God is Coming

Chapter 1191 Greetings

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At this time, the high level of the community is celebrating a rare victory. Yes, this battle is defined as victory. Judging from the course of the war, it fought with the superior coalition forces of Light Year and the Dynasty, retreated smoothly, and lost less than the enemy. Compared with the previous times when soldiers were lost and generals were lost, and the entire army was wiped out at every turn, this time it was indeed a victory. The leading marshal didn't really want to celebrate, he was eager to reorganize the fleet and fight Light Year again. But the upper echelons of the community really needed a victory, so they began to spread the propaganda.

For light years, the loss of dozens of starships is nothing at all, and the loss of thousands of ships is nothing more than the loss of some building materials and biomass. Things like starships are consumables. It is a strategic victory to be able to force the community back and wait until the following capital ships are completed and undocked. The decisive battle planned by Chu Jungui is two months later, and he is going to wipe out all the defense fleets of the community.

In order to prevent the community from shrinking, the wise man thought of a simple solution, which is to ask Chu Jungui to record a video, scolding the heads of several chiefs, monarchies and lifelong heads of state in the community, greetings Check out their female ancestors and send the video to the community. These heads of state tend to put personal honor above everything else, which is much more serious than blowing up a few planets.

This battle turned into a strange war in which all three parties thought they had won.

Time passed bit by bit, Brother Dao had put away the bright light, but from a distance, occasionally there would still be a ripple of light emerging, which was extremely amazing. Every time he sees this scene, Chu Jungui will think, if this is not the end set by genes, if evolution can proceed infinitely, will Brother Dao completely become a cosmic spectacle?

Next to Brother Dao, more than a dozen transport ships formed a temporary mobile space station, where the wise man lived and accelerated his growth.

Compared with Brother Dao, the space station where the wise man is located is like a small dot, not even as good as a sesame seed. But in fact, these transport ships are all large transport ships of kilometers, and when linked together, they are also large space stations with an area of ​​several square kilometers. However, compared with Brother Dao's huge body with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers, the wise man is not even as good as sesame seeds.

The violent solar wind also became gentle after passing through Brother Dao's body. It blew out countless light spots, and then gathered into newborn daughter bodies in space. The daughters can move in space by themselves, and they use the remaining thrust of the solar wind to fly to the transport ship parked in the distance. Whenever a ship is full, it will sail to the designated location. All newborns on the transport ship knew their follow-up tasks and arrangements the moment they boarded the ship. They have no emotions, no fear, and all they know is to complete the tasks on the list. As for thinking, it is something that needs to be instructed to do.

There are countless offspring condensing in space every moment, and the offspring are constantly shining under the blowing of the solar wind until the moment before the condensing is completed. Countless light spots gathered behind Brother Dao to form a river, and then poured into the transport ship. Thousands of transport ships keep coming and going without end.

This scene is splendid and magnificent, and it also makes people feel deeply chilled. Chu Jungui subconsciously thought, if human beings can use artificial intelligence indefinitely, will such scenes be everywhere in the universe? Today's human beings are still essentially an extension of the era of the big industry on the mother planet. Biochips have long since come to an end, so that the community is secretly experimenting with human brains, trying to create self-awareness, self-learning ability but not betrayal. Human brain.

"Fortunately, this is the end of his evolution." Chu Jungui thought.

The evolved Brother Dao and the wise man can theoretically compete with a small half of the community, which is equivalent to a population of 30 billion. When human beings need it, it is still possible to use the number of people to kill Brother Dao. But the theory is just a theory. The reality is that once the casualties of the community fleet exceed the limit, it will collapse. Therefore, the previous battles can be wiped out for light years, but the structure has become the collapse of the community. Moreover, the limit for the community to suffer casualties is getting lower and lower, and now they will retreat immediately if the loss exceeds 10%.

Let's win this war first... Chu Jungui put aside his distracting thoughts. A reminder came from the system that the two brand new dreadnoughts were ready to be undocked.

Chu Jungui switched to the image over there. On the orbital base of planet 5, 5 huge docks are flying around the planet. Two of the docks were marked as completed. As soon as Chu Jungui moved his mind, the hatch of the dock left the main body, divided into four pieces, and flew to the side. Then a huge starship slowly slid out of the dock and entered space.

This is a behemoth with a hull of more than 5,000 meters, like a flying city. As soon as it was undocked, the starship started on its own, flew to the designated assembly point, and joined the fleet. Around the dock, the hundreds of thousands of engineering ships that had been waiting for a long time flew into the dock like a swarm of bees, and began to lay the keel and girder for the next capital ship.

With the two battleships out of dock, and the addition of the original one, now Light Year has restored the standard configuration of the three battleships. In addition to the heavy patrol, all kinds of auxiliary starships have also returned to the level of 600 ships, and they can fight again.

Chu Jungui's consciousness moved again, and the video that had been recorded earlier was sent to the major news organizations of the community at the same time. This is a speech sent by the leader of Light Year himself! In an instant, all the media in the community went crazy. A few minutes later, Chu Jungui's speech was broadcast simultaneously on almost all mainstream media in the community. Although the content was known in advance, no media dared not to let it go. They know very well that if they don't release it, other media will release it, and then the traffic will be gone.

As a result, at least tens of billions of people watched several legendary dictators in the community being greeted