God is Coming

Chapter 1184 Control

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A notification sound interrupted Chu Jungui's thinking. Brother Dao's genetic evolution has been completed. The change of the cell level is like turning from a chrysalis into a butterfly. The new gene directly breaks out of the old cell, and now it is slowly replenishing energy , Let new cells grow to mature process. The whole process takes more than ten days, and then the offspring will start to separate normally.

Now Brother Dao's consciousness should have begun to accept the inheritance memory. Chu Jungui waited for a while, then heard a weak voice: "Evolution has been completed, this is the information of genetic memory."

Massive amounts of data suddenly poured into the system. Although Light Year's data processing capability is already very powerful, it still cannot cope with such a terrible data flow. Now the amount of data generated by a planet with a population of tens of millions of humans is no more than this. The huge amount of data directly caused the mastermind of Chu Jungui's spaceship to go down. Fortunately, the wise man found out that something was wrong, and he took over all the data in an instant, then restarted the main brain, and then slowly transmitted the data bit by bit.

Such a huge amount of data simply exceeded the processing capacity of the test subjects. The wise men went through two consecutive rounds of preprocessing to remove the unimportant parts of the original data, compress the non-critical parts, and finally rearrange and refine the core data, so as to reduce the overall data volume. It was reduced to one ten-thousandth of the original, and then transmitted to Chu Jungui, so it took the test subject a full 15 minutes to read all the data. This is still Chu Jungui. If it is an ordinary person, then it needs to be seen for more than 300 years.

Brother Dao's evolved form this time is called the Mother of War. This is an all-round evolution, from energy absorption to material processing and conversion, to survivability, there is a qualitative leap. It is no longer necessary to feed asteroids now, it can directly absorb energy and matter from the solar wind of the star, which can fully meet its own needs. Of course, the faster way is to swallow the planet directly, so that a large amount of matter can be obtained. In the first half of the evolutionary stage, the body size was expanded, and the ultimate goal was to reach a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, so that it could even cover the surface of a gaseous planet for meals. And a planet the size of the parent star will be directly wrapped and slowly digested.

At this time, its efficiency of energy absorption and material conversion is very high, which has exceeded 50%. That is to say, no matter what kind of planet, at least half of it will become its body or daughter after being swallowed by him.

As for the viability, it is even more perverted. In the past, the Wuzu had at least a lower limit for the number of cells, and this lower limit was still very high. For example, for the current wise man, as long as 90% of its body is destroyed, the remaining 10% of the cells will fail to carry a lot of data and collapse, and the wise man will die as a result. But after evolving to the final form, Brother Dao only has a body of 100 kilograms left, and he can return to his peak state. In other words, as long as Brother Dao leaks a little, he can't be eliminated. As for natural death, it seems that there is no such thing in the Wuzu gene. And the mother of war of the fog tribe does not need a specific environment, as long as there is light and cosmic dust, it can slowly recover. And it will use gravity to fly, and eventually it can accelerate itself to a high speed of one-tenth the speed of light. This makes the exile a joke, given it time he can fly to a galaxy by himself, and then turn into a terrifying war machine.

Then there is the core daughter ability of the mother of war. Now the upper limit of the creation of daughters is already a terrifying 5 billion, and there are as many as thousands of types of daughters, and a kind of all-round sporophyte has also appeared. It can independently adapt to a new environment, choose the most suitable form for survival, and finally develop into a new offspring. Even if it is a planet that has never been seen before, if you sprinkle a piece of spores, it won't take long for the entire planet to be covered with lively mist offspring. These spores can survive in the universe for hundreds of years, and they can sense whether the parent is still alive beyond time and space. If the parent dies, one of them will evolve into a new parent. So as long as one spore survives, the mother of war is immortal.

Chu Jungui looked more and more serious, this is simply a natural disaster of the universe. This kind of thing was actually cultivated by him?

After thinking for a moment, Chu Jungui sent a copy of the data to Dr. Ling, and the situation seems to be out of his control now. Although the wise man has repeatedly guaranteed Brother Dao's loyalty and safety, Chu Jungui has not forgotten that the wise man is also a Wu clan, and he does not know what it will be like when it evolves to its final form. Before and after Brother Dao evolved to the ultimate form, there are completely two kinds of lives. Brother Dao before, even a few days ago, can only be said to be terrifying, not as incomprehensible as it is now. Then if the wise man takes the last step, there is a high probability that there will be earth-shaking changes, perhaps another form of cosmic natural disaster.

After sending out the data, Chu Jungui began to check Brother Dao's most primitive evolutionary data bit by bit. This is a huge job, and the preliminary estimate is 790 years. At this time, Chu Jungui felt that Light Year's data processing capabilities were still insufficient, and that he needed to increase investment in the mastermind. It is definitely not enough to rely on Chu Jun to return to himself, but even if the remaining computing power is used, it will still take 8 years to read the original data. Although the wise man had preprocessed the data, Chu Jungui still felt that he had to read it himself before he could rest assured. The compression and preprocessing of relevant data can only be assured by the master brain who has no self-awareness.

One hour after the data was sent out, Dr. Ling's image appeared in front of Chu Jungui.

"I haven't seen you for a while. It seems that you have experienced a lot and done a lot during this time." Dr. Zero said.

"Well, the Dynasty gave me the designations of two galaxies and two fleets, but my fleets are all exhausted."

"The biggest difficulty of Dynasty is now over, so it's worth it. I took a rough look at the data you just sent. Is this your Wu clan?"

"One of three."

"Send me the data processed by the Wu clan."

This part of the data is not large and will be sent quickly. Dr. Zero’s computing resources are naturally not comparable to Chu Jungui’s. One minute later, Dr. Zero gave a reply: “There is no problem with this data processing at present, and there is only a slight difference from my processing.”

Chu Jungui breathed a sigh of relief, his biggest worry could finally be put down. After Brother Dao evolved to his final form, what Chu Jungui was most afraid of was that he would no longer be able to control the Wu Clan. If a wise man tampered with the data, Chu Jungui really didn't know how to deal with it. The early light years were created by a group of people led by Chu Jungui. The recent light years can be said to be entirely based on the heaven-defying abilities of the two Wu clans.

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