God is Coming

Chapter 1186 Good Deeds and Losses

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During this period of light-year dormancy, wise men just develop. The time for the wise man to enter the space was late, and he often went back and forth with Chu Jun to conquer the west, so he didn't have enough time to develop, and the growth of the main body was much slower than Brother Dao. It also hopes to accumulate its body during this period of dormancy and strive for early evolution.

Just like that, the N77 star field fell into a strange calm, but the three major forces fought fiercely, and three months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few months, the community has wisely not made any provocations against Light Year, although there are mysterious intelligence sources pointing out that Light Year is in a vacuum of combat power, and few starships can be mobilized at all. However, there are quite a few people in the community who do not believe this information, mainly those who do not want to take risks with their own starships. Such a quarrel lasted for dozens of days, and when a consensus was finally reached, three months had passed. The community finally took the courage to form a large-scale fleet and once again approached the N77 star field.

In fact, this time the community did not intend to attack, but came to test and monitor, so that Light Year would not act rashly again. As long as they don't interfere with the progress of the main battlefield, they will complete the task.

Chen Bing borders, eyeing a tiger, that's what the Commander of the Community Fleet thinks.

Then they were overwhelmed by thousands of starships.

Countless Indomitable-class starships came overwhelmingly, and the staggered high-energy light beams illuminated almost every corner of the universe. The fleet of the community has more than 100 starships, which can be regarded as a large fleet, but it can't even keep up with a fraction of a light-year. Although light-year ships are all light starships, the number is enough to overwhelm everything else!

In a blink of an eye, all the medium and light starships of the Community Fleet were wiped out, losing their cover, and all the weaknesses of the large and capital ships were exposed to the enemy, and they had to retreat.

In this fierce battle, the community only escaped two capital ships and one heavy cruiser, and the rest of the starships were wiped out. Although the capital ship was preserved, without the auxiliary starship, the role of the capital ship was greatly reduced. If this battle had not escaped quickly, it would definitely be heaped to death by countless unyielding classes.

After returning to the Commonwealth, the commander this time did not receive too much criticism. The battle records show that Light Year also lost more than 200 starships, and the two sides are roughly equal in terms of the battle damage ratio. In several fleet battles, the community lost troops and generals, and this time it was considered the best result. The high level of the community started an endless quarrel. Anyway, the two battleships were scarred and had to be docked for maintenance. Without enough auxiliary starships, it is impossible for them to dispatch again. Therefore, these high-level officials have plenty of time to quarrel.

And the one that has been held accountable the most during this period is the intelligence agency of the community. The intelligence agency has predicted the number of starships in light years several times, and has given the judgment that there will not be many starships in light years twice, and none of the results are accurate. The N77 star field is like a black hole, and there are many dangers hidden in it.

In the last battle, millions of engineering fighters suddenly appeared. This time, 1,000 suicide starships came. What will happen next time?

The upper echelon of the community was noisy, but the star fields close to the light years were blown up. Countless well-informed rich people fled with all their wealth. Those who emigrate unconditionally can only wait in despair for the arrival of Light Years. This is a very easy math problem. After Light Years lost more than 200 starships, there are still more than 700 left. Even if only half of them can be dispatched, they can still sweep the frontier star field of the community. Under the oppression of survival, the people of the community broke out, violent movements appeared on many planets, and some planets even directly overthrew the planetary government. The people's request is very simple, to call back the fleet that is fighting abroad, and give priority to protecting the people of the community.

Under the pressure of the public, the upper echelons of the community could only compromise. They mobilized another main fleet from the dynasty front, and then, together with the remaining fleet, formed a huge fleet led by three main ships, and set out again for light years.

This huge fleet of 300 starships went all the way into the interior of the N7703 galaxy, and then fought an earth-shattering decisive battle with Light Years!

This battle lasted for 7 days. Thousands of starships fought in every corner of the galaxy. The community even reached the vicinity of planet 4 at one point and destroyed two capital ship docks!

This is the brightest moment of the community fleet.

With the disintegration of the two docks, the starships under construction inside also burned and exploded, and countless engineering ships suddenly flew out of the flames, turning into engineering fighters again, and killing the enemy.

The Community Fleet has already seen a million engineering fighter jets, and this time it did not panic, and still relied on the terrifying defensive battles of the three capital ships.

The battlefield is already a melee, you have me, and I have you. Starships explode every moment, and space is littered with floating wreckage and rescue pods. The community played at a very high level in this battle, and the will to fight was quite tenacious. After all, they are inside the galaxy at this moment, and they cannot withdraw even if they want to.

The number of starships on both sides is constantly declining, and the battle has already entered the most brutal stage of mutual bloodletting. The three capital ships of the community have huge advantages, and it is difficult for the Indomitable class to break through their defenses. They can only entangle them regardless of casualties, and then fight to the death with other starships. The number of starships in light years is basically decreasing at a rate of 100 ships per day, and most of the casualties are from the three capital ships. At this time, there were only more than 60 starships left in the Community Fleet, and more than half of the casualties were calculated in terms of personnel.

At the critical moment, Lin Xi led a dynasty fleet to the battlefield, and there was actually a capital ship in the fleet!

The arrival of this new force immediately shook the battlefield situation. Chu Jungui immediately put the 30 heroic-class ships that had been hidden until now into the battlefield. The combat power of the Heroic class is between the heavy cruiser and the light cruiser, and can be regarded as a reduced version of the heavy cruiser. The two new forces finally broke the balance of the battlefield, and the Community fleet was forced to retreat. In the end, only 30 starships escaped.

After this battle, only three capital ships of the Community fleet escaped with some high-speed starships, and all light and heavy cruisers remained on the battlefield. Counting the last fleet battle, the Community lost 470 starships, 2 million casualties, and another 3.5 million prisoners. Such a heavy loss resulted in the destruction of Lightyear's 1,000 Indomitable ships.

The upper echelons of the community finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if the monster had been defeated before it could grow up. The battleships were all saved, which was very satisfying. As for the casualties and captured personnel, they were not of concern to the big shots. Anyway, the community doesn’t have much else, it just has a lot of people.

After the fierce battle, Lin Xi only rested for a few hours, made up for the gaps in the starship, and then returned to the dynasty without missing a minute. The two of them didn't exchange a few words from beginning to end.

The dynasty was still at a comprehensive disadvantage, so Lin Xi brought out a powerful fleet, including a new battleship. Once this fleet leaves, the original defense line will inevitably be in turmoil and may collapse at any time. So she chose to return immediately, without even having time to replenish fuel and food.

Lin Xi had good reasons for doing this, but Chu Jungui always felt that no matter what, he should not be unable to say a few words.

While still cleaning the battlefield, Chen Er's communication came over. He looked at the devastated battlefield and asked, "Did you win?"

Chu Jungui nodded: "The reinforcements came in time."

Chen Er smiled and said: "It's good if we win. The reinforcements were dispatched by the minister himself, and he suppressed a lot of objections to the battleship. Oh, there is another news to tell you in advance. After returning this time, General Lin may He’s about to be promoted to general.”

This is the custom of the dynasty. The person who can command the battleship must be an admiral, because the captain of the battleship is an admiral. It seems that after breaking the record of the youngest lieutenant general in the dynasty, Lin Xi will soon break the record of the youngest general.

"That's a good thing."

Chen Er nodded: "Indeed. How is your loss? Is it big?"

"Heavy losses." Chu Jun returned.

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