God is Coming

Chapter 1095 Unkind

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On the edge of the N77 star field, a fleet with painted-off logos was driving at high speed. It didn't take long for multiple signals to appear within the fleet's detection range. The commander of the fleet sneered, and immediately ordered to speed up the pursuit, and at the same time signaled to the other party to stop the ship.

The signal was sent out, but there was no response. Obviously, the targets had all turned off the response. The commander knew this earlier, continued to accelerate, and finally entered the optical detection range after several hours of chasing.

The targets are as many as a dozen cargo ships, flying silently in formation. Seeing the menacing fleet, they hesitated for a moment, but still opened the communication channel.

"This is the 5th Mobile Squadron of the 4th Fleet. You are required to stop the ship and accept inspection!"

The captain of the cargo ship replied: "The order we received is to send the goods directly to the destination. The order is higher than the Fourth Fleet. Please don't interfere with our execution of the order."

The commander sneered and said: "My order is to check all suspicious ships, and I have the authorization to fire. If you don't stop the ship, I will open fire! Then you can go to hell and complain to me! I will count to three, and if you don't stop, I will shoot you!" Fire! Don't challenge my patience!"

There was silence in the channel for a while, and the captain of the cargo ship said helplessly: "We stop the ship and hope you are safe."

The commander sneered: "I will retire next year, what are you afraid of?"

The cargo ship began to slow down slowly, and this process would last for a full hour. The commander was not in a hurry, and led the fleet to sail in parallel. As long as the cargo ship fleet did something wrong, it would be fired and sunk immediately.

At this moment, the adjutant suddenly reported: "An unknown target appeared ahead and was approaching rapidly! It is expected to enter the optical distance in 35 minutes."

The commander frowned slightly: "Let them identify themselves."

The adjutant immediately issued a signal, and after a while, his face became a little ugly: "One part is the Light Year Legion, and the other part has no response. It is suspected to be the Star Thief or the Federation Fleet."

"Light Year?" The commander's eyebrows were frowned, and after a moment of contemplation, he ordered decisively: "Let the cargo fleet stop immediately and stop within 20 minutes, otherwise it will be regarded as treason and sunk immediately!"

There was an uproar in the communication channel, and the captains were furious. After all, emergency braking would do great damage to a huge cargo ship. However, under the threat of naval guns, they still cursed and slowed down.

At this time, the adjutant reported again: "The light-year fleet began to accelerate, and it is expected to enter the optical distance in 25 minutes, and enter the fire range in 30 minutes."

"It's not about fighting, what kind of fire range is reported!" The commander said displeased.

The adjutant opened his mouth and said, "The other party has activated fire detection, and we detected the other party's remote scanning just now."

The commander's smile froze for a while, before he sneered and said, "We also turn on the firepower radar to scan the opponent's warship!"

"But..." The adjutant hesitated.

"Execute the order!" The commander's voice was stern.

The adjutant didn't dare to persuade him any more, and obediently carried out the order.

There was a sudden silence in the public channel, and all the captains of the cargo ships shut up. They also discovered that both sides had turned on fire scanning, which was the rhythm of the fight. These cargo ships couldn't stand the wind and rain, and immediately stayed away from the battlefield obediently.

On the detectors of the Fourth Fleet, Light Year didn't slow down at all, and rushed straight over. At this time, the scanning results also came out. The Light Year Fleet had four destroyers, and there were three unidentified destroyers. The commander breathed a sigh of relief. The fleet he led was a high-speed fleet composed of 3 light cruisers and 4 destroyers, which had an advantage in strength.

At this moment, the commander couldn't care less about the cargo ship making small moves, and ordered to put up a battle formation, fully open the fire control, put on a posture of going to war, and then sent a communication request.

After the communication was connected, the commander said coldly: "Immediately reveal your identities! You have invaded the dynasty star field, get out of here immediately, otherwise..."

A peaceful voice sounded in the channel: "I am Chu Jungui."

The commander suddenly lost his voice, otherwise he wouldn't be able to continue speaking. There was also a small commotion in the fleet, and the faces of the officers who could be seen from the bridge were shocked and excited.

Although the Fourth Fleet and Chu Jungui have always been hostile, it was all decided by the upper echelons. In the minds of many officers at the grassroots level, Chu Jungui, who was self-made a few years ago, fought against the Federation for several months, annihilating hundreds of thousands of troops in one fell swoop, forcing the Federation to sign an armistice agreement, almost single-handedly giving the lost territory of the Fourth Fleet to Snatch it back. In the hearts of young people, Chu Jungui has become a legend. As for whether Light Year belongs to the dynasty, young people take it for granted that they belong.

The commander settled down, and just about to say something, Chu Jungui's voice sounded again on the channel: "These are all the goods I ordered, and no one has the right to inspect them."

Just as the commander was about to refute, he saw a light-year-old starship flickering on the bow and began to recharge!

The commander's face was shocked, he could hardly believe his eyes, and then a strong light flashed in front of his eyes, the flagship's hull shook violently, and a high-energy light beam blasted the hull!

The shield of the starship was not fully charged, and it collapsed after only a few seconds under the bombardment of the beam cannon, and several shield generators were burned. Fortunately, the light-year cannon was not fully charged, and it automatically extinguished after half of the armor was pierced.

Chu Jungui's voice followed the cannonball: "This is just a warning."

The commander's face turned green and pale, he gritted his teeth, and raised his right hand high. Upon seeing this, the adjutant rushed over and hugged his hand, shouting, "No, we can't start a war!"

"They fired first!" the commander said angrily.

The adjutant didn't bother to be euphemistic anymore, and said, "I can't beat it!"

"Obviously I have the advantage..." When the commander said this, he lacked confidence.

The adjutant lowered his voice and said, "I'm not trying to overwhelm my own prestige with other people's ambitions, but...that Chu Jungui, he fought so many battles, and he never lost when his strength was equal. The advantage counts for nothing."

The commander actually knows it well, and looking around, everyone has a look of fear. He sighed from the bottom of his heart, with resentment on his face, he said coldly: "Let's withdraw first, and someone will settle accounts with him later!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. At the corner of the bridge, a young officer breathed out quietly and said, "Fortunately, the general is not impulsive."

The elderly officer next to him snorted and said, "You came late, and you don't know the general yet. The general will retire soon, how can he fight at this time? Look at him holding his hands up for a long time, isn't he just waiting for someone to stop him? "

The young officer was stunned, and then frowned again: "But if you stop, won't you be called cowardly?"

The old officer said: "This is where the general is unkind. He has saved his reputation, and he will retire at that time. Adjutant Liao's reputation will be rotten. I'm afraid he will be in trouble for promotion in the future."

The young officer obviously didn't like the adjutant very much, and said, "Who asked him to take that position?"

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