God is Coming

Chapter 1080 busy in loneliness

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Time passes day by day, the world goes on as usual, and light years go at the speed of light.

Chu Jungui's daily life is to process countless data and fine-tune the production of Planet 4. Light Year's headquarters became lively again, and the personnel department was even more busy, and everyone was so busy that they flew up. They had just been tasked with recruiting tens of thousands of new employees.

There is also a little loneliness in the busyness.

Hathaway hadn't heard from Hathaway since she sent the route map, and Lin Xi was working alone, and she didn't know what she was busy with. Li Xinyi has been stuck in Dr. Xiao's research institute, and two new alloy formulas have been researched, but there is no sign of ending the research. Li Ruobai ran up and down, maintaining the rhythm of contacting 30 military and supply chain figures every day, trying to open up supply channels for Guangnian.

Everyone is busy on their own, and more people are silently paying attention to Light Year, such as Crassus. However, he has recently begun to look at things that he would not have noticed before, such as luxury houses, such as limited edition flying cars. As for the star flow, that was something Kun considered, and it hadn't entered his field of vision yet.

Crassus was admiring a house located on a famous landscape planet when suddenly Kun's communication arrived. He pressed on, and Kun's image appeared in front of him. Kun walked up and down, looking both excited and nervous. When he saw Crassus, he said, "Help me find a way, I want to be a general!"

Crassus frowned and said, "It's not easy for you to become a general? Wouldn't it be enough to ask Bilinde to give you a promotion? Aren't you the vice chairman of that club?"

Kun shook his head: "That won't work! Bilinde's military rank is a second-level military rank, but it is better than the reserve. I want a general in the regular army!"

"With your current age and qualifications, if you want to be a general, you have to go to the battlefield! This is not a joke. Think about planet 4. If you hadn't been hiding behind, you might have become a prisoner."

Kun disapproved: "I've never been afraid on planet 4! So what if I'm a prisoner, what else can Chu Jungui do to me? He's just working for us? Besides, Hathaway is still here, she It will not be ignored.”

Crassus said: "At that time, you were not familiar with her, right? Not only unfamiliarity, but also hatred."

Kun smiled awkwardly and said, "Isn't the relationship better now?"

"You haven't said what you want an active general to do?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Kun became a little irritable, and said: "It's not for Star Stream! They said they can give me a purchase quota after 5 years, but my current social status is not enough. To have Star Stream, you must have Celebrities of prominent status and fame. As for me, it would have to be a general of the regular army."

"So troublesome? Does the general have anything to do with your buying a starship?"

"Anyway, this is their rule. Money alone is not enough. This matter is very important to me, and you have to help me find a way."

Crassus sighed, and said: "The most intense battle now is the longitudinal line, but if you go there, you will die. Wait for me, and I will see where I can open a battlefield and make some military achievements for you." Right. You should do something serious, too."

"Isn't investing serious business?"

Kun's words left Crassus speechless. He shook his head, opened the star map of the jurisdiction, looked at it for a while, and said, "There are not many places where war can be fought recently... Well, the Louis family has a mission, and we can just participate in it."

"Louis? I don't like them, but it doesn't matter. What task?"

Crassus zoomed in on the star map and said, "This is the Hanseatic Republic of the Commonwealth. Recently, their fleet has continuously broken through the border and entered our star field. The reason is that they ordered a batch of goods from the Winton family, but in The frontier star field was suddenly robbed. The Winton family believed that the goods had been delivered, so they directly withheld the payment. Lufthansa was very dissatisfied, and found out that the goods were actually robbed by the Louis family fleet, so they sent the fleet into our star field , claiming to seek justice."

Kun rubbed his chin and said, "This matter... is interesting! Where's our frontier guard fleet?"

"I ordered to transfer away." Crassus said.

Kun was very surprised, but didn't ask carefully, and said playfully: "This is really interesting!"

Crassus said: "I will bring the fleet back, and then your task is to lead this fleet and drive them out."

Kun frowned and said, "This military achievement is far from enough!"

Crassus smiled and said, "Of course it's not enough to drive away, but if it's annihilation, it's enough, more than enough."

Kun didn't answer right away, but thought about it for a while, then shook his head: "The guarding fleet is not strong enough, it's not as good as the opponent. I'm not a genius in fleet command. I can fight annihilation battle with fewer enemies and more enemies."

"Of course it's more than that. You have foreign aid, but it may cost a little money."

Kun said: "Second the fleet from Bilinde? It is possible, but I can not borrow much, and it is still not enough."

"Bilinder can borrow as much as he can, but the main foreign aid is the Louis family fleet..."

Kun was taken aback, "The one who snatched the goods?"

Crassus nodded: "Yes."

"A mere family fleet..." Kun was quite disdainful.

"They just recently took delivery of four brand new destroyers and now have a mobile strength of one light cruiser and seven destroyers nearby," Crassus said.

Kun frowned a little, and said, "This is almost enough, but if I want to fight a war of annihilation, my ability is not good enough. Senior brother, why don't you take command?"

"You don't need me, just let the kid from Louis' family direct."

"Sino? Isn't he an idiot?"

"That was in the past, but now that kid is fighting in fleet battles cunningly and ruthlessly, almost as hard as a first-line famous general."

Kun shrugged and said, "Okay, then I'll just watch him perform."

Crassus said, "There is one more possible reinforcement, but it hasn't been finalized yet, the Jolly Roger."

Kun was stunned, and asked: "Why did the pirate flag come? Didn't the Winton family already transfer all the money for the goods? They didn't suffer a loss!"

Crassus took a deep breath and said, "According to the Winton family, they were humiliated."

"Who humiliated them?"

"The Hanseatic Republic. They failed to receive the shipment."

"Didn't Louis snatch the goods?"

"Louis snatched it, but the main reason is that Lufthansa didn't protect it well."

"This...doesn't make sense?" Kun said.

Crassus shrugged: "Anyway, if the pirate flag goes to war, that's the reason."

Kun couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and asked, "Who came up with the reason for this?"


Kun was in a cold sweat this time: "It seems that we must never quarrel with her in the future."

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