God is Coming

Chapter 1172 Another Way

After a brief exchange with the doctor, Chu Jungui cut off the communication. The doctor is very busy, even busier now, and there is not much time for chatting. In fact, there is no need to consider the position. Chu Jungui's father is from the dynasty, and his grandfather is from the dynasty. He will naturally stand on the side of the dynasty. This is a matter of principle. On the other hand, the community did not give Chu Jun a chance to return. The fleet has come twice, and the seeds of hatred have already been planted.

Chu Jungui connected to McMillan again, and asked at the beginning: "Do you want 4 million captives?"

"No for the Federation."

"That's 3.5 million."

"You keep it."

"I don't have any food, and they will all go hungry starting tomorrow."

McMillan took a deep look at Chu Jungui and said, "You don't conform to the Star Wars convention."

"I didn't sign the treaty."

McMillan is angry and funny. The war treaty was drawn up by the three major powers and a dozen scattered countries hundreds of years ago. Light Year is now only considered a semi-independent power. The country is not even called. How can anyone sign the treaty? qualifications?

McMillan is a big shot anyway, so he didn't say the phrase "you don't deserve it".

Chu Jungui and McMillan discussed the issue of prisoners of war for a while, but there was no result. The old fox believed that Chu Jungui would not really slaughter the prisoners of war, so he did not let go. Besides, those prisoners of war do not belong to McMillan's country and cannot threaten him. Chu Jungui also knows that the community will not stop the war now.

In some insignificant small places, McMillan was willing to help Chu Jungui, but when it came to really big things, such as exchanging key equipment and technology for prisoners, he said nothing. The two wrangled for a long time, but without the slightest result, the topic turned to real dreams.

"I heard that there is a change in the real dream?" McMillan asked.

"Shouldn't this be the question I asked you? Don't you think Lightyear's research capabilities can be stronger than the entire community?"

McMillan shook his head and said: "We lack the top scientists here, just like Zero, so the progress of research has stagnated. However, I always have a feeling of heart recently, wanting to escape far away, or even leave this place. galaxy."

Chu Jungui was a little strange. If nothing else happened, McMillan should have benefited a lot from the last real dream, at least not less than himself. In other words, the current McMillan also has inhuman abilities, and it is impossible to even think about killing him without an army. However, McMillan is a big figure in the community. If he wants to use the army to kill him, it is tantamount to a war with the community. A character like this should not be suspicious. Chu Jungui himself does not feel the slightest sense of danger. In fact, he does not have such a thing as a test subject.

The two exchanged some research data, and then McMillan stated the real purpose, wanting Chu Jungui to communicate with the doctor to see the progress there. Both sides tacitly did not mention the war. Now that the trend of the war is out of their control, the community will definitely not let Chu Jungui go, and Chu Jungui may not let the community go.

After finishing the communication, Chu Jungui contacted Chen Er of the dynasty again, this time the main thing was armor, 5 million sets!

Chen Er was startled by the huge number at first, but he was finally relieved after hearing the specific requirements. Chu Jungui only needs the most basic battle armor, with auxiliary power and a life support system. The battle armor that any starship crew will be issued when they are in school is also better than Chu Jungui. Dynasty has quite a lot of inventory like this, and many of them are second-hand goods hundreds of years ago, which can be remade. In the account books of the dynasty, the value of this part of the battle armor is not much higher than the scrap, and there are not many of them, with a production date of more than 100 years, there are 3 million sets.

Chen Er reported it immediately, and it was approved half an hour later. The 5 million sets of battle armor were finally converted into 2 heavy cruisers. Chu Jungui did not hesitate, and agreed to the condition on the spot, and then the two heavy cruisers started to jump towards the dynasty.

Even if it is the basic model of 5 million sets of armor, the total price is more than 50 billion, which is much more expensive than the price of the two heavy cruisers. However, these battle armors belong to the war preparation materials for the dynasty. To put it bluntly, they are redundant inventory, and starships are the most urgently needed by the dynasty, so a considerable discount is given. In fact, Chu Jungui is not at a loss. Four of Light Year's current 10 heavy cruisers require crews to drive, and they were actually built specifically for the dynasty. Even with the Wu Clan in hand, Chu Jungui didn't think that he could defeat the two behemoths of the Federation and the Community alone, not even one of them. At this time, it is very important to give the dynasty a breath.

Switching to the battle armor, Chu Jungui exchanged a batch of rare alloys. These high-end alloys cannot be produced in light years at present. The price of the exchange is two other heavy cruisers.

Both sides of the transaction with Dynasty were very satisfied. Chen Er delivered the goods in the fastest process. After a few days, the armor and supplies would arrive in Light Year, while Light Year's 4 heavy cruisers jumped directly to the front line. will go to war. For the current dynasty, the combat power of 4 heavy cruisers is already extremely valuable. After all, the dynasty has overwhelmed almost all the reserve teams.

Chu Jungui waited for a few days. After the armor arrived, he came to the space station where the prisoners of war were held, and began to speak to the first batch of prisoners of war. These prisoners of war were all from the Republic of Harvey. They were captured during the first attack on Light Years, and it has been nearly a year since now.

Chu Jungui's voice echoed in the space station, and the first sentence was: "Do you want to go home?"

Countless faces that were originally numb lifted up and looked upwards. But there is only the ceiling and bright lights above the head, and nothing else can be seen. The captives began to whisper to each other, and in a blink of an eye the sound was booming and echoing continuously. They stayed here for too long, they ate from the top of their heads, and they could only excrete on the spot. They flushed with water once a day, and they took a shower to clean up the stains. There is no news from the outside world, no entertainment, and each person only has a piece of land just enough to lie down on. This kind of life has been going on for almost a year, and a normal person would go crazy. The reason why they are not crazy is that the air they breathe every day contains traces of anesthetic drugs, which suppress mood swings.

Now hearing the words of going home, everyone seemed to see a ray of light in the dark!

However, Chu Jungui's second sentence was: "I intend to send you back, but your president refuses to redeem them."

In the blink of an eye, angry roars erupted from the crowd who had experienced a huge psychological gap, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami!

Chu Jungui smiled slightly, which was expected. The big president implements high-handed rule in the republic and suppresses all dissidents. With the support of other members of the Community, his rule is quite strong. However, not hearing objections does not mean that there is no objection, it is just buried in the heart. Now these prisoners of war are in a desperate situation, and when they hear that they have been abandoned, their anger naturally erupts like a volcano.

Chu Jungui's third sentence was: "However, I am still going to send you back, but in another way."

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