God is Coming

Chapter 1188 Can't do it

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At the Federal Joint Staff Headquarters, an old man was sitting at a desk, staring at a report in front of him. He frowned, pressed a button on the table, and said, "Look up the real reason why Hathaway is going on vacation."

While the secretary was dealing with it, the old man rubbed his face, looking a little tired, then he opened the star map and looked at the frontline schematic diagram of the Federation and the Dynasty. Hathaway was the most outstanding general in the entire federation in the past six months. He was about to nominate Hathaway for promotion to admiral. Unexpectedly, at this time, Hathaway suddenly asked for a vacation, which lasted for 2 months.

The current war with the dynasty is not optimistic. The Federation seems to be fighting smoothly, but in fact the strings have been stretched to the tightest. The current internal situation of the Federation is even worse than that of the dynasty. There is a total shortage of various materials, the currency system is almost collapsed, all the transport ships have been conscripted to the front line, and many star fields in the rear are actually isolated from the world. The Federation is already in its fifth round of conscription, and many sailors are sent to the front line after only one month of training. The current starship is different from the aircraft carrier in the mother star era, and the requirements for the crew are much higher than that. With so many unqualified crew members boarding the ship, it is impossible for the combat effectiveness not to be affected.

At this time, Xu Bingyan's influence on the Federation's attack was truly revealed. The Federation's entire economy has been knocked out by a quarter, its industry has been knocked out by a third, and the starship industry has been wiped out by half. The Federation is like a seriously injured patient whose wound is still bleeding and has to be thrown into the second battle.

On the surface, it seems that the situation of the Federation is slightly better than that of the Dynasty, but the old man knows that the patriotism of many Federation citizens has not receded after the Conscript Campaign. People spontaneously organized to communicate with each other, which kept prices from collapsing. However, people's food reserves are limited, and supplies are also limited. If the dynasty cannot be resolved before people's food reserves are exhausted, I am afraid that the rationing system will really be implemented.

Can Dynasty be solved?

This is where the old man has a headache. Originally, the dynasty had reached its final juncture, and the few remaining fleets were struggling to support the defense line that was leaking from all sides. Some people from the upper echelons of the dynasty and from within the fleet began to secretly contact the Federation, asking about the conditions of surrender. As long as we persist for a few more months and annihilate those fleets that are determined to fight in the dynasty's fleet, we can force the dynasty to surrender unconditionally, thus dismembering the largest force in human history. As a result, Light Year was born out of nowhere. He first designed a weird capital ship like the Frostwolf class, and then built it at an incredible speed. The two Frostwolf class survived for several months for the dynasty. Then Light Year went off on his own, and the Community and the Federation lost troops. In the last few battles, the three main fleets of the Community were wiped out, turning the quick victory into a protracted war. Although Light Year himself suffered heavy losses, the question is where did they get so many starships, especially capital ships?

Although the community and the federation still have advantages, it is difficult to win quickly. And once a behemoth like the Dynasty is mobilized, its potential for war is unimaginable. Now the number of capital ships under construction in the dynasty alone exceeds the sum of the federation and the community. During this critical period, every outstanding general is an indispensable wealth, especially Hathaway, who not only has an excellent record, but also has a huge popularity base. As long as she appears on the front line, it will be a huge blessing to the morale of the soldiers and the people.

At this time, Hathaway is going on vacation?

At this time, the secretary had finished the inquiry, walked into the office and whispered a few words to the old man. The old man looked stunned, and asked after a moment of silence: "Are you sure it's that one?"

"It's just a guess, but the probability is high."

The old man rubbed his face, sighed, and said, "After the child is born, secretly collect a copy of the gene."


"Oh, by the way, don't let her know."


The old man looked at the star chart for a while, and then pressed a red button to connect to a special communication channel. After connecting, he didn't wait for the other party to speak, and said directly: "I need you."

Across the channel came Austin's business: "Not available."

"I not only need you, but also Crassus, and your private legion and fleet."

"That's impossible." Austin flatly refused.

"You know, the Federation can be recruited. But this time, I don't plan to accommodate you anymore."

"You can take the fleet, but not the people. I need everyone here."

The old man was silent for a few minutes before he said: "If this is the case, then I regret to inform you that all your departments will be abolished soon, and the personnel will be reassigned to other departments. The private departments will be eliminated. Mandatory collection, employees converted to federal government employees."

"You're breaking the law!"

"I would change the law to enable the fast-track process, which doesn't take much time."

There was some anger in Austin's voice: "Why?"

"In order to win this war, I must muster the best people and all the resources I can muster. If this continues, we may lose this war."

"Without the Federation, human beings are still human beings. But once my guess is confirmed by the real dream, it will be a crisis for the entire human race!"

The old man sighed: "I can't think so far, without the Federation, what do we need humans for?"

Austin said slowly: "I have nothing to say, but I will do my best to stop you in the parliament."

"We don't only have one enemy in the real dream, there is another one in the light year." The old man said suddenly.

This time Austin was silent, and then asked, "What do you know?"

"No, the power you brought back from the real dream is nothing at all, I don't care about it. But Light Year, I suspect, they have already cracked the curse of artificial intelligence."

"What about the evidence?"

"We found a strange biomass residue from the wreckage of the light-year starship, but the components are all degraded proteins, and we can't analyze anything for the time being. Except for this biomass, there are almost no humans in their starship."

"Didn't it be said that Light Year has been researching biochips before? The community is directly using human brains to modify them into chips. Could it be that Light Year has obtained the technology of the community?"

"The lunatics in the community will go to hell sooner or later!" Disgust flashed across the old man's face, and he said, "Aren't you on good terms with Dr. Zero? You can ask him what happened to Light Year."

"He won't tell me. He's a great-power chauvinist like you."

The old man smiled and said, "This is unexpected good news."

"When are you going to end the war?" Austin asked.

"The parliament has already passed a resolution that the dynasty can end the war by unconditionally surrendering."

"Even the law can be amended, and the resolution of the parliament is binding on you?" Austin mocked.

"It's not my decision, it's not the decision of which MPs, it's the citizens' decision. If I overturn this resolution today, tomorrow people can re-elect Parliament and remove me from office, and the result will be the same."

Austin was silent, and then said: "But now is the best time to end the war."

"I know, but I can't do it."

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