God is Coming

Chapter 1176 Interesting

On the beautiful green garden star, Su Jian is sitting in front of the French window of the study, reading a book facing the snow-capped mountains and the lake view outside the window. Since the defeat of the Fourth Fleet, he has experienced a series of attacks by political enemies, and he has seen all kinds of methods. Fortunately, he has accumulated deep connections on weekdays, and after losing hope of commanding the Fourth Fleet, his main political opponents lost interest in him. As long as Su Jian doesn't compete for position, there aren't many enemies. After several rounds of methods failed to bring down Su Jian, the opponents also compromised. Now Su Jian is at home, waiting for the results of the investigation. However, this kind of investigation can often be carried out for more than ten years, and finally nothing is done. So Su Jian's perception of his current situation is to retire early. This result is not good, but it is not bad.

Sitting in front of the window, Su Jian calmly read the book. Now that the dynasty is in turmoil, no one knows what the direction of the war will be. Don't look at some young generals who dance very well now, but who knows if they will die on the battlefield tomorrow. Even if they survived by luck, after the dynasty is defeated, the better they play now, the more unlucky they will be then.

Thinking of this, Su Jian's mood became even better. How could the dynasty beat the coalition forces of the Federation and the Community?

And all he needs to do is be patient and wait.

Chu Jungui's face suddenly flashed in Su Jian's mind, subconsciously short of breath, and a blue vein stretched out on his forehead. This guy, this guy... He really deserves to be damned. How dare he not go if he asked him to die? ! Dare to bite back!

Su Jian took a deep breath, calmed down his sudden heartbeat, and slowly suppressed his anger. He has already smashed a lot of things for this matter, and now most of the decorations in the study are new.

At this moment, there was a violent knock on the door!

Su Jian frowned slightly and looked back. The door of the study and the courtyard faces away from each other. It is not clear who is so rough, maybe some drunk neighbor? Anger flashed in Su Jian's eyes, and he was going to teach that neighbor a lesson after the housekeeper figured out the situation. He's just living in seclusion here, and he hasn't left his military post yet. It's no problem to take care of a few civilians with a little money.

The butler's voice came from the yard: "Who!? Can't knock on the door, are you so anxious to reincarnate?"

The butler, too, was evidently short-tempered.

At this time, there was only a bang, and the courtyard door was kicked open, and exclamations and curses were intertwined. The butler's voice suddenly rose, and then a muffled grunt turned into a scream. A few servants in the house fucked the dick and rushed out, and then there was no sound. The sound of dense footsteps rushed into the room, with short and powerful instructions interspersed. Immediately, the door of the study was knocked open, and several heavily armed soldiers rushed in, pointing their guns at Su Jian.

Su Jian put down the book slowly, and said with a serious face: "Which department do you belong to, and who sent you here? Ask your superiors to come and explain to me!"

At this time, a special police captain came in, suppressed the muzzles of several soldiers, and shouted: "Who told you to point guns at people? He is a general!"

Several soldiers put down their guns, and the captain walked up to Su Jian and said, "General Su, I'm sorry, we are also following orders."

"Whose order?"

"The Ministry of National Defense. We need you to come with us and cooperate with the investigation. This is an order."

Su Jian's face was sullen, and after receiving the order, his expression suddenly changed. What the captain handed over was an arrest warrant and a search warrant! If it is a normal assistance investigation, Su Jian is not afraid at all, after all, he has already investigated several rounds. However, the formal arrest warrant and search warrant issued this time meant that on the one hand, the other party probably already had conclusive evidence, and on the other hand, he was preparing to punish himself to death.

Su Jian was silent for a few minutes, recalled everything, then slapped the two orders back into the captain's arms, and said with a sneer, "You better have proof!"

The captain had a compensatory smile on his face, but in fact he was not smiling, and there was no smile in his eyes at all. He took Su Jian into the flying car, and quickly took off and left.

The cockpit in the flying car was closed, Su Jian couldn't see the outside scene, only the captain and a soldier sat opposite him. Su Jian didn't speak, and had nothing to say to these little people who were carrying out the mission. Su Jian closed his eyes, silently reviewing all the things he had done. Having been in the top position for a long time, Su Jian did everything without leaking, like letting Guangnian be the empress. He knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't say anything. The same goes for the rest of the matter. If Su Jian had any flaws, he would have been caught in the previous rounds of investigations. As for corruption and bribery, he would never do such a low-level thing.

It took several hours for the flying car to reach its destination, and it had crossed a quarter of the planet. Su Jian was taken into an inconspicuous building and entered the interrogation room.

Sitting in the interrogation room was a fat man with a very friendly smile on his face.

"Chen Er?" Su Jian was a little surprised.

Chen Er chuckled: "You actually recognize me."

