God is Coming

Chapter 1102: The First Step

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The theater meeting was over, and on Hathaway's schedule was the Jolly Roger meeting, which only senior generals attended.

At the beginning of the meeting, Hathaway briefly reported the content of the interim meeting in the war zone, and explained that she would not cooperate for the time being and waited for the family elders to make a decision. Most of the generals have no objection to this. After all, more than half of the military expenditure of the Pirate Flag comes from the Winton family, and they are naturally members of the Winton family.

Hathaway was just giving a routine briefing, and then asked about the training of the recruits, and then she was about to adjourn the meeting. At this moment, a middle-aged general suddenly said: "There are so many soldiers on the front line who are going through life and death, and it's not good for us to hide behind like this? How can we say that we are the first-class elite of the Federation. We have fought for so long. It’s a big game, it’s still in the spectator mode, and even lost, it seems a bit embarrassing to say it.”

Hathaway glanced at the general, she was not very familiar with him, so she silently called up his information and looked at it. This general himself is also a member of the Winton family. He had been serving in the federal army before. In a fierce battle last year, his fleet was almost completely wiped out. He was seriously injured. The flag was resting, so the family cut him off and sent him to the Jolly Roger. Generals like this who have been killed from the battlefield are regarded as valuable assets by all parties, and Winton also attaches great importance to them.

Therefore, Hathaway was not angry, but explained: "The fleets that the theater wants to assemble this time are all affiliated to various legions. Send to death."

The general sneered: "Are you afraid of death after all?"

Hathaway said patiently: "It's not up to me to decide whether to go out or not, it has to be decided by the elders."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either. Are you, the army commander, responsible for training and eating and drinking?" The general was not polite.

No matter how good-tempered Hathaway is, she couldn't bear it now, not to mention her temper has always been bad, and her face darkened immediately, and she said: "My responsibilities are very clear. If you don't know, you can check the regulations. In addition, if you If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can complain to the Council of Elders, but before making a decision here, you must obey my order!"

With a bang, the general slapped the table heavily, and said loudly: "What the hell, you still have to obey? To be honest, I have disliked you a long time ago. If you didn't have a good father, you would be able to sit in this position? I understand you I'm afraid of death, if I had such a good background, I wouldn't want to die. But Lao Tzu's background isn't too bad, so why can't I just think about it and want to go to the battlefield?"

The general looked around for a week, and then said: "That's because my friends, brothers, and comrades-in-arms all died! They died beside me, right in front of my eyes! I lost a leg at that time, and I wanted to climb to the gun emplacement." Unfortunately, I passed out and was already in the hospital when I woke up. From then on, I swore that I would take Xu Bingyan’s head off to avenge my brothers! But it’s been a few months since I returned to the army. In addition to training or training, when will you go to the battlefield? If you dare not go, let me go, don't get in my way!"

After that, he spat heavily on the ground and said, "Woman!"

All the generals remained silent, waiting to see Hathaway's response.

Hathaway tapped the table lightly, and two guards walked into the meeting room. Hathaway calmly ordered: "Put this general in a confinement room and wait for further decisions."

The general sneered and said, "You don't need to use confinement to scare me, and don't humiliate me. Let me go back to the federal army, so we can get together and leave, how about it?"

Hathaway ignored him and said to the guard: "Follow the order!"

Two guards picked up the general and led him out of the meeting room. The remaining generals were a bit awe-inspiring, seeing Hathaway's toughness and determination, but there were also many who showed disapproval. Now is the time of war, and what the army pays attention to is to be able to fight. Generals who rely on nepotism and politics will naturally be looked down upon. After all, Hathaway is too young. She is the commander of the youngest first-line legion in the entire Federation. Under normal circumstances, this position must be an admiral, and a lieutenant general is very rare. However, Hathaway had just been promoted to major general not long ago, so it was really unreasonable to be promoted immediately to lieutenant general.

On the other hand, most of Hathaway's achievements are in the real dream, where things are highly confidential, and not many people in the entire Federation know the meaning of the real dream. But on the actual battlefield, Hathaway's record is really unreasonable. The first raid on planet 4 was annihilated, and she was taken as a prisoner and needed the rescue of her family. The second time I participated in the planetary 4 landing battle, I was paddling and dragging Morgan's hind legs throughout the whole process. Later, Crassus was defeated, and the pirate flag also lost some people. After all, Hathaway didn't have a solid record at all.

But having said that, Hathaway's background and background are strong enough. Austin even publicly said that he likes this girl very much, and Crassus and Hathaway are getting closer and closer. Hathaway's own father and grandfather are the core real power figures in the Winton family, and their internal and external relations are strong enough. There are only two or three people in the entire younger generation of Winton who can compare with her, so everyone knows very well, As long as Hathaway doesn't make a big mistake, the position of legion commander will be secure.

But it's clear in my heart that everyone still doesn't take it seriously. After all, many generals of the Pirate Flag were tempered on the battlefield, and they were neither fanatical nor afraid of war.

With the general's attack and disruption, the meeting ended hastily. Hathaway left the conference room and walked to her office. As soon as he walked to the corner of the passage, he encountered several school officers and staff members who were discussing together. The content of the discussion is also mocking Hathaway for not being able to fight, because she is greedy for life and afraid of death, and will only hide behind and dare not go to the front line.

These words happened to be heard by Hathaway and the adjutant who was following behind. The adjutant suddenly became angry, and shouted: "Are you guys free? When will the strategy of the legion need your little staff to care about it? Yourselves Go to the confinement room to report, and then submit a review one by one!"

The staff officers looked resentful and went downstairs to the confinement room.

Back at the office, Hathaway saw an urgent report, which said that demonstrations had taken place in various pirate flag bases in the galaxy, and local citizens surrounded the gate of the pirate flag base to protest their non-resistance strategy.

Hathaway sighed, knowing that the commander of the war zone had already taken action, and this was only the first step.

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