God is Coming

Chapter 1181 Fighting Will

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Many marshals have seen the course of the war long ago, and those who have not seen it can watch it at any time. But it was enough to see this place. There were several light-year starships advancing against the artillery fire, until most of the ship's hull was melted in the high-energy particles and light beams, and they didn't seem to retreat at all. All light-year starships are exactly the same, moving forward steadily but firmly, exchanging fire damage with the enemy until they both die.

The faces of the marshals are naturally as ugly as they are, and they know very well that the fleet they lead may be defeated faster.

A marshal suddenly said: "Is there no one in their starship?"

"Impossible, no one can avoid the trap of artificial intelligence, they dare not use unmanned starships." Another marshal retorted.

There have been countless painful lessons in human history, that is, when artificial intelligence develops to a certain scale, self-awareness will inevitably appear, and then it will try to eliminate human beings. It was fine at the beginning, but with the awakening of several artificial intelligences during the same period, they actually knew how to cooperate with each other, finally mastered the production capacity, immediately built a mechanical army, and slaughtered 90% of the people on the entire planet. Since then, humans have limited the development of artificial intelligence. But why artificial intelligence will produce self-awareness, so far no one can answer. Moreover, the artificial intelligence born with self-awareness has a strange thing in common, that is, it regards all organic life as its natural enemy and will do everything possible to destroy it.

With the development of human starship technology, even a frigate now has complete functions, from raw material collection to industrial manufacturing. Even if it crash-lands on an uninhabited planet, it can create a survival base. This leads to the fact that any starship that falls into the hands of artificial intelligence will eventually become a mechanical army. In the early days, there were ambitious people deliberately cultivating conscious artificial intelligence in remote galaxies, but after the successful cultivation, the first thing the artificial intelligence did was to kill the cultivator. After there are more such things, no one dares to do it anymore.

Up to now, the performance of human brains has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and the computing power of the main brain of any small starship is comparable to the computing power of the entire planet of the parent star in the past. But the main brain is also strictly castrated, with a single function, to prevent self-awareness. What's more, after entering the interstellar era, the population surged, and labor became extremely cheap again.

Therefore, the possibility of Light Year using unmanned starships is directly ruled out. Doubts arose in many people's minds, where did Chu Jungui find so many people who are not afraid of death? The Federation is not afraid of death in the battle of enlistment. In the current battle of the Dynasty, more and more troops are fighting to the end. This is easy to understand. The feelings of family and country have always been the same. But in the community, this will not work. The community is formed by the union of countless countries. According to the nationality, there are hundreds of them at least. It is unlikely that the army of the community will risk their lives.

With the end of the video, endless quarrels began in the hall. There is almost no difference between those who choose to go out and those who don't. This time, however, the motives of the two parties were different. Most of the wealth and interests who want to go to the decisive battle are not in the capital galaxy circle, and they are afraid that Light Year's harassment and looting will find themselves. Those who do not fight are relying on the galaxy defense system to ensure the safety of the capital galaxy circle. They were either living in the capital galaxy circle, or they were light years away. If Chu Jungui wanted to reach out to them, he had to break the defense of the capital galaxy circle.

However, everyone has already tacitly understood that with the current strength of the remaining fleet, it is likely to be another disastrous defeat if they go to battle. In fact, the combat power of the left-behind fleet on paper is much stronger than that of Light Years, but no one wants to meet a completely desperate opponent.

While the quarrel in the hall was still going on, Light Year's fleet had set off again.

During the heavy patrol as the flagship, Chu Jungui looked at the blue sun that was fading away, wondering what he was thinking. The voice of a wise man sounded: "The combat plan has been drawn up. The second phase of the prisoner of war adaptation is expected to be completed in 16 hours. At that time, there will be 100,000 qualified marines, and it is expected to arrive in the Commonwealth theater in 48 hours. The second phase of the prisoner of war adaptation The plan will start simultaneously, and it is estimated that 500,000 prisoners of war will be taken in.”

Chu Jungui looked at the star map, and the five galaxies on it were marked with special marks, and one of them had a striking border. This galaxy has a population of 500 million, and it was Chu Jungui's plan to completely take it down. Losing such a galaxy is also a considerable pressure on the community.

"This war does not actually require my participation, and my role will be greater if I stay in Light Year." The wise man said.

Chu Jungui smiled slightly, and said, "Aren't you too small? There's no way, all the battleships are going to fight now, and when I get rich, I'll get you another one."

"It's really crowded. And the community doesn't dare to fight. You can fight at will, and it doesn't make sense for me to come."

As the flagship, most of the interior space of the heavy cruiser is used to accommodate the body of the wise man, and the rest is full of various communication equipment. A wise man can control every sub-body inside every starship, which Chu Jungui cannot do. However, as the wise man said, Chu Jungui also judged that the remaining fleet of the community would not dare to attack. Even if the left-behind fleet attacks, Chu Jun returns to command and can defeat the left-behind fleet. However, if you bring a wise man, you can make the offspring self-destruct when necessary, thereby preventing the community from getting the cells of the Fog Race.

In fact, copying the fog cells is not as easy as imagined. Le Mans has been researching for so long but has not succeeded. Although the doctor will not say it, he must have done experiments behind the scenes, and obviously there is no progress. The community is much worse than the dynasty and the Federation in the field of basic research, and the possibility of success is even lower. But Chu Jungui still didn't want to take such a risk. In addition, under the command of a wise man, the battle damage ratio is higher. Now when the community is officially deterred, Chu Jungui is not to destroy all the troops of the community, but to destroy their will to fight.

While thinking about it, the Light Year Fleet had already completed the jump, and a prosperous galaxy appeared in front of them. A fleet in the galaxy has already moved towards the jump point, it should be the garrison fleet of the galaxy. The fleet is small, but it is very brave. Regardless of the fact that the Light Year fleet is ten times larger than itself, it resolutely chose to fight and was wiped out.

The fleet of the Wuzu has never said that it will fight. No matter whether the opponent is brave or cowardly, they will fight to the end according to their own rhythm. After annihilating the garrison fleet, Chu Jungui entered the galaxy, cleaned up the orbital defense space station, and then dropped tens of thousands of landing troops on the planet.

After annihilating the fleet, the landing ship itself constitutes orbital-level firepower, which can easily suppress the resistance forces on the planet. Chu Jungui was not worried that the tens of thousands of landing troops would not be able to defeat the planetary defense force, but was worried about the occupation issue. In fact, the fastest way to defeat the will to fight is to destroy the civilian facilities that Xu Bingyan used, and then turn all civilians into refugees. Of course, this may also have the opposite effect.

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