God is Coming

Chapter 1076

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The same report has long been in Chu Jungui's hands. Chu Jungui was not surprised by the system's evaluation. The final version of the design drawing has a combat power of close to 300,000, but the main gun is not Light Year's own Alpha cannon, but the heavy particle cannon that Dynasty can purchase.

The main artillery system that can be purchased is naturally not that advanced. The military naturally has the most advanced particle cannon. Once replaced, the combat power can soar. The same goes for the energy and propulsion systems, which are also quite backward, but the military has more advanced versions that can be completely replaced. After the main gun and power system are updated, the combat power of the starship will be greatly improved, and of course the cost will also rise sharply.

After the evaluation report came out, it officially entered the second round. In this round, the military raises the demand, and the manufacturer improves the design according to the demand. The second round will be repeated many times until the design optimization is completed and the drawings are locked, and then the third round of construction will be officially entered.

During the period of modifying the design, it was just enough for Light Year to build an orbital berth.

Chu Jungui readjusted the focus of production on planet 4, so the spy planes lurking around planet 4 suddenly saw an amazing scene. Hundreds of large transport ships broke through the storm clouds at the same time, transporting hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo at one time. material thrown into orbit.

The transport ships were followed by a dozen large engineering ships that approached the orbital station under construction before releasing thousands of smaller workships. These workboats are generally operated by one or two engineers to grab the materials floating on the track and install them on the orbital station.

The number of engineers in this wave is quite astonishing, but most of the engineering ships actually returned to the planet, sending thousands of working ships into orbit an hour later, and so on and on. After 24 hours, there were already 100,000 ships. Workships are flying around the base, like a super-large bee colony.

This scene stunned all the observers. All the information indicated that Light Year's personnel were mainly captives from the Federation, and most of the captives had been released in accordance with the armistice agreement, leaving around 100,000 people. Although the number of scientists and engineers in the elite corps is higher than that of the ordinary corps, it will not exceed 10%. According to this ratio, the number of working ships that can be released will not exceed ten thousand at most, but now it is more than ten times more!

Where do so many engineers come from in light years?

No matter where these engineers come from, it is now certain that the construction progress of both the orbital shipyard and the starship has far exceeded expectations. The orbital dock originally estimated by all parties will take at least three years to be completed, which is the most optimistic estimate. However, according to the current number of working ships, as long as the supplies are available, the project may be completed in less than two months.

So are the supplies available?

The eyes of countless intelligence departments instantly fell on the logistics. All the transport ships passing through the N77 star field in the past few months were included in the investigation, and finally came to the conclusion: the materials sent to planet 4 from the outside were pitifully small, and the largest The materials are also the materials left by the Federation on the surface of the planet. Judging from the results of this investigation, the materials imported from outside are far from enough, not even a fraction.

Just when the heads of countless intelligence agencies were relieved, the transport ship that had returned to the planet rushed out of the storm clouds again, sending hundreds of thousands of tons of materials into orbit again. In this way, hundreds of thousands of tons of materials are sent into orbit every ten hours, and there is no sign of stopping.

At this time on planet 4, dozens of energy stations are already working at full capacity, and thousands of new-generation smelting furnaces have completely replaced the old furnaces, constantly turning the most basic rock and soil on the planet into various Sample raw materials are then sent to building-sized manufacturing machines to be turned into various components.

According to the alloy formula provided by Dr. Xiao, hundreds of dedicated smelting furnaces have been built, and the hourly output has exceeded 1,000 tons, and it is still increasing at an exponential rate. When the dock is completed, tens of millions of tons of high-grade alloys will be available. The external price of this alloy is 100,000 a ton, but it is 800 in Light Year's internal ledger, including Brother Dao's salary.

When Chu Jungui was fighting in the real dream, the light year that got rid of the flames of war finally ushered in a big explosion of production capacity. Just hundreds of large transport ships that can go back and forth to orbit many times have been built, and the number of starships is also quietly. The ground has reached double digits, and the first heavy cruiser has also been secretly started.

The biggest constraint now is computing power. Biochips are still too far behind. In order to completely solve the problem of computing power, Wise Man and Brother Dao proposed a crazy plan, which is to use 10 billion biochips to build a super brain. After the main brain is completed, it will be a giant with a diameter of more than a kilometer. Later, this plan was abandoned because it could not design a supporting structure.

Although it has only been a few months, the current No. 4 planet is no longer what it used to be, and the production capacity has almost become an astronomical figure, which is far beyond anyone's assessment. And for one reason or another, Chu Jungui's opponents are giving him more time.

The orbital dock is being built at an unimaginable speed, and every moment is a strong support for the stock price. Therefore, although the stock price of Comet de Frey has risen by 200%, it is still climbing slowly and firmly. At this time, Chu Jungui issued an order, and a few minutes later, dozens of accounts began to throw out Comet de Frey, and many large transactions were completed at the same time. In just one hour, the trading volume of Comet de Frey exceeded 100 million shares.

At the same time, Li Ruobai also ended the negotiation and began to sign the agreement. In these dozens of agreements, a large number of marginal assets of the company were split and sold. In a blink of an eye, Comet de Frey completed a 10% slimming down, and more negotiations are still in progress.

After many years of operation, Comet de Frey still has a lot of high-quality assets, but there are too many redundant staff. These assets can be easily sold together with some ordinary assets. Li Ruobai didn't bite too hard on the price, but only asked for a high proportion of cash payment.

When the news that Comet de Frey began to sell assets came out, most of the interpretations in the market turned out to be to optimize the structure and improve efficiency. This made Li Ruobai quite speechless. However, no matter how blindly optimistic they were, they could not withstand the malice from the major shareholders. The test body quickly increased the intensity of selling, and after a large amount of transactions, the rebound was strongly suppressed.

The change of Comet de Frey quickly attracted the attention of the market, but the mainstream voice is still optimistic. However, Chu Jungui's sell-off became more and more intense. When the stock price fell by more than 30% from the high point, investors finally realized that something was wrong. At this time, there are still three full days before Comet de Frey discloses the node of the shareholder structure.

Investors spent the last three days in tension and anxiety. All kinds of news are overwhelming, many of which are contradictory, making people at a loss.

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