God is Coming

Chapter 1190 Impossible

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Fortunately, not everyone is so short-sighted. A group of generals and marshals who are resolute in the war united with the Federation to exert pressure, and finally passed the decision to start the war. However, it is not easy to complete the supporting starships for the three capital ships. It will take 6 months to complete all of them step by step. Obviously the visionary generals of the community couldn't wait that long, and in the end they took two battleships and set off in a hurry. But at this time, two full months have passed since the last battle.

At the border of Light Year, the Community Fleet once again encountered the coalition forces of Light Year and Dynasty, and it was still Chu Jungui and Lin Xi who joined forces. Lin Xi's fleet includes a capital ship, and its overall combat power is equivalent to two-thirds of the full fleet. Now the fleets of the Dynasty are generally dissatisfied with the number, the worst fleet is only a quarter, and the designation may be cancelled. But in comparison, these are not bad. For example, the Fourth Fleet directly gave the designation to Chu Jungui.

Two months have passed, and Light Year's new Dreadnought-class capital ship is ready to go into battle. Although it is only 75% complete, its combat power has already surpassed Frostwolf. In addition, there are nearly 300 large and small starships out of dock in Light Years, and the overall combat power is already equivalent to one and a half full fleets.

Together, the strength of the two parties has clearly surpassed the community fleet, so after a battle, the community retreated on its own initiative, and both sides lost dozens of small and medium-sized starships. However, the losses on the dynasty's side were basically light-year starships, Lin Xi's losses were very few, and the community lost dozens of starships.

Temporarily forcing the community back, Lin Xi returned to the front line non-stop like last time, without saying a word to Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui was a little baffled, but he didn't say much, he just felt the power of time. It didn't seem long before the two of them became strangers.

On the way back, Lin Xi checked the damage and casualties of each starship as usual. At this time, her private communication channel lit up, and an old man with gray hair appeared. The old man was wearing a marshal's military uniform, but his face was quite kind.

"Marshal Lu!" Lin Xi immediately stood up and saluted.

The old marshal waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be so restrained, sit down, I happen to be a little free today, I want to talk to you."

Lin Xi glanced at the information in his hand, hesitated for a moment and put it aside. In fact, it is okay to hand over these tasks to your subordinates. In comparison, the old man in front of you is more important.

"I also watched Xuan Shang walk step by step back then. He was very smart, but how can I put it, sometimes he was a little innocent. The word simple is a good thing when you are young, but when you become a marshal, even if there is still a little It's not a good thing. You are better than him. You have principles, but you also know how to adapt. When you asked someone to ask me to come here, I was shocked. I never thought that those old men of the Lin family would teach you such a great-granddaughter .It cost a lot of money to open this door, right?"

"It's only tens of millions. Compared with this position, money is not important." Lin Xi replied.

The old marshal smiled and said, "Are you so worried about us? We can still tell who can fight and who is talking on paper."

"A year ago, the us you mentioned were not the people we are today."

The old marshal laughed and said, "I wouldn't use the word us then."

"You are looking for me at this time, you must have something to do?" Lin Xi asked. The most critical step for her to be promoted to the command of the squadron is the nod of Marshal Lu, who is in charge of personnel appointments. So in order to get through this road, Lin Xi had to ask Chu Jungui for help. Marshal Lu will not accept money, but those who can get through this way will accept it. Now that Lu Shuai suddenly contacted her directly, Lin Xi was a little confused.

According to the past, Lu Shuai did have some contacts with the older generation of the Lin family, but with the dispositions of the old Lin family at that time, the relationship may not be much better. Later, the Lin family lost power, and after Lin Xuanshang fell from the horse, no one in the Lin family could catch Lu Shuai's line again. At that time, Lin Xi also thought of all the ways he could think of in order to get the command position.

The old man looked at Lin Xi and said, "It was General Xue who interviewed you at the time. When he came back, he said that the reason for your appointment is that you can no longer tolerate incompetent generals occupying high positions, delaying combat opportunities and wasting soldiers' lives. Those people want to be Officer, go to the rear to manage personnel and logistics, and don't come to grab the position of fleet commander. Haha, you don't know how well you learn from Xue Xue! This is the first time he has seen someone scold him in person."

Lin Xi blushed, feeling a little embarrassed. At that time, she was suffocated, and she really lost control of her emotions.

"How was the battle going?"

Lin Xi immediately sent the battle report.

"Annihilated 2 heavy cruisers, 5 light cruisers... Lost a destroyer, seriously injured 2 ships. The results are quite good! Even if the results are divided into light years, it is quite outstanding. Your batch is good, but even if Among all the people, you also have the most outstanding results. Oh, by the way, when it comes to light years, you don't seem to pay much attention to Chu Jungui, what's going on?"

Lin Xi raised her head and said coldly, "Are you gossiping like this too?"

The old handsome laughed, not at all embarrassed: "He snatched you away from the engagement scene back then, who didn't know? It's not just me who wants to gossip, many people really want to gossip."

"This is my private matter."

"This is a private matter, but also a public matter."

Lin Xi said angrily, "You guys like Chu Jungui so much?"

The old man said: "This is the only one who can help the dynasty end the war. Do you think I can not like him?"

"Then there's no need to use this method? Want a lieutenant general to seduce?"

The old man snorted: "Didn't you, the lieutenant general, come here at the beginning?"

Lin Xi glared at the handsome old man, calmed down slowly, and said, "There is no possibility between me and him."

"How could this be? It's normal for young people to have conflicts, and it's easy to pass. Just like when I was not married back then, it was called a..."

Lin Xi interrupted him: "His child was just born yesterday."

The old man was stunned: "This... is impossible, right? I haven't heard of it!"

"You have your own intelligence channel, and it's easy to check."

The old man was silent for a minute, as if he was asking something, and then said, "Could it be... the one from the Federation?"

"Who else but her?"

The old man was very serious, and said: "This matter is a bit big, I have to go back and study it. No matter what, he is still on our side now, and his position cannot be changed. Come back first, the situation in the third war zone It's tense and needs reinforcements."


"Also, the task of aiding Light Year in the future..." The old man pondered for a while before making up his mind: "You are still in charge."

Lin Xi did not refuse and accepted the task.

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