliability, and the cost is 27!

The conversion between scores is not strictly linear, but it can be understood that the cost of building a war frenzy can build two and a half new starships of Defrey's Comet! And the total combat power of the two semi-new starships far surpassed War Frenzy, and also surpassed the Xu family's next-generation battleship.

The system's evaluation of this plan is: the overall combat power is mediocre, but the cost advantage is extremely prominent, and it has unparalleled advantages in building a large fleet. In addition, this type of ship has great potential for upgrading and can be used as a capital ship in the future.

Such an evaluation caused the entire conference hall to be silent for a while. After a long time, someone said: "The upgrade potential is huge, and this evaluation is rare. Does anyone know the reason?"

An old man said: "Unless you can get a specific design drawing, it may be difficult to analyze the reason. I am curious, what is the cost?"

Someone snorted and said: "This cost is obviously impossible! They just artificially lower the cost to grab orders, and sell one at a loss."

Another person sneered: "Let me see, at this price, a ship will lose tens of billions. If the military purchases in large quantities, how much can they lose?"

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