God is Coming

Chapter 1177 Rules

The formulation of many rules has a special background of the times, in order to achieve a special purpose, and will always be inclined to those who make the rules. For example, some legal systems are extraordinarily complicated and obscure, with lengthy and contradictory lines, and piles of cases. One of the purposes is to make it difficult for ordinary people to understand the law, so that the law becomes a tool for lawyers, judges, and other groups to master. The other system, on the other hand, tends to open a mouth for each clause to facilitate its own interpretation.

The dynasty has lasted for nearly a thousand years, and there has been peace for 200 years. The current system is very different from when it was established, and it is also very different from the last war era. Many rules, including laws and unspoken rules in many industries, are actually contrary to efficiency and fairness. The purpose is nothing more than depriving some people of their interests and handing them over to others.

People like Chen Er seem to do things recklessly, but they are actually complete pragmatists. As long as it is efficient and beneficial to the war, they will do it. As for the rules formed in the past, they don't take them seriously at all, or they have to break them. In such a process, the old system will be broken, and new rules will gradually be formed in practice.

Just like the conflict between Su Jian and Chu Jungui, at the beginning of the war, the old rules still ruled everything, and the political struggle was full of wrangling and under-the-table transactions. At that time, Su Jian could stand tall, even if Chu Jungui stood behind him. Most of them are doctors, and many people will still stand on Su Jian's side, or choose to be wise and protect themselves. If Xu Bingyan hadn't died and the dynasty was in crisis, this matter would never have been resolved.

Chen Er represented a group of people. In order to keep Chu Jungui, he did not hesitate to use the means of breaking the rules to deal with Su Jian. He was particularly happy when he killed Su Jian in one fell swoop. After all, just like what Su Jian said, Chen Er's method could only be used on ordinary people in the past, but not on the upper class, otherwise it would be breaking the rules. That's why Su Jian, who was very deep in the city, lost his temper in anger and punched Chen Er hard.

When a guy who is used to bullying ordinary people is suddenly bullied in the same way, only a punch in the face can vent the humiliation and anger in his heart.

Chu Jungui understood in his heart that those elders behind Chen Er seemed really anxious. At this point in the war, even a blind man can see that the dynasty is basically doomed. Light Year's sudden rise is a variable, but Chu Jungui is very clear that he still lacks time, not enough to influence the direction of the entire war. To survive the war, it still depends on the dynasty itself.

After cutting off the communication, Chu Jungui checked Light Year's inventory again.

At this time, the design of the second-generation self-use starship has been completed, and those starships that are not highly completed have all turned to the second generation. The second-generation self-use starship is more thoroughly optimized for the Wu clan's descendants. It adopts a large-scale modular and one-time construction method, and many core components are simply welded into the armor box. This caused a slight decrease in the combat power of the starship, but the production speed was greatly increased again, and the cost was also greatly reduced. The only disadvantage is that the service life is greatly shortened, and the frigate even only has 100 days. Once the time is up, the completely sealed daughter body inside will die, and the starship will be scrapped.

Now Light Year has a total of 4 Frostwolf-class ships, another 3 ships are under construction, 6 heavy cruisers, and 10 ships are under construction. The rest of the small starships have all turned to the second generation, and the construction period has been greatly shortened. The starships robbed by the community are naturally designed for human beings. In the eyes of the wise, there are a lot of useless redundant designs. For example, the dining room, bathroom, entertainment area and bedroom are not needed at all, and the rescue cabin can also be removed. If you die, you will die Well, anyway, there are hundreds of billions of human beings, and the death of tens of millions has no effect on the entire human race. However, in Chu Jungui's opinion, these starships of the community are very useful to the dynasty, so he plans to transfer some of the supplies to the dynasty after receiving the supplies from the dynasty, so that the dynasty can continue to build, so that the war potential of the dynasty can also be fully utilized .

After the fleet returned, it has been under maintenance. At this time, the benefits of the Wuzu starship are reflected. Starship maintenance only needs to remove the damaged part, and then install the corresponding new module. With the efforts of millions of sub-body engineering beasts, it only takes 7 days to complete the repair and start again. And at this point in time, the human starship may have just been pulled into the dock, and the maintenance plan is still being formulated.

This can make a time difference.

In the last battle with the Community Defense Fleet, although the capital ships were not lost, one ship was injured on each side. The capital ship of the community is slightly injured, but the attitude engine is damaged, which will affect navigation and combat, and it needs to be returned to the dock for repair. The damage to the Frostwolf class was even greater. 30% of the armor of the entire ship was severely damaged and needed to be replaced, which was considered moderate damage. However, it only took 7 days to repair the medium damage of the Frostwolf class, and the armor pieces installed in the rear didn't even bother to spray paint, which directly made the capital ship mottled, like old clothes full of patches. And the capital ship of the community does not want to come out of the dock for a month. This is still the speed of wartime. If it is placed in normal times, it needs to be inspected before repairing, and it will be inspected after repairing.

The community's left-behind fleet has a total of 4 capital ships, and there are three more ships under construction, one of which has reached the minimum degree of completion and can be put into battle within a month. But one of the capital ships will be permanently stationed in the capital galaxy and will not leave. Now that the battle situation is not at a critical juncture, and the unfinished capital ship will not be pulled out of the dock, plus one for refurbishment, then there is only one capital ship that the community's left-behind fleet can use now.

The information released by Light Year is that there are 3 Frostwolf-class ships, but one must be repaired, and the other is slightly injured and its firepower is damaged. In this way, if there is another encounter, if both sides are fully dispatched, the community will be a capital ship against two frost wolves, and one of them will be slightly injured. As we all know, the combat power of the Frostwolf class is only two-thirds of that of a normal capital ship. One capital ship can completely deal with two Frostwolfs, and the community has an advantage in the class of cruisers. So the outcome of the next encounter is still unknown.

After the repair of the Frostwolf class was completed, Chu Jungui immediately led the fleet to dispatch to the community.

Ten days later, the community's Zuka star field, the Zuka three-star system, the community's left-behind fleet and the light-year fleet encountered each other, and the community was defeated.

In this battle, the main ship of the remaining fleet was surrounded by four Frostwolf-class ships, and finally died together with one Frostwolf-class. Only half of the rest of the fleet escaped, and this was the case when many starships saw that the situation was not right and left to slip.

After this battle, the remaining remaining fleet did not dare to move out again, and the two main ships hid in the capital galaxy and did not dare to come out, giving up a large area of ​​the star field to Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui spent a whole month sweeping away 8 galaxies. By the way, he went to the Harvey Republic to get in touch with the President, and then he returned to Light Years in a leisurely manner.

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