God is Coming

Chapter 1101: Cornerstone

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At the Federal Pirate Flag headquarters, Hathaway walked into the office as usual. After reading the morning battle report, she opened an unfinished letter. The letter was written to Chu Jungui, and it only had a few sentences, but it had been written for several days and hadn't been finished yet.

What I wrote above are some small things in daily life, and I talked about people and things around me, and the last paragraph was revised many times without sending it out.

Hathaway hesitated for a moment, and wrote: "Recently, the situation seems to be easing up. I remember that the fruits in the Origin Galaxy are delicious and the scenery is also very good. Thinking about it, I haven't been there for a long time..."

After writing this, she gritted her teeth and deleted it again. After thinking about it for a long time, Hathaway wrote another sentence: "Everything is fine recently, don't worry about it. Are you okay? Remember to reply when you have time."

This letter has not ended yet, the communication channel rang, and then the influence of Hathaway's assistant appeared, she asked: "The schedule for going to the origin galaxy needs to be confirmed, and it will be due later. In the last half a month It is the only direct flight to the origin galaxy, if you make a mistake, you will have to apply for a private starship."

Hathaway sighed softly and said, "Cancel it."

The assistant was taken aback, and said: "Cancel? How can that be done? The military meeting of Star Domain will be held soon, which cannot be rejected, and there will be a meeting of the family council of elders in 20 days. You need to attend. These are the two most important things. There are 1 schedule, you must attend. In addition, there are 6 important schedules, that is to say, if you miss this time, you will not be able to go anywhere in the next two months."


The assistant rolled his eyes and asked in a low voice, "You're not going to see him anymore? Then you can ask him to come over!"

"He should have something very important, so he can't get away from it." Hathaway said.

"Is there anything more important than seeing you? Isn't he afraid of losing you if he doesn't value you so much?"

Hathaway was angry and funny, and said, "This is not your business."

The assistants all muttered: "I know it even if you don't tell me, isn't it just to build a starship! It's not for the Federation."

At this moment, the reminder bell sounded suddenly, and the assistant was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Oops, today is a temporary meeting in the theater! I forgot about it!"

"It's okay, let's connect to the conference system now."

The assistant immediately got busy, and a minute later, the scenery in Hathaway's office changed, and a large and deep conference hall appeared. In the center of the hall is a large oval conference table, with a total of more than 30 people attending the meeting. Hathaway is second to the left of the chairman of the meeting, and her position is quite important.

The meeting was presided over by a silver-haired marshal, not angry and pretentious. As soon as the meeting time came, he said: "Our Worrall theater is close to the front line, including 8 star fields, and most of the galaxies in it are related to everyone here. The information I got is that Xu Bingyan is preparing for a new round of war. Offensive, but I'm not sure about the main attack direction, and I don't rule out the possibility of hitting our war zone. Everyone knows what the frontline Xingyu is like. It can be said with certainty that no one wants to see our star field become like this. So I Want to form a task force to support the front line, this meeting is mainly to discuss this matter."

The chairman's eyes swept across the audience, some were eager, some were frowning, most of them were calm.

All the people here are theater committee members, some of them serve in the army, and most of them lead semi-independent legions or family legions like Hathaway. Their attitude towards war is also very subtle. On the one hand, they never want the flames of war to reach their own territory, and on the other hand, they have concerns about leading an army to participate in the war. The fleet in the hands of many people is neither their own nor the Federation's, but the family's. If it is exhausted, the family's strength will be seriously damaged, so how the Federation compensates is the key. But everyone knows that the current federation can't offer any compensation at all. It is the theater's own business to form a fleet in the theater, and the Federation is not legally responsible.

The meeting was silent for a moment and reached a deadlock. This situation was also expected by the chairman. He turned his eyes to Hathaway and said, "The main force of the pirate flag has not been damaged for so long since the war started. Can the pirate flag be dispatched this time?"

Hathaway said calmly: "The pirate flag just participated in the battle of the N77 star field. It's a pity that he didn't win, and he is still resting."

The chairman stared at Hathaway with a sword-like gaze. Hathaway's expression remained unchanged, accepting it calmly.

The chairman frowned slightly. The Pirate Flag is the top three legions in the war zone, and the Winton family is also powerful. If they don't move, it is impossible for other families and legions to support his motion. The chairman's face sank, and he said, "How long do you need to rest?"

"We have just added a batch of new recruits and are undergoing integrated training. It is expected that they will become combat-ready in a year's time." Hathaway said.

The chairman looked at the other people and saw that they were all old gods, so he didn't say much, but said: "Since everyone is unwilling to send troops, let's solve some internal problems first. There is a company in our theater called Light Year, It looks like starships are being built for Dynasty, and I think that needs to be dealt with."

Hathaway didn't speak, but glanced at the man diagonally opposite. The man laughed and said: "I just investigated this matter, and it happened to be clear. So far, Light Year has not delivered starships to Dynasty, but sold half of the fleet to us. Well, there are four ships in total. Destroyer, the buyer is the Louis family fleet."

The chairman's heart sank slightly, and another big family was involved, which he did not expect.

The man continued: "It is said that the cost-effectiveness of those starships is quite high, so the Louis family fleet added 2 orders, a total of 12 destroyers and 2 light cruisers. Therefore, I approved all the licenses that Light Year needed. If we want to deal with them now... I have no objection, but I will tell the Louis family all the ins and outs, don't you have any objection?"

An old man next to him continued: "We all know that the light year of the Federation is just a piece of skin. Behind it is the Light Year Legion, which is the light year that defeated Crassus and forced the Federation to sign the armistice agreement."

"In that case, everyone, think about it after you go back, and the meeting is over."

The figures on the conference table dissipated one by one, and finally there were only three people left. Like the chairman, they were soldiers with no background. One of the generals said angrily: "What time is it? These guys still only care about their own interests! If the war continues like this, the Federation will end sooner or later! Without the Federation, how can we still have them?"

Another general sneered: "I'm afraid you have forgotten that these are millennium families. Their slogan is that even if the Federation is destroyed, the family will last forever. What is the purpose of the establishment of the Rose Ring?"

These are all open secrets at the upper echelons of the Federation. The ancient families that make up the Ring of Roses agree that they are the cornerstone of the Federation, and it is because of the Ring of Roses that the Federation exists.

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