God is Coming

Chapter 1183 Trance

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With the return of the Commonwealth's two fleets in a row, the war situation finally changed significantly. Although the coalition forces of the Federation and the Commonwealth still have a clear advantage, the possibility of quick victory has disappeared, and the dynasty's war resilience has become stronger and stronger. Especially after the upper echelons have completed the purge, the support of the people has increased significantly, and the mobilization of the whole people has not encounter any resistance.

The war gradually slipped into the abyss of protracted war, which the dynasty wanted, but the community and the federation tried their best to avoid.

To be able to achieve today's situation, Mr. Chu has paid a lot of money, almost exhausting the entire light-year fleet. Although the new batch of starships will be out of the dock soon, and they are more powerful Dreadnought application series, but right now he really doesn't have many starships, only two heavy cruisers left with scars. These two heavy cruisers are still manned versions, and they are extremely troublesome to repair. Once they are in the dock, they will not come out within a month or two.

Now that the fleet was exhausted, Chu Jungui had a rare few days of peace. But when he was free, he didn't know what to do. Lin Xi didn't reach the light year, and directly led the fleet to the front line of the dynasty. All the news from the Federation was blocked, no matter whether it was Hathaway or Henry, there was no news at all. The Federation's Light Year Headquarters also cut off contact, not to mention accepting orders from here, but there is not even a single daily news. Even Sino lost his voice, which is a bit abnormal. The Federation must have blocked Chu Jungui's communication, but Sino belongs to the gray area between black and white, and is more inclined to the Star Pirates. There are ways to bypass the communication shield, but Sino doesn't.

But Brother Dao suddenly wanted to evolve again, which immediately became Light Year's top priority. When Chu Jungui got the news, he rushed to the scene in a spaceship immediately, and stopped at a place less than a few hundred kilometers away from Brother Dao. At this distance, Brother Dao still looks extremely huge, and the large shadow almost occupies the general field of vision. Through the shadows, the blue sun became a little hazy.

In front of Chu Jungui's spaceship, several large transport ships have been converted into special tableware for Brother Dao. They continuously blow extremely fine particles towards Brother Dao, and then they are absorbed by the shadows.

Chu Jungui stood and watched for a while, then checked the time. The system shows that Brother Dao's evolution has started, so he stopped producing offspring. However, Brother Dao in front of him doesn't seem to have changed at all from before. His body parameters fluctuate slightly and rise slowly. Only then can he see that it has begun to change.

The large shadow that made up Brother Dao's body suddenly rippled, and then puffs of smoke burst out. The smoke was directly blown away by the blue sun's solar wind, and turned into a gorgeous band of light, stretching hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Chu Jungui's heart moved, he lowered the porthole, and watched the light belt rush towards his face. He stretched out his hand, and a layer of powder stuck to his palm. This layer of powder is so fine that human eyes can't see it at all. Chu Jungui switched his field of view several times, and finally saw a layer of slightly fluorescent particles.

"This is the waste that brother Dao evolved, including dead cells, old genetic material, and some materials that are no longer used." The wise man said.

Brother Dao's body began to thicken, but the density decreased accordingly, and the blue sun passing through his body became obviously brighter. The solar wind passed through Brother Dao's body more quickly, taking away the faded dead cells.

A microscopic image of Brother Dao's evolution appeared in Chu Jungui's vision. The surface of each cell is cracked, and a brand new cell is squeezed out from the inside. The new cell is only one-tenth the size of the old cell. It starts to swallow the old cell as soon as it is born, but it is obviously very picky about eating. After swallowing a few pieces, it ignores the old cell, stretches itself, and begins to receive the energy of the stars. Light and radiation. The old cell remains were blown away by the solar wind and turned into brilliant light bands.

Brother Dao's body gradually became transparent, and some star-like brilliance appeared.

At this moment, there are dozens of spaceships around it observing it from various angles and collecting data. Some observation ships are directly embedded in Brother Dao, and there is also an extraordinarily large heavy cruiser, which is loaded with the body of the wise man, and is being inserted into Brother Dao's body with a data tube.

In front of Chu Jungui, there are countless data like a waterfall, recording all the changes of Brother Dao in an all-round way. It seems that human beings have used all available methods, but in fact Chu Jungui knows that this is far from enough. Among other things, the most important point is where the Wu Clan's inheritance memory comes from. There is still no answer, and there is not even a clue.

At this moment, enough new cells have been collected, and they are being compared with the old cells. The most important thing is the gene part. The genetic material of the new cells is more compact, the molecular density is higher, and the structure is also more complicated. It is a structure composed of 256 chains, which is extremely complicated. Moreover, previous studies have shown that the genes of the Wu people are not only recorded in the gene chain, but also a large amount of information is recorded in its structure. Now after the evolution, Brother Dao's gene chain has directly evolved from 64 to 256, which is an astonishing leap.

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, can he still control Brother Dao?

The wise man seemed to understand Chu Jungui's worries, and said: "Brother Dao's evolution is war. He is like a war machine, and machines rarely have a sense of self-sufficiency. He needs to accept orders."

Chu Jungui was a little relieved, but looking at the extremely complicated genetic mechanism, the uneasiness in his heart was still hard to shake off. Brother Dao, who has not yet evolved to the apex, cooperates with wise men, coupled with the existing technology of human beings, in just a few years, Light Year has risen completely, and even wiped out one-fifth of the fleet of the community. The community is a giant, with tens of billions of people. Now, as Brother Dao evolves again and enters the complete Wu Clan, is the community still an opponent?

If the entire community is no match for Brother Dao, then how can Lord Chu be able to make Brother Dao submit to him all the time?

Looking at the halo that gradually shone like gems, Chu Jungui was also a little dazed. The Wu clan who entered the finish line was radiant, interpreting the magnificence and splendor of life so thoroughly. If human beings are still at the starting point of intelligent life, then the Fog Clan has entered the next stage of life form. Could it be that after human evolution, they will also embark on the path of aggregated life?

From all aspects, the life form of the Wu Clan far exceeds that of humans, and the two are not at the same level at all. The origin of the Wu Clan is also mysterious. Those predetermined evolutionary paths, as well as the inherited knowledge hidden where they don't know, are all mysteries. Chu Jungui recalled the first time he met Kaitian, when Kaitian was still in a mysterious biochemical cultivation instrument. Later research found that there was nothing surprising about the instruments themselves, but the real magic was the genetic power of the Wuzu themselves. So who cultivated the Wu Clan, or is this the reproduction mode of the Wu Clan?

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