God is Coming

Chapter 1185 I owe you

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"How should I deal with them?" Chu Jungui asked.

The doctor hesitated a little, and said: "In the past, I might have suggested locking them up and keeping them under strict control until effective control measures can be researched. But now, you have no other choice, and neither do I. "

"There is no choice now?" Chu Jungui was a little confused.

"If it wasn't for them, the dynasty would probably be dead, so none of us would have had a choice."

Chu Jungui said: "I thought you would look at this matter from the perspective of the entire human being. It seems that human beings have no way to check and balance the Wu Clan."

The doctor smiled and said, "I'm an absolute dynasticist. It's Austin's business to consider the interests of all mankind. McMillan counts as half."

"Okay, then I understand, let's win this war first."

The doctor showed his approval: "You finally got the hang of it. But a dynasty is a dynasty, and she is not the dynasty of any one person, nor is it the dynasty of several people. You still have to get what you should get in your hand."

Chu Jungui thought for a while and asked, "How many more fleets do you want?"

"The designation is useless, the starship is real. You are not short of people now, what you are short of is technology and scarce resources, and you only need these in the future. I will give you a list first, and you can just follow the list."

After sending the list, the doctor remembered something again and said: "In addition to hard power, name is also very important. You let the dynasty officially issue a statement, acknowledging your sovereignty over the capture of the galaxy and the obligation to defend it."

"Okay." Chu Jungui wrote down one by one, and then asked: "How is the real dream? Kaitian is still inside."

"This is the third thing I want to tell you. The changes in the real dream are becoming more and more obvious, and there are changes in the spatial structure. According to the existing theory, this is simply impossible. So I have now We mobilized the main resources and began to forcibly crack it, and it is estimated that we will be able to re-enter in another 3 months, and this time no qualifications are required.”

There are still three months to go.

After cutting off the communication, Chu Jungui began to think about what to do with these three months. Brother Dao needs a week to complete the evolution, and then needs to replace the existing offspring with new offspring. There are currently several million active daughters. During the evolution of Brother Dao, they all lost contact with the mother and were controlled by wise men. But without Brother Dao, the computing power and resources required for wise man control have soared, and it is almost impossible to do anything else. It seems that the mother of war is indispensable, without the mother of war, the wise can only control five or six million offspring. And a mother of war can create more than 5 billion offspring.

During this period of time, the light years were extremely empty. Chu Jungui thought for a while, and decided to send a Frostwolf to take the fleet to the outer edge of the community for a circle. This Frostwolf was actually just an empty shell, temporarily installed two main engines to fly.

Sure enough, as soon as this fleet showed up, the community that was about to move was silent. They don't know how many battleships Light Year has in total now, and every time they finish fighting, they still have more. The Community has already lost 4 capital ships in a row in the hands of Light Years, and this time it is really scared. The countries to which the existing battleships belong have all issued death orders, and they must never fight a decisive battle with the light-year battleship.

Temporarily frightening the community, Chu Jungui contacted Chen Er again. I haven't seen him for a short time. This guy has become the first assistant to the minister, second only to the deputy ministers in sequence, but his real power and influence are even greater than some deputy ministers. When we met again, this guy's dark circles became heavier, and he didn't know how many days he hadn't slept.

"Hurry up if you have anything to say. I have several meetings below, all of which are for the distribution of war supplies to the frontline, so it's not easy to hold." Chen Er spoke much faster.

Chu Jungui didn't write: "I want the technology on this list, and I also need a statement from the dynasty to confirm some of my interests."

Chen Er glanced quickly, and said habitually: "Fighting for the country should not be dedicated... Oh, sorry, it's easy to say. Dynasty will not treat anyone who bleeds and sacrifices for her badly."

"What kind?"

"The useless and unimportant people, let them contribute. The key or important people will not and cannot be treated badly." Chen Er explained quite straightforwardly.

Chu Jungui said: "If I send you this sentence of yours, your position will be lost."

Chen Er said helplessly: "No way, it's too difficult now, everything is missing, even synthetic food is not enough. I have to give extremely limited resources to the people who can make good use of them. It's not fair at this time. Important. If we can’t win this war, everything is over. Now we only see a little hope of ending the war, but the night is still long.”

"Then what about me?"

Chen Er rolled his eyes at Chu Jungui, and said, "You are different, this is what the dynasty owed you before."

"Then I won't be polite." Chu Jun returned. Technology transfer is a long-term loss for the dynasty, but it costs nothing at the moment. As for those shipboard equipment, Chu Jungui also received it with peace of mind. These things can be turned into starships faster than anyone else in his hands.

Chen Er looked at the list carefully, and then said: "Half of it belongs to the Ministry of National Defense, and I can give it to you after I ask the minister for instructions. But the other half of the technology belongs to various enterprises, that is, those military-industrial complexes, and I need to do it." Some work."

Chen Er only said that there was some work to be done, but he didn't say it couldn't be done. Most of those military-industrial complexes belonged to the doctor's camp. Chen Er knew the relationship between the doctor and Chu Jungui very well, and knew that this trip would not be blocked. The remaining sporadic technologies are distributed in the hands of individual companies, and the Ministry of National Defense can get them as long as they are properly compensated. After all, it is wartime now, and many methods that are not usually available can be used at this time.

After obtaining this batch of technology, Chu Jungui's technical level in the field of starship manufacturing has leapt to the top level of the dynasty, and it is also the top level of the entire human race. Coupled with the evolved Brother Dao, Light Year will soon usher in another round of explosions.

Chen Er's efficiency was unexpectedly high, and he brought all the technologies on the list in just a few days. Two of the technologies belonged to two independent companies, and the two companies refused to transfer them without any conditions. In the end, Chen Er used means to directly arrest all the company's top executives, confiscate the assets, and naturally the technology was in the hands of the Ministry of National Defense. As for whether this case will be overturned in the future, that is a matter for the future. As long as Chen Er is still in the position for a day and the war is not over, the people from the two companies will not be able to get out of prison.

Chen Er did not tell Chu Jungui about this.

After getting all the technology, the wise man immediately adjusted the design of the follow-up starship, and the light-year starship has since entered the third generation. The combat power of the new Dreadnought-class battleship has exceeded 450,000, which is less than 10% different from mainstream battleships, but the cost is only one-tenth of the latter, and the production speed is only one-fourth of the latter.

According to the changes in the war, Chu Jungui also adjusted the production sequence of starships, increasing the weight of the Indomitable class. This kind of light starship between a light cruiser and a destroyer is built at an extremely fast speed. A capital ship dock can start 100 ships at the same time, and it can be undocked in two months. Chu Jungui directly took out 5 main ship docks, plus the existing small and medium docks, and started construction of 1,000 ships in one go. By the time these starships come out of the dock, the offspring will be ready and ready to go to war.

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