God is Coming

Chapter 1103

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Hathaway opened the unsent letter and continued to write: "I may go to the front line. I don't like the current situation, I don't like it very much, but the education I have received since childhood is that the family always comes first. , should be on the side of the family at any time. But the current situation makes me very suspicious of this, and I don't know what to do. This war has been a crisis for the entire Federation, but I have brought a An elite fleet is hiding in the rear, unable to do anything. This is not just a war for the Federation, but also a war for everyone. Dozens of galaxies have been destroyed by the Federation, and hundreds of millions of people have lost their homes. I really don’t want to just watch like this. What do you think?"

After finishing writing, Hathaway sent the letter out. She sat quietly for a while, connected to a channel, and an image of a middle-aged man appeared in front of her, with an excellent image and demeanor. He wasn't arrogant, but when he saw Hathaway, he turned gentle and asked, "You came to me suddenly, what happened?"

Hathaway lowered her head slightly and said, "Father, I...I want to go to the front line."

The middle-aged man was startled, and then said: "I've also heard about what happened today, don't take it too seriously, it's probably our opponent's trick. Remember, now that the pirate flag is in your hands, it's not only It belongs to Winton, and it belongs to us. As long as you take the position of legion commander and have Lord Austin’s support, at the next meeting of the Council of Elders, the right to be the first in line of succession will be in your pocket. The most important thing. So don't worry about what other people say, just keep training. Hmph, such a clumsy trick as a demonstration can be used, the old Sutus really has nothing new to do."


The middle-aged man raised his hand to stop Hathaway, and said: "There is no need to talk about this matter, our allies in the Presbyterian Church will veto all motions to send troops to the front line. I got the news that this time Xu Bingyan's offensive will be very crazy. First The first fleet to enter the battlefield is dead. In this case, even if the pirate flag goes up in the end, you can't go up, just stay at home honestly!"

After the reprimand, his expression turned gentle, and he said, "Don't think that the first line of succession must be yours. Even with Lord Austin's clear support, you only have an advantage. Oh, yes, I recently asked someone to check that Chu Jungui..."

Hathaway immediately became nervous: "What are you looking for?"

The man smiled and said, "For such an important person, of course I have to take a closer look. Well, the conclusions from the investigation are quite good..."

"Stop! Needless to say! I have nothing to do with him..."

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "I still don't understand your little thoughts? I don't even know how to be your father? But his identity is somewhat troublesome, and the dynasty can't drag him over."

Hathaway had a very headache: "Dad, have you been too busy recently, so many family affairs are not enough for you?"

The man smiled and said, "How can family matters be more important than my daughter?"

"I don't plan to think about personal issues for the time being, and you'd better not interfere with our affairs!"

"Haha, I understand, I understand! You get along slowly."

Hathaway couldn't take it anymore and cut off the communication.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the door, and Hathaway was very unhappy, not knowing who was making the noise outside her office. At this time, the door knocked, and a tall man with a hooked nose walked in. He first looked around at the environment in Hathaway's office, and then said: "Dear Miss Hathaway, I am Witherspoon, and we will soon become best...friends."

"I don't know you." Hathaway said coldly. She instinctively felt that Witherspoon's eyes were very annoying. It was the feeling of a hunter looking at his prey.

Witherspoon said: "It doesn't matter if we don't know each other, don't we know each other now?"

"Given the way you broke into my office, I don't think there's any need for us to get to know each other. If you don't get out, I'll have someone send you out!"

Witherspoon smiled and said, "Don't be so irritable. You see, I have the corresponding authority to come in. The authority comes from the Presbyterian Church in Winton. So I think we need to have a good talk."

"I don't want to talk, please go out!" Hathaway was already very rude.

Witherspoon didn't leave, but reached out to touch Hathaway's shoulder and said, "Your military uniform is a little dirty."

Hathaway grabbed a starship model on the desk and threw it directly at his face. Witherspoon moved extremely fast. As soon as the figure moved, he caught the model with his back hand. With a flick of his palm, the model flew towards the sea like an arrow. Sylvie stabs. Hathaway's hand suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had firmly caught the model.

Witherspoon laughed, took a step back, signaled that he was not hostile, and said: "This is just a small temptation, and the purpose is to impress you. It seems that at least I am impressed. Very successful. Then I will not bother, and soon we will become colleagues, and, even if I don't tell you, you should investigate me, just like I have investigated you."

He bowed slightly, and said, "Such a beautiful, intelligent and strong woman is my ideal partner! I'll take my leave first, and I would like to add that I only put in half of my effort just now."

Witherspoon turned to leave, and a dozen of his men followed him. Hathaway snorted, her eyes fell on the assistant at the door. The assistant looked panic-stricken, and said in a jiffy, "They all have authority, so they went directly to this floor. By the time I find out that they are looking for you, it will be too late."

"Get out and close the door."

The assistant didn't dare to speak, and closed the door obediently. Hathaway was furious when she was alone, and slammed the starship model in her hand towards the window! But at the moment when the model was about to hit the window, she held it in the air, and the model froze instantly, floating in front of the window!

Hathaway beckoned again, and the model automatically flew into her hand, and then she twisted violently, twisting the model made of alloy into a ball of scrap iron. Hathaway threw the model into the trash can casually, and sneered, "Only used half the force?"

After returning from the real dream, Hathaway also has the ability to control the force field, and at the same time her physical fitness has been greatly improved. It can be said that her breath is actually a prehistoric beast under her weak and beautiful appearance. Although Witherspoon's fighting skills are outstanding, Hathaway has entered the realm of inhumanity, and there is no comparison between the two. As long as she has a thought, she can instantly crush the opponent's throat.

But after returning from the real dream, even the closest people around him didn't know Hathaway's ability. She just showed a level of fighting skills that surpassed the previous ones. This is actually very normal. People who have been to the real dream will improve their strength more or less, but there are high and low. Witherspoon was rude, but it wasn't worth letting Hathaway reveal her secrets.

Hathaway opened her personal terminal and began to search for Witherspoon, to find out who this guy is.

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