Su Jian's heart sank slightly. He and Chen Er have never met, but Chen Er is the newly appointed assistant to the minister, and he is a very popular figure. Of course, Su Jian has read his information. Now is the war period, and everyone in the Ministry of National Defense is so busy with so many important matters. This Chen Er left so many things alone, and came here to investigate himself, obviously for another purpose. And even in normal times, there is no need for a person of Chen Er's level to investigate his own affairs. After all, the investigation is still at a stage where nothing can be found out.

However, Su Jian had weathered the storm for a long time, and said calmly: "The assistant minister personally came forward and signed the arrest warrant and search warrant. Is this necessary?"

"It's still necessary." Chen Er replied with a smile: "After all, it is still necessary to be cautious when a general uses his power for personal gain."

"Using power for personal gain? What about the evidence?"

"The evidence has just been obtained." Chen Er handed over a photo with the same smile on his face. The photo shows the wine cabinet in Su Jian's house, which is full of wine collected by Su Jian.

"What's wrong with these wines? I bought them all with my own money."

"There are a lot of top-notch wines here. Oh, I can name more than a dozen of them. The estimated value of this cabinet is 3.7 million yuan."

"So what? Can't I buy it myself?"

"Of course it's okay to buy, but it's wrong to buy at 30% off. We have contacted the merchants who serve you wine, and they admit that these wines are usually not discounted. So these discounts are your unjust enrichment. "

"Fart! Which store didn't offer discounts?!" Su Jian was furious and burst into tears.

Chen Er ignored him, and continued on his own: "The total value of the discount is 1.11 million yuan. According to the law of the dynasty, you can file a case for unjust enrichment exceeding 500,000 yuan. Therefore, you should be sentenced to 19 months in prison."

Su Jian stared at Chen Er, sat down slowly, and said with a sneer, "It's ridiculous! Let's talk about the other charges together!"

"Just this one."

"Just this one?" Su Jian was stunned, and then sneered: "Don't waste everyone's time, tell me, what is the real clue you found? Tell me so that I can give up. No evidence?"

"There is no need for anything else, just this one thing is enough. The evidence is conclusive and complete, which just meets the requirements of the fast-track procedure. If you plead guilty, then the prison sentence can be reduced to 6 months. How about it, General Su? Don't think about pleading guilty?"

Su Jian snorted, and said coldly: "There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime! According to your method of investigation, who can stand the investigation? Everyone will be sent in, right?"

Chen Er pulled the stool, came to sit in front of Su Jian, and said with a smile: "General Su has done such things before, right? Why are you still so angry?"

Su Jian was furious. He has done a lot, but before, he was the one who punished others, this time it was others who punished him, can it feel the same? Would Chen Er not understand such a simple truth?

"You are breaking the rules!"

Chen Er smiled and said: "The rules are all from the past, what kind of rules to use in the future will have to be discussed, and the rules you mentioned can't be put on the table. Let me tell you the truth. It’s true that no one can stand the investigation. If you are picky, you can always find something. But others don’t have to worry! My hand is only for you!”

Su Jian couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, he punched Chen Er in the face!

Chen Er fell on his back, and even the person and the stool flew out. The soldier in charge of the guard was shocked, rushed in and restrained the furious Su Jian, and the other two quickly helped Chen Er up.

Chen Er held his nose, blood gushed out from between his fingers, and yelled in pain, "Slow down, slow down! Oh boy, it hurts me to death! My nose...is broken!"

The people next to him hurriedly brought a lot of tissues, Chen Er covered his nose and prepared to go to the infirmary. Before going out, he glanced at Su Jian and said, "This punch will take another 6 months!"

An hour later, Chen Er finished the operation, sat up from the medical cabin, and connected to Chu Jungui's communication.

Seeing Chen Er with gauze on his nose and a swollen face like a panda, Chu Jungui was also taken aback. After hearing the whole story, Chu Jungui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "There's no need to do this, right? This punch..."

Chen Er shook his head and said, "You don't understand, after I received this punch, it will be difficult for Su Jian to turn over."

Chu Jungui said helplessly: "All right, but I didn't mean that originally."

Chen Er wanted to laugh habitually, but he accidentally touched the wound, grinning his teeth in pain, and said while taking a breath, "Don't you think this is better? Su Jian's whole body is much better, I'm just a It’s nothing more than treating him in the same way. Now is a special period, and the higher-ups want to keep you, so they will turn a blind eye. In the past, it’s not so bad to want to bring him down. Easy. Su Jian is an old fox, he is bad, but not stupid."

Chu Jungui expressed his understanding, and after comforting Chen Er a few words, he cut off the communication.

The current dynasty seems to be different. Many people like Chen Er have been promoted and reused, the internal operations have begun to operate efficiently, and new stars and generals continue to emerge on the battlefield.

Such a dynasty is interesting.

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