God is Coming

Chapter 1096 Limit Form

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Watching the Fourth Fleet retreat, Chu Jungui heard a wise man's voice: "They have retreated as expected, do you want to start receiving equipment?"

Chu Jungui glanced at the cargo ship going away, and said: "Order them to return with our fleet, and the delivery location is changed to the outer orbit of the galaxy."

All the captains of the cargo ships had no objection this time, and honestly regrouped and flew to the new coordinates given by Chu Jungui. Although there are many rebellious people among them, they are not really not afraid of death. Even Chu Jungui dared to shoot at the dynasty fleet. In the hand, it is just one more jump now.

At this time, Sino's voice sounded from the three unmarked starships: "Just let them go like this? The person who can be sent to do this job must be Su Jian's confidant, or let's just kill them, the big deal is this." It's all on my head."

A soft but gloomy voice appeared on the channel: "The commander this time is an old man who is about to retire. He doesn't have the courage to fight with us, and he is worthless. Even Su Jian itself is worthless."

"Su Jian? He hasn't resigned, has he? Have you received any news?" Sino didn't know who the voice was, but being able to speak in the command channel must be of a high level.

The voice said again: "The last battle has proved that Su Jian is only an office general, not a famous general on the battlefield. Therefore, no matter whether he leaves his post or not, his value is not great. And sooner or later the Fourth Fleet will have to change, once The Fourth Fleet has completed its rest and returned to the battlefield. How can the higher-ups safely hand over the fleet to Su Jian? How can the people below die for such incompetent people? So I say, Su Jian is worthless. , that is some ridiculous insistence of carbon-based organisms on, say, revenge."

Although he felt that the tone of this person's speech was a little strange, Sino still admitted that what he said made sense.

At this time, Chu Jun said: "Xinuo, you can go back, you will be in trouble if you stay in the dynasty's star field for a long time."

"Okay, Boss, then I'll be leaving. Call me anytime if you need something." Sino was not sloppy at all, and left with the fleet after saying hello.

After leaving the battlefield, the atmosphere in the bridge of the Fourth Fleet suddenly became a little weird. At this time, a light cruiser captain in the command channel said: "We clearly have the upper hand, why don't we fight back?"

The commander cursed inwardly, thinking why didn't you say it just now. However, he had already made a decision, and said calmly, "I am the only one responsible for the decision this time, and I will submit my application for retirement after returning. Now the ships are executing orders and returning to the base."

He had already said so, and it was difficult for others to say anything more, and the fleet quietly began to return.

The commander sat in his seat, staring blankly at the image of Light Year's fleet, and his eyes fell on a destroyer on the side. This destroyer was very quiet, with no lights and no signals, but it just gave him a creepy feeling, which was his intuition from years of battlefield experience.

At this moment, Chu Jungui gathered the cargo ship and started to return. On the way back, he silently watched a string of rapidly jumping numbers, his brows slightly frowned. This string of astonishingly long numbers is the number of somatic cells of Brother Dao, which is growing at an alarming rate at the moment, which makes the experimental subjects a little scared.

Le Mans appeared on the communication channel, his oily face was full of nervousness, and he said, "Boss, something is wrong. After entering space, Brother Dao's growth rate is too fast!"

"How fast?" Chu Jungui asked.

"It's 1100 times faster than the model predicted! At this rate, he can double in size in 24 hours!"

Chu Jungui asked: "Is there something wrong with your model?"

Seeing that Chu Jungui was so calm, Le Mans calmed down a little, and said, "It's possible that the model parameters are all set according to the data collected inside the planet. But there is one more thing."


Le Mans hesitated, and said: "This may be a little troublesome. According to previous research, the quality of life of single-cell aggregates has an upper limit, that is, the number of somatic cells is limited. Every time they evolve, they essentially pass Giving up certain aspects of ability in exchange for an increase in the upper limit of growth. Previously, the growth rate of wise men in space increased sharply, but there was still an upper limit, but this time Brother Dao has broken through the theoretical upper limit 3 times. I have been modifying the parameters, but ...If you modify it again..."

"What will happen?"

"This is the predicted limit form after modifying the parameters. Take a look." Le Mans said and sent a picture.

In the picture is a monster shaped like a whale. For comparison, a starship is placed next to it. This starship has a unique shape, a little round, and looks like a huge cigar. It is the capital ship that Light Year is researching and building. The capital ship is currently basically finalized, with a length of 2,400 meters and a maximum diameter of 500 meters. Such a huge ship like a small city is not as big as the giant whale next to it.

In simple comparison, the giant whale is more than 3,000 meters long and 600 meters in diameter. It is a giant creature that cannot exist on the planet.

This is the extreme form of Dao Ge predicted by Le Mans.

After sending the video, Le Mans added another sentence: "Boss, don't forget that Brother Dao is our captive. It has a high degree of intelligence. Even though the proportion of the brain in this form is not high, the absolute mass is also very large. That is to say, its intelligence is at least equivalent to a large master brain, or 10,000 intelligent people. It has an enmity with us, and we have no real means of restraining it."

Chu Jungui asked: "Wise man, what's your opinion?"

The wise man said: "Our evolutionary paths are different. When I complete the evolution, all I get is the knowledge of my own path. I don't know its evolutionary branch. I can only ask it for specific knowledge."

"Is there any way to bind or restrain it?"

"No." The wise man replied quickly.

Chu Jungui nodded and began to think silently. Le Mans added: "Boss, it's still too late to send it back. Although this experience of being exposed to space will increase his upper limit, it is still controllable. Even if it rebels, we can kill it backhand !"

Chu Jungui was really hesitant at this time. Without Brother Dao, the development speed of Light Years was not a little slower, but 90% slower. But Le Mans' concerns are not unfounded. The wise man is now equivalent to a super mastermind, and he has no fighting power. Once Brother Dao rebels, the wise man will probably be powerless.

"Is there nothing you can do?" Chu Jungui asked Le Mans.

"My biological and genetic means are probably useless to it."

Chu Jungui weighed it for a long time, and finally made up his mind, saying: "Continue to implement the plan, let Brother Dao grow freely."

Le Mans wiped the sweat off his face and said angrily, "I hope this guy has a conscience."

But this is very unfounded. What they did to Brother Dao in the past was not friendly at all. Brother Dao has a broad mind if he doesn't hold grudges.

The fleet quickly entered the jump, and when it jumped out again, it arrived at the N7703 galaxy.

Chu Jungui rushed to the starship construction site immediately.

At this moment, in the orbit of the planet, a huge dock has been built. There are already more than 200,000 engineering spaceships like a swarm of bees. They have a construction capacity of 1 million tons per hour, and they are still increasing at a rate of 30,000 per day. . The engineering spacecraft is divided into tens of thousands of teams, each team is commanded by a human engineer, and cooperates with several to 10 engineering ships. The engineering ships in the team are all unmanned.

And in the distance, 4 starships formed a cone, guarding Brother Dao in the center.

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