God is Coming

Chapter 1182 Ultimate Form

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After Chu Jungui dropped in the landing troops, he led the fleet to the next galaxy, and then deployed tens of thousands of marine troops in each galaxy. At this point, it is difficult for the marines to occupy the entire planet, and even if they occupy it, they will not be able to solve the security problem. But what Chu Jungui has to do now is to put pressure on the community. A planet that has been landed by the enemy is undoubtedly the best pressure. Every minute and every second, the planet will send countless distress messages to the community, and there is no time to escape. The upper-class people in the country are trying their best to mobilize all connections to ask for help. Life is equally fragile in times of war, no matter whether you have money or not.

As expected by Chu Jungui, as long as they don't touch the galaxy circle of the capital and the two largest financial centers, the left-behind fleet will shrink back. This strategy is actually one of the best strategies to deal with Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui must always beware of the remaining fleets appearing from behind. Once the Light Year Fleet is gone, they will return to the community.

This strategy was expected by Chu Jungui, but its shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, it is particularly hated, especially those people who have been captured in the galaxy, and the anger towards the high-level community is even far greater than Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui is now carefully testing the bottom line of the community and trying to occupy as many galaxies as possible, but each galaxy leaves a small amount of ground troops. Once the form changes, these troops can be loaded on a few transport ships overnight. time to escape.

Every time a galaxy is occupied, Chu Jungui will arrest a large number of armed personnel and intelligence personnel from the police and community government agencies, and then take them back to light years as prisoners of war. When arresting the secret police, there was very little resistance from the public, and many people even secretly helped, which accelerated the progress a lot.

In this way, in a short period of time, Chu Jungui swept through more than 20 galaxies and captured more than 10 million captives, while the community's left-behind fleet remained languishing. But finally someone at the upper level couldn't take it anymore, so a main fleet was transferred back from the front line of the Dynasty to encircle and suppress the Light Year Fleet.

After receiving the news, Chu Jungui immediately withdrew all the ground troops, only the troops in the Zulka Galaxy remained unchanged, and then withdrew light years away.

The two fleets of the community merged and rushed into the N77 star field, intending to use their absolute superiority to wipe out the serious trouble of Light Years in one fell swoop.

What everyone didn't expect was that Chu Jungui brazenly took up the challenge!

The three battleships of the Community had an almost overwhelming advantage over the three Frostwolves. However, the Light Year Fleet's death-like style of play once again shocked the community. Starting from the Canglang class, none of the starships retreated, and even if only half of the ship was left, they still fought with secondary artillery. The fierce battle lasted for three full days, and with the explosion of the third Canglang-class ship, the community finally saw a glimmer of victory.

However, at this moment, countless docks opened, and half-finished starships flew out of the docks. Millions of engineering ships followed the starships and rushed towards the community fleet overwhelmingly!

This is a scene that has never been seen in human history. Each engineering ship is equipped with a miniature beam cannon, which has transformed into a fighter. They may be a little slower and clumsier, but there are simply too many of them.

The will of the Commonwealth fleet collapsed again and ordered a retreat. However, on the way to the jumping point, the Dynasty Squadron led by Lin Xi suddenly appeared. The chaotic community fleet was unable to organize an effective battle at all, and scattered and fled and jumped. In the end, Lin Xi bit down and destroyed a seriously injured capital ship. , a large number of light starships were destroyed by engineering ships.

In the third light year battle, the community was defeated again.

In this battle, the community lost two capital ships, 20 light and heavy cruisers, more than 100 destroyers and frigates, thousands of transport ships and auxiliary combat ships of various types, and more than 4 million casualties and captures, of which 2 million landing troops were almost complete. Captured without loss.

The three Canglang-class ships in Light Years were all destroyed, and the loss of the remaining starships was about half of that of the community, which was a miserable victory. After all, the most difficult battle at the beginning was fought by Light Year himself.

The squadron led by Lin Xi destroyed a capital ship and 2 heavy cruisers in one fell swoop at the cost of several light starships. Although the capital ship of the community was seriously injured before, its combat power was still there, so this battle also It's pretty good. The key is that with Lin Xi's interception, the landing force of the Community lost its cover and was finally captured by Light Year.

This battle almost completely wiped out the two fleets of the community, and once again reversed the situation on the battlefield.

After the battle was over, Lin Xi didn't care about taking a break, and turned around and entered the community. And Light Year also sent many fleets to rampage in the community, and the space stations and docks were swept away wherever they passed. Even if they did not have the strength to land on the planet, this loss was enough to make the community spit out old blood.

The dynasty is obviously on the verge of collapse, as if it can be hit with more effort, but the dynasty was already on the verge of collapse a few months ago, but it just won't fall.

The combined fleet of Lin Xi and Guangnian only had a few heavy cruisers, but the severely injured capital ship of the community's left-behind fleet never dared to dispatch again. No matter how turbulent the public opinion is and the scolding floods the entire network, the capital ship just doesn't move, not even the Commander of the Fleet of the Community. This starship does not belong to the community, but belongs to a member of the chiefdom system. The meeting of chiefs of this country decided to keep its only capital ship no matter what, even if the community wanted to buy it.

McMillan found Chu Jungui again, and this time the community offered a sky-high price, inviting Light Year to join the community and guaranteeing the same rights as the five major republics. This proposal was flatly rejected by Chu Jungui. After seeing the light-year million engineering machine, no one in the community mentioned the attack on the N7703.

In the end, in desperation, the community had no choice but to send a main fleet back again to drive away the wrecking fleet in the territory. Lin Xi and Chu Jungui cooperated very well. As soon as the community fleet came back, they withdrew immediately. This time Chu Jun returned and took away the garrison troops on the Zuka galaxy. However, more than 2 million people were taken away at the same time. This time, they were not all prisoners of war, but those who were willing to live in light years accounted for the vast majority. Even though Chu Jungui has clearly stated that Light Year has nothing now, they are still determined to leave the Republic of Harvey.

After repeated consideration, Mr. Chu decided to accept these people. Some of these people are family members of prisoners of war who instigated rebellion, and the rest are of all kinds, and there are all kinds of people.

Regarding Chu Jungui's decision, the wise man rarely expressed his objection. In his opinion, a large number of humans have no other use except to consume materials. The Mists, who are capable of humans, are capable of everything, and better. Most of the Fog people that humans need don't need it either. Just like Brother Dao, now he basks in the sun and eats a few asteroids every day, and he has everything, which is many times more economical than cows.

The confidence of the wise man is that Brother Dao is about to evolve again. It is said that Brother Dao will truly mature this time, which is the ultimate form of the Wu Clan.

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