God is Coming

Chapter 1077: The Curtain Comes to an End

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In Comet de Frey's office, Li Ruobai opened a top-secret document, which was a top-secret plan about the company's future plans. Now the plan has completed the second step, which is to package and sell multiple redundant departments in exchange for a large amount of cash and technology patents. The third step of the plan has been launched, which is to integrate multiple valuable research institutes and sell them to Light Years as an independent entity; so far, Comet de Frey will be completely split up and sold, leaving only functional departments within the company And a large amount of current assets, at the same time Chu Jungui will sell all the shares in his hand, making De Frey Comet a company without actual controllers.

All steps will be completed before the next shareholder meeting, at which point Comet de Vrye will complete its mission.

Li Ruobai opened a document, and there were already more than a dozen signatures on the signature column of the document. After Li Ruobai signed his name on it, the document became effective immediately, and several major research institutes will be integrated into an independent entity and resold. to independent third parties. The winning battleship will also be transferred along with these institutes.

The independent research institute will naturally be included under Light Year's banner, and Comet de Frey will become a company with only liquid assets and administrative personnel. Such a company is not attractive, and the stock price will naturally plummet, but at that time it will have nothing to do with Chu Jungui and Guangnian.

In fact, the preliminary work has already been completed. The moment Li Ruobai signed, the third part of the plan has been completed. Li Ruobai hesitated for a moment, looked at the stock price of Comet De Frey, which was still hovering at a high level, reached out and tapped the screen lightly, and sent the preset order.

A few seconds later, the market reacted, and a lot of selling orders for Comet de Frey kept pouring in, quickly pushing down the stock price, which was almost cut in half compared to the highest point. Half an hour after the order was issued, De Frey Comet automatically announced the shareholder structure at the time. Investors were shocked to find that the number of shares held by those institutions that jointly drove away Old Jim at the extraordinary general meeting had dropped from 61% to 12%!

This was a bolt from the blue, and investors immediately panicked, and the stock price began to plummet, falling below the net assets all the way, and continued to fall, almost bottomless.

Li Ruobai looked at a secret document, which showed that the de Frey comet held by several accounts had hardly moved at all, and was completely short at present, and the system had been continuously sending out warnings to close positions. These accounts are the holding accounts of old Jim and others. They finally did not escape the final catastrophe. The profits of tens of billions of dollars turned into clouds in one fell swoop, and they lost all their money.

The number of positions displayed on Li Ruobai's personal terminal is also rapidly decreasing. With the emptying of the last position, it means that all the actions on Comet de Frey are over. At this time, the stock price of Comet de Frey has fallen below 2 yuan, and it has fallen 95% from the high point.

Li Ruobai put away his personal terminal, put a letter of resignation on the table, and walked out of the office. All the teams he brought outside the office were already waiting, and followed Li Ruobai out of the gate of the office building. Many employees along the way were puzzled, not understanding what happened.

A moment later, a team of speeding cars soared into the sky and headed straight for Xinggang. At this time, Li Ruobai's resignation letter left in the system was automatically sent and announced automatically.

The operation of comet de Frey has come to an end. The initial plan given by the major investment banks is actually to transfer the cash from the sale of assets to the research institute, and then transfer it to Light Year through the research institute. In that case, Comet de Frey will be wiped out. However, this plan was finally rejected by Chu Jun, and all proceeds from the sale of assets were kept in the company. In this way, at least the company still has a large amount of net assets on its books, and there is still the possibility of a comeback.

After Comet de Frey fell, Light Year's stock price did start a new round of climb. Investors now believe that the order of the dynasty's battleship has fallen into the hands of Light Year, and enthusiasm is once again high, and Light Year's stock price goes straight to the 300 mark.

In this series of magnificent ups and downs, a small account appeared and collapsed like a bubble. It originally shorted Comet de Frey, but the accidental winning of the bid for the capital ship caused the stock price of Comet De Frey to rise several times, and the account was instantly liquidated and bankrupt. But if it can last until now, it will turn into dozens of times the profit. It's a pity that there is no if in the world. This small account of less than 100 million disappeared like this. People don't even know that it ever appeared.

In the Tianyu galaxy, Li Youran was sitting under a big tree, browsing the interstellar events, when he suddenly received a message reminder. He opened it, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in surprise, "Repaid the money? So fast?"

The information shows that Chu Jungui has repaid all the loans and attached a batch of stocks of unknown companies. According to the instructions, these companies will be the entities responsible for the Dynasty starship orders, and Chu Jungui handed over a total of 5% of the shares to the Tianyu Li family in accordance with the agreement.

Li Youran glanced at the reports of these companies, and there was basically nothing there. No income, no assets, no personnel. However, since Chu Jungui said that he would use these companies as starship manufacturers, he should not break his promise.

It's just unexpected that Li Youran never thought that the whole operation from acquiring De Frey's comet to winning the military order would be so fast, and it would be completed in just over a month.

Li Youran was silent for a moment, then connected to the assistant, and said, "Write me a report on the recent acquisition of Comet de Frey, the more detailed the better."

He was suddenly agitated, and came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, quietly watching the scenery outside. After a long time, he opened a secret channel and asked, "Where is Xinyi now?"

"Miss is currently working with Dr. Xiao's team in the Tianmen galaxy. It is said that she is going to study a brand new alloy."

Li Youran became even more irritable: "I know research, research! Research can be useful! Where is that Chu Jun?"

"……have no idea."

Li Youran snorted: "Find him for me! Also, tell Xinyi not to leave Chu Jun 100 meters away."

The person on the other side of the channel was obviously a little surprised, but still answered yes, and went to perform the task.

A secret orbital base of the Federation, Crassus walked into his office, habitually opened the light-year interface to take a look, and then his pupils suddenly shrank. He calmed down his emotions well and started to deal with work. Suddenly an application fell into his field of vision. This application was very strange. It was an export application of a group of medium-performance masterminds, and the destination was a small republic on the edge of the community.

There is nothing wrong with the application itself. The relationship between the federation and the community is good, and this small republic has always been inclined to the federation, and even proposed to join the federation. The mastermind with medium performance is not the most sensitive military material, and export approval is often a process. The problem is that under normal circumstances, this kind of thing does not require Krasu's approval at all, and this export was initiated by a subsidiary of the Winton family.

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