God is Coming

Chapter 1187 Limited Abilities

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The loss of Light Year is heavy, which is different from other people's understanding.

On the surface, Light Years has wiped out thousands of starships, which can be said to be nothing. And Chen Er knew more, knowing that Light Year also lost two docks, including a 30% completed Frostwolf class and 50 Indomitable class ships. In addition, Guangnian also set up several mobile bases for the captives to use for their own use.

This is the case when the hometown was copied, and almost no property on the track was spared. When Mr. Chu returned to the community earlier, he also emptied the track directly, but this time it is finally Light Year's turn.

Chen Er expressed deep sympathy, but there was nothing he could do. The dynasty is now about to squeeze out its last bit of potential, and the fleet led by Lin Xi is basically the last mobile force of the dynasty. It is also impossible to replenish materials, and now even the inventory of shipboard equipment from 100 years ago has been used up. As for giving money, currency is now a symbol, and it is useless to have money without supplies. The dynasties have begun to mobilize ground troops on a large scale, preparing to use the planetary landing war to drag down their opponents. There is really no food left. As long as there is still a way, it will not use the method of planetary surface warfare. After a battle, no matter whether you win or lose, even if the planet is destroyed, it will take at least ten years to rebuild it. When a series of planetary landing stations are completed, the dynasty does not know how many prosperous planets will be turned into ruins.

What Dynasty can produce now is technology, but the technology on the doctor's list has been given out, and the things outside the list are not very useful for the current light years.

However, Chu Jungui is already very satisfied. It is the greatest sincerity of the current dynasty to send such a support army.

After cutting off the communication, the wise man began to take stock of the loss of the light year version. The material loss is indeed relatively large, and this one destroyed the production capacity of Light Years for two full months. Now the energy output of Planet 4 has reached a bottleneck. Before the double-leaf trees are cultivated in space on a large scale, there will be no leapfrog development in light-year energy supply for the time being. Without energy, the planetary transformation is just a planetary transformation, and it is impossible to hollow out the entire No. 5 planet. Impossible for at least a few hundred years.

As for the loss of personnel... Chu Jungui glanced at the bright light body in the deep sky, this guy has done nothing for two weeks.

Brother Dao still knows how to protect himself very well. It has just completed its evolution, and all the newly produced offspring have become engineering beasts and warriors, which are not enough. When the community fleet comes in, Chu Jungui has no spare power to protect him. he. Fortunately, Brother Dao, who has evolved into the final form, has a very strong survivability and can protect himself.

He extinguished the flamboyant radiance inside his body, stopped absorbing sunlight, and then expanded the size several times. At such an extremely low density, he becomes fully transparent, and cannot be found by optical means. But although Brother Dao no longer absorbs sunlight, he absorbs the scanning beams of all communities. In the scan of the Community Fleet, Brother Dao's location was empty, so he didn't need to pay attention at all. In this way, Brother Dao watched the entire war from the edge of the battlefield. The wise man controlled the scope of the battlefield calmly, and the battle never spread to Brother Dao, saving him from even moving his body.

For the current Light Years, captives are a headache. Now the number of captives from the community has reached 15 million. Chu Jungui couldn't keep up with the progress of capturing captives even after building a few space stations. In the end, he had to pull out a batch of transport ships that were about to be scrapped to load the captives. The two galaxies transferred by the dynasty add up to only 10 million people, and there are not many prisoners. However, most of the residents of the galaxy are old, weak, sick and disabled, and most of the prisoners of war are elites.

At this point in the war, Chu Jungui had actually seen the turning point. Three months later, Light Years' new fleet will take shape again. Although two docks were destroyed, there are still 12 capital ship docks and more than 50 other docks. Three months later, the two improved Dreadnoughts will be undocked, and a year later, the second-generation Dreadnought, newly designed with Dynasty Technology, will also roll off the assembly line. In other words, after one year, the community will always face the light years with seven or eight battleships. This volume, already close to half of the community, has the ability to truly change the pattern of warfare.

This is only one aspect. From another point of view, after a year, the veterans of the community will suffer a large number of casualties, be captured or be wounded and discharged, and the front-line troops will inevitably be filled with insufficiently trained recruits. This is inevitable in any long-term war, and the quality of troops will decline significantly in the later stages. However, this problem does not exist in Light Year. Brother Dao's descendants are consistent. Even after the wise man completes the final evolution, the quality of Light Year's troops will be improved qualitatively. After all, Light Year's fighter quality is actually the quality of the Wu Clan.

If one ebbs and the other, the balance of war will inevitably lean towards light years. If it is fought for a few more years, even if it is delayed, the community will be dragged to death.

In the current light year, it doesn't matter whether there are people or not. Two Wu tribes and one experimental body can overthrow one of the three major forces. Perhaps, whether there are test subjects is not that important.

Nearly 100 billion human beings are no match for two fog tribes? This conclusion is somewhat absurd, but it is likely to be the reality.

At this time, brother Dao was busy replenishing the son body, the wise man was directing the cleaning of the battlefield, and Chu Jungui was fine again. He thought about the role he played in the war. Proportionally speaking, it was about five or six decimal places. The individual combat power of the test subject is indeed strong, and it is not at the same level as ordinary people, but when it comes to frigate-level battles, Chu Jungui's role begins to be limited, and when it comes to light cruiser battles, it is very limited. It is almost impossible for the heavy patrol to be destroyed by fighter planes, so Chu Jungui's personal combat power can be ignored. In this series of wars, the specific commanders were all wise men, and Chu Jungui's consciousness processing speed was no longer capable of such a large-scale fleet battle.

Now Chu Jungui's role in the war is to issue orders, specifically: start the war, pursue, stop the pursuit... just a few words.

The test subject inevitably thought of a question, why did the Wuzu listen to him?

Chu Jungui took the follow-up development documents casually, intending to examine them. Sure enough, the current file is different from the previous hour. The wise man re-updated the development strategy based on the latest data after the war, and optimized all the processes. The data has detailed which engineering ship will appear in which position at what time and what work will be completed. With such an optimization, the wise man can already update it once an hour without affecting its computing power investment in research.

Chu Jungui looked at the document for a while, then closed it silently. As always, he just looked and there was nothing to change.

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