God is Coming

Chapter 1173 Chance to Surrender

Dozens of passages were opened on the side of the prison space station, and the end of the passage led to a huge transport ship. One by one, the prisoners of war squeezed out of the crowd and walked into the passage. After passing through the channel, they registered, took an oath, recorded information, received a battle armor, and then entered the transport ship. In the transport ship, every four people were assigned to a cabin, and then a virtual image appeared in front of them, which was their commander.

Chu Jungui watched quietly, noticing that the soldiers entering the transport ship were obviously in high spirits. After all, after nearly a year of light-year-style captivity, being able to sleep in a bed, have a normal shower, and eat human food is an incomparable happiness. But these are not the decisive factors. The real reason for them to come is that they were given up.

Chu Jungui is recruiting fighters from the prisoners of war to counterattack the Harvey Republic, and he promised that the occupied star field will be owned by Light Year, and then all fighters who have participated in the war for one year will become legal citizens of Light Year.

The surrender rate of the prisoners of war was beyond Chu Jungui's expectations. As many as 70% of them were willing to join Light Years. That's 500,000 soldiers!

The battle armor that Chu Jungui brought from the dynasty was used here. The old battle armor was transported light years later and refitted, and all the lower-level permissions were received by the first-level battalion commander of the army. And the vast majority of battalion commanders are not human beings, but the humanoid wisdom offspring of Brother Dao. In this way, only 1,000 daughters are needed to initially control 500,000 troops.

In fact, most of these people are former starship crew members, and they belong to the most senior fighters. It is a pity to be used as marines. There are many fighter pilots, engineers, scientists and doctors. However, after the information registration is completed and the contract is signed with Light Year, these talents will be selected and sent to the corresponding organization.

Looking at the constantly scrolling list in his field of vision, Chu Jungui resounded the judgment of a wise man. There are so many people who are willing to join Light Year, and the one-year detention is just a trivial matter. The main reason is that they have no sense of belonging to the Harvey Republic and their anger at being abandoned.

The registration and transfer of 500,000 people was a long process. Chu Jungui did not stay here for a long time, but went to another space station, where the second batch of captives were held. These captives will be more troublesome, after all, the detention time is short, and there are not many from the Republic of Harvey. Not all countries in the community implement high-handed dictatorship like the Harvey Republic, and most of them still implement a dynastic or federal system. Therefore, light years are not very attractive to them.

All people who join Lightyear must sign a contract, and this contract is legally binding. Even if the contract can be torn up after the war is over, this behavior itself will be regarded as betrayal and surrender in many countries, and it will be severely punished in a country like the Republic of Harvey.

As Chu Jungui expected, not many of the remaining prisoners of war were willing to join, not even 100,000. But for the time being, Chu Jungui has enough manpower. When the next step is taken, more people will naturally join.

After recruiting 600,000 prisoners of war, Chu Jungui selected more than 100,000 talents of various types, and then organized the rest into 4 land armies to start basic training.

The training lasted for a week, mainly to restore their physical fitness and familiarize them with the weapon operation of Light Year and Dynasty. A week later, this troop boarded the transport ship and left the star field.

Half a month later, a news suddenly spread that Light Year attacked the Harvey Republic's Zuka galaxy, wiped out the defense fleet, and landed on the planet!

This is the first time that the core star field of the community has been hit since the battle began!

The Zuka galaxy is located on the edge of the community. It is one of the three major galaxies in the Republic of Harvey. It has a population of 700 million and is stationed by a garrison fleet headed by two heavy cruisers all year round. However, in front of a Frostwolf-class Light Year Fleet, the strength of the garrison fleet was not enough. It was a quick defeat, and surrendered when the loss was less than 10%. Gui felt lonely.

The ground defense force of the Zucca galaxy is huge, there are millions of them, and there are also millions of police and armed personnel of various intelligence agencies. However, after the landing battle began, the garrison troops simply fell upon hearing the news. Only a few troops resolutely resisted, but they were instantly wiped out under the light-year orbital firepower.

Most of Light Year's landing troops are composed of fighters from the original Harvey Republic, and within the Harvey Republic, starship crew members also belong to the privileged class with relatively high salaries. They have a very good understanding of the internal structure of the Harvey Republic. Several former fleet generals volunteered to lead the team. After entering the city, they went straight to several secret intelligence agencies, directly destroyed the guards, and controlled everyone in the agencies. Then, under the threat of gunpoint, the secret service leaders of several major intelligence agencies separately gave instructions to their own people in various places to let them put down their weapons. As a result, hundreds of thousands of secret police and special forces surrendered. The remaining police forces have no combat effectiveness, but are large in number.

The process of occupying the planet was extremely smooth, and it took only 2 days to preliminarily control all the human planets in the galaxy.

According to the predetermined plan, Chu Jungui resumed production on the controlled planets, resupplied the fleet, and began to fully occupy them at the same time. On the other hand, he led the fleet to a battle with the remaining fleet of the Harvey Republic that came to the rescue, and wiped out the rescue fleet.

The remaining fleet of Harvey Republic has a total of 5 heavy cruisers and 12 light cruisers, and the only capital ship is currently fighting against the dynasty. It stands to reason that the strength of the left-behind fleet is sufficient, but he did not expect Chu Jungui to quietly bring most of the Light Year fleet, not one but three Frostwolfs! The strength of the two sides was very different. In the end, the remaining fleet of the Republic of Harvey was wiped out, and none of them escaped.

After two fierce battles, except for the fleet of the Expeditionary Dynasty, the remaining fleet of Harvey Republic lost 80%, leaving only a few remnants. Including the fleet of the Expeditionary Dynasty, more than half of it was lost. This kind of loss cannot be made up for in a few decades.

After destroying the left-behind fleet, Mr. Chu did not stop there, and jumped directly to the capital galaxy of the Harvey Republic, where he wiped out the last guard fleet and destroyed the seven fortress space stations that the Harvey Republic was proud of.

In the orbit of the planet, Chu Jungui connected to the communication of the Lifelong President of the Republic of Harvey for the first time.

Appearing in front of Chu Jungui was a man wearing a white marshal's uniform. The military uniform was extremely gorgeous, and his chest was full of medals, some of which were particularly large. The environment around him looked a little gloomy, as if he was hiding in some kind of bunker, anyway, he just didn't match the marshal uniform. Seeing Chu Jungui, his first words were:

"I am Manla, and now I can give you a chance to surrender."

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