God is Coming

Chapter 1079 Good News

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In a remote star field, Sino gave an order, and the fleet released several large warehouses, which were received by an unmarked starship on the opposite side, and then the starship turned around and jumped away without any communication during the whole process.

Sino watched the starship disappear from the star map, then turned around, stretched out his hand to click on the console, and the images of 5 old people appeared in front of him. Sino put away his cynical expression, became serious, saluted respectfully, and said, "Hello, elders!"

An elder on the left waved his hand impatiently and said, "Stop doing this, my old man doesn't know you yet? Tell me the truth, did you snatch the goods from the Winton family?"

Sino smiled and said, "I don't know what Winton's is. Once the goods arrive, they belong to the community. What I robbed belonged to the community."

Several elders looked at each other without moving. Then the elder in the middle said: "The fleet funds suddenly decreased by 4.5 billion, can you explain why?"

"I've bought a boat!" Sino said as a matter of course.

Several elders were taken aback this time and looked at each other in blank dismay. The Central Elder's expression sank, and he said, "The purchase of a starship requires the approval of the Defense Committee of the Elder Council! I don't remember ever approving the budget for the purchase of a ship!"

Sino said carelessly: "Anyway, I will buy it sooner or later, so I will spend the daily expenses first."

An elder had an angry look on his face, and he held back his anger and asked, "What kind of boat did you buy?"


"How many ships?"

"4 ships."

The elder in the middle was taken aback: "Four...four ships?!"

Sino nodded: "That's 4 ships."

"How much combat power?" An elder asked immediately.

This issue is the key. The recognized first-line starship standard is 10,000 combat power and the cost is about 10 billion, and the standard for small starships will be slightly lower. Therefore, whether the starship purchase is cost-effective depends on the combat power. If Sino bought 4 old antiques, let alone 4.5 billion, even 450 million would be too much.

Sino shrugged and said, "It has been tested, the average combat power is 3700, and the highest combat power is 4100."

Now all the elders were taken aback. The combat power of these four destroyers has reached the standard of the Federation's second-line fleet. The normal purchase price must be more than 10 billion. Now Sino actually bought it for less than half of the price. Incredible.

"Is the evaluation result accurate?" An elder was still not at ease.

"This is the report from the family's evaluation center." Sino waved his hand, and the report was sent to the elders.

The report is indeed a report from the Louis family evaluation center. The evaluation center of the big family will strictly abide by the interests of the family, and the reports issued are quite reliable and there will be no problems.

The elder in the middle pondered: "So, these four destroyers are related to those goods?"

"The goods were lost, and then I just bought a few cheap starships, that's all." Sino's words are already very clear, he must have exchanged the goods for a few super cheap starships back. As for the details of the transaction, the elders didn't want to know at all. Anyway, that batch of goods now belonged to the community and had nothing to do with the Winton family or the Federation.

The elder in the middle thought for a while and said, "The fleet cannot be without operating funds. How about this, you make up an application, and I will give you another 5 billion funds."

Sino was surprised: "This... is a bit much!"

The elder said: "Not too much, not too much! We can rest assured that the funds are in your hands!"

After Sino finished his thanks with a smile on his face, the elder on the left suddenly said, "Those starships... are there any more?"

Sino understood, and said mysteriously: "I heard that there are a lot of good goods in the community. If you go to pick them up, you might be able to pick up some starships."

At this time, a small part of the huge data flow in Chu Jungui's consciousness was divided into an announcement and announced.

The content of the announcement is very simple. Lightyear disclosed some financial data for this month in advance. The core of it is one sentence: the profit generated by the sale of starships is expected to be 3 billion.

After the announcement was made, Chu Jungui's consciousness was immersed in the huge data torrent of planet 4, fine-tuning the production process bit by bit.

Not long after the announcement, Light Year's stock price suddenly boiled. Many investors are at a loss. They have been hearing from Light Year that they want to build starships. Now that the dock has not been completed, why are all the starships sold?

In any case, this is exciting news. Some people immediately posted that the light-year profit is 3 billion a month, and the annual profit of the mother star is 36 billion. The current stock price is simply the price of cabbage! While others bluntly point out errors in their calculations, don't light years grow every month? Although this accusation was sharp, the former immediately accepted it humbly.

Planet 4 is busy, and many large transport ships can send millions of tons of materials into orbit at one time. More than 100,000 working ships can easily digest all the materials sent up. Among the working ships like a swarm of bees, a super-large orbital dock is taking shape at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, many super-large fleets are jumping out of the galaxy, heading for the No. 4 planet. These cargo ships transported all kinds of shipboard equipment, all obtained by Duan Xuyan from various sources. Although there were a lot of second-hand equipment inside, it was enough to equip a capital ship.

At this time, Duan Xuyan's extraordinary energy was shown, so many equipments were arranged and delivered in a short period of time. At this time, Chu Jungui hadn't had time to pay, that is to say, the payment of tens of billions, whether it was prepayment or credit, Duan Xuyan had already paid for it.

Naturally, the arrival of a large number of equipment could not be concealed from the intelligence personnel, and soon the detailed list was on the desks of the intelligence agencies of various countries. All parties are very calm about this. After all, Light Year has already been shortlisted for the second round of Dynasty starship design with a high profile. It is highly probable to win the order of the capital ship. Light Years Open License.

However, what the intelligence personnel saw was only the appearance. Under the storm clouds, dozens of new large transport ships were almost completed. When they are completed, Light Year's orbital delivery capability will be significantly improved. Chu Jungui plans to build three large docks at one time. These docks can build heavy cruisers or start construction of two destroyers at the same time. After selling 4 obsolete destroyers to Sino, Light Year's own fleet has only 4 starships left, and a heavy cruiser is still under construction. While building a capital ship for the dynasty, Chu Jungui also planned to expand Light Year's fleet.

The good news is that Brother Dao has shown terrifying potential under the extreme pressure. There are already millions of offspring with a certain degree of independent intelligence that he has separated, but it has not affected his separation of new offspring at all, and the speed of manufacturing Faster and faster, the number is bottomless. The wise man is entrenched on the orbital station, receiving direct sunlight from the blue sun every day, and the increase in computing power is gradually accelerating.

Only Kaitian still has no news.

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