God is Coming

Chapter 1078 Get up and work

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Crassus stared at the application for a long time, wanting to open the process to see who initiated the application, but just when his finger was about to touch the screen, he took it back.

Crassus opened the military star map, looked at the destination of the export supplies, then looked at the distance from N77, and fell silent. A moment later, Crassus issued an order to transfer a fleet close to the border patrol on the route to another galaxy to track down the star robbers. So there will be a short vacuum on this route. After giving this order, he approved the application: agree.

At this moment, Chu Jungui is sitting on the private starship, slowly leaving the star port. At this time, a message came from a secret communication channel. There was no one around, so Chu Jungui didn't bother to look at his personal terminal anymore, and opened the message directly in his consciousness, and received a route map. The detailed time and route are marked on it, and the cargo information shows that the transportation is a medium-sized mastermind, with a quantity of 2,000 units.

At the end of the message, the little princess flashes up, makes a face at him, and disappears.

Seeing the naughty look of the little princess, Chu Jungui smiled. However, the image of the little princess was only played once and then destroyed by itself, leaving only the route information.

Chu Jungui looked at the route map again and searched for information on the caravan. This export contract is a bit weird, its transportation and insurance costs are quite low, and the corresponding coverage is much less. Basically, the coverage is not covered when it reaches the border area, and the responsibility falls to the buyer. In reality, there is nothing wrong with doing this, because there are federal guard fleets stationed in the border star area, and there are very few star robbers. After crossing the border, the fleet of the community will take over the defense. Some small countries in the frontier star field of the community have strong military strength but little money, and this is often the choice.

These masterminds are all produced by enterprises under the Winton family. If any accident occurs within the insurance coverage, the Winton family will be responsible. If any accident occurs outside the insurance coverage, the responsibility will belong to the buyer, that is, the small country of the Community will bear the responsibility.

Although these masterminds are not very advanced, they are in considerable numbers, and together they are barely worth half of a super mastermind. It is very important for light years where high-end computing power is seriously lacking.

Chu Jungui stared at the star map, and quickly analyzed the feasibility of intercepting these cargo ships in his mind. The strength of the caravan escort fleet is very average, with only one frigate. Under normal circumstances, there is no need for escort troops. After all, there are few star thieves in the Federation, and the star thieves who dared to attack the caravan have been almost wiped out. The escort fleet is symbolic.

So the tricky thing is the federal border guard fleet. This kind of fleet is small in scale, weak in firepower but good in mobility, and can respond in a short time to the scene of the accident.

Chu Jungui frowned slightly as he looked at the configuration of the border guard fleet. If he wanted to take down this fleet quickly, he would probably have to mobilize more than half of Light Year's existing fleet. With a fleet of this size, it would be difficult to pass through the federation without being discovered. Moreover, annihilating the Federation's border guard fleet is tantamount to declaring war, so how to deal with the aftermath is the problem.

Chu Jungui pondered for a while, and quickly searched out several secret information channels. As someone who can bring the Federation to the negotiating table, Light Year has many additional gains. Countless intelligence channels have come to their door to cooperate, including many top institutions. These intelligence brokers are inextricably linked with the intelligence departments of the three major forces, so the current configuration of light-year intelligence channels is already quite luxurious.

Chu Jungui selected two federal intelligence channels to inquire about the whereabouts of the frontier guard fleet. Half an hour later, the two channels had feedback one after another. Unexpectedly, this fleet was suddenly transferred to another galaxy a few light-years away to track down the star thief. This kind of task cannot be completed in ten days and half a month.

Suddenly, there was a small vacuum on the frontier of the Federation.

Chu Jungui immediately sent a message to Sino, and at the same time, Light Year's fleet on planet 4 was launched and assembled in outer orbit. A group of working ships that were busy at the orbital base were sprayed with the logo of the Louis Family Fleet on these light-year starships, and at the same time, the identifiers were also replaced with the identity of the Louis Family Fleet. Back then, as soon as Sino became the commander of the Louis family's fleet, he immediately took advantage of his position to make a batch of identification codes and secretly sent them to Chu Jungui. This batch of identification codes has never been used, and it just happened to be used at this time.

Tens of light-years away, Sino was playing cards with a group of subordinates, and was about to kill three parties, when he suddenly received a message. Hino was startled, then threw the cards and shouted, "Stop playing, get up and work!"

This group of disheveled subordinates immediately jumped up and rushed to their respective posts. In just a moment, the Louis Family Fleet consisting of six starships started to move towards the jumping point, and the speed of action was no more than that of the Federation Ace Fleet.

Half an hour later, the Louis family fleet jumped out of a remote star field, and then waited quietly. It didn't take long for the jumping point to glow again, and 5 starships jumped out of the jumping point. After completing the jump, a large number of shuttles flew out from four of the starships, and all of them converged on a frigate. Then the frigate turned and flew away, leaving four empty ships in place.

Sino waited for the frigate to leave, then led the fleet to approach, and began to receive the batch of starships according to the preset plan. The four new starships are all destroyers. Although the workmanship is rough and the technology is backward, they all have a common design and are easy to operate. The receivers are also veterans and technical experts. They have fully mastered the operation of the new starship in half a day. As a result, the family's fleet, which had grown in strength, began to turn around and fly to the frontier star field.

Upon arriving at the destination, Sino immediately ordered the starship to be painted with the flag of the Principality of Gemu, and the identification code was also changed to the Principality of Gemu. Gemu is another small country in the Community, not far from here. In a hurry, the preparations were naturally a bit rough, but Sino didn't care so much, he didn't even bother to change the hull painting, so he just painted a sign and hurried to the scheduled location. Sure enough, after a short wait, Sino saw two cargo ships and a frigate jump out of the void.

Sino only fired two symbolic shots, and the frigate turned around and fled, leaving the two cargo ships that could not escape to fend for themselves. Sino was also very straightforward, launching the crew of the cargo ship into space in the rescue capsule, then snatching the cargo box, blowing up the cargo ship and then leading the team to leave. The whole process was straightforward and not messy at all.

After Sino had left for three full days, the rescue ship of the Federation arrived late, and then the escort fleet of the Community also arrived. All they can do is recover the rescue capsule. As for the Federal Frontier Fleet, it is currently chasing and beating a pitifully small star thief, and it will not return for a while.

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