God is Coming

Chapter 1174 Reward

It took some time for Chu Jungui to get used to the president's way of speaking.

In order to reward Chu Jungui for admitting his mistakes in time and reining in the precipice, the President is willing to make Chu Jungui submit to his own generosity. And Chu Jungui also followed the good will and lived up to the President's good intentions. He got a large amount of shipboard equipment and military supplies, and at the same time obtained the right to use the Zuka Galaxy for 300 years.

As a small personal request, Mr. Chu returned and towed away the two outer space mobile bases. These two bases are mainly overhaul and maintenance centers for spacecraft. And Chu Jungui requested a huge amount of shipboard equipment, not to mention emptying the inventory of the Republic of Harvey, and dismantling it from the unfinished starship.

As a result, the Harvey Republic's shipbuilding industry is half disabled, and the starship cannot be repaired if it breaks down. Chu Jungui stayed in the capital galaxy for three days, and retreated before the large fleet of the community arrived, taking all the spoils of war.

Contracts for leasing the Zulkar system depend on the situation, sometimes they are worth a lot of money, and sometimes they are worth nothing. Judging from the president's past credit, the chances of being worthless are higher. This time he was attacked by Chu Jungui, and he was trapped in the capital planet and could not escape, so he had to choose to compromise. Now that the community's garrison fleet has arrived, he will naturally not recognize this agreement.

However, Chu Jungui did not have any expectations for Harvey Republic to implement the agreement. What he relied on was not the prestige of the president, but the fleet in his hand.

The community's defense fleet still has three capital ships, and its combat power on paper is 50% higher than that of Chu Jungui's fleet. However, the community's fleet is made up of four countries, and it still needs to leave a part of the defensive core star field. The strength of the mobile fleet and the light-year fleet that can be dispatched is about the same, and they dare not start a decisive battle easily.

The community dared not do anything, but Chu Jungui had no scruples. He immediately led the fleet to leave the Republic of Harvey, went deep into the community, and occupied another industrial star field. There are many shipbuilding companies in this industrial star field. During the war, orders are full, and every space dock is full of starships that have not yet been completed. Chu Jungui was not polite, and sent several special starships, released engineering ships driven by countless descendants from them, dismantled the most important main guns and engines, and then took away the parts that could not be taken away together with the dock. and wreck.

After Chu Jungui left, the President of the Harvey Republic immediately delivered a speech, publicly condemning Light Year's terrorist acts, and said that he would never cooperate with Light Year. The lease announced by Lightyear on the Zulka Starfield is completely fake, and he will immediately send the Republican Guard to retake the occupied galaxy.

The president did what he said, and immediately sent a huge marine force to the Zucca galaxy. There are as many as 20 army groups in the marine army, with a total of 2 million people, which has almost halved the defense force of the capital galaxy. Because there were not enough transport ships and landing ships, many civilian ships were even requisitioned to make up the number. The organization of this huge fleet is indeed very efficient, and it has already set off in less than three days, heading towards the Zuka Galaxy in a mighty manner.

However, not long after the landing fleet set off, Chu Jungui returned to the Republic of Harvey. The Light Year Fleet, whose strength was almost intact, directly captured the entire landing fleet, and 2 million soldiers became prisoners again.

On the day when the Light Year Fleet returned, the President made another public speech after having a secret phone call with Chu Jungui, expressing his approval of Light Year's appeal for peace and his appreciation of Chu Jungui's talent and character. After friendly negotiations between the two parties, they agreed to jointly develop the Zuka Starfield.

This time it is a public speech, facing the entire community and human society, even the face of the big president is too embarrassed to immediately repent. Chu Jungui seemed to be appeased, and instead of attacking the capital galaxy, he left the Harvey Republic with 2 million prisoners of war.

It wasn't until the Light Year Fleet left that the community's left-behind fleet arrived late. There is no doubt that the commander of the fleet was scolded by the president. However, the commander of the fleet is also a cunning old man, and he was not from the Republic of Harvey. He listened to the president's words and rested slowly. idea.

The combat power of the chasing fleet is actually about the same as light years, but the combat power is another matter. The commander of the fleet has long studied the intelligence on the defeat of the United Fleet, and he knows the combat effectiveness of the Light Year Fleet in his heart. His purpose now is very clear, that is to send Light Year out, and then wait for the expedition fleet to come back.

However, the remaining fleet did not intend to pursue it, but they did not expect the Light Year Fleet to come back again. This time the remaining fleet was blocked in the capital galaxy of the Harvey Republic, and a decisive battle was inevitable.

The battle process was just as the fleet commander expected, and everything was normal at first, and the two sides fought back and forth. However, Light Year's attack was extremely ferocious, and many starships rushed towards the remaining fleet with the attitude of dying together. When the casualties accumulated to 10%, the community's remaining fleet collapsed, and the fleet commander had to order a retreat, and then the retreat turned into a rout, and finally 60% of the starships escaped.

Chu Jungui chased them all the way, and chased for almost 10 days in one breath, until all the starships that were injured and affected their speed were killed, and then turned around and returned to the Republic of Harvey.

The President didn't expect Chu Jungui to come back again. Fortunately, he didn't make any speech this time.

After returning to the capital galaxy, Chu Jungui once again had an in-depth exchange with the President. The two sides discussed for several hours before the meeting ended.

This time Chu Jungui and Harvey Republic reached a series of cooperation agreements, covering all aspects. The most important of these is the energy and mineral agreement. The Republic of Harvey provided Lightyear with a large amount of rare ore and space jump fuel, and Lightyear was responsible for the reconstruction of the fleet of the Republic of Harvey, promising to provide the same type of starship used by the dynasty. Of course, the rebuilding of the fleet is a post-war matter, and the ore and fuel will be taken away now.

When he left the Republic of Harvey, Chu Jun returned to the fleet with another 2 million prisoners of war. He did not return these people to the President, and the President did not want them. Hundreds of thousands of landing troops remained in Zulka, keeping the planet in motion. These people are all from the original Harvey Republic. They know how to maintain the rule, and they also know that there is no way to turn back. Therefore, they are more ruthless than Chu Jungui expected, and they are constantly cleaning the Republic to stay in the galaxy. The shadows and diehards.

Chu Jungui did not return to the light year, but sent a few starships to escort the landing fleet back. He himself led the fleet and plunged into the community. Within a week, he occupied three galaxies and swept away all orbital stations and The dock, by the way, killed the few garrison fleets. However, the defeated left-behind fleet needed time to rest and retreat to the hinterland of the community, giving Chu Jun no chance for a decisive battle.

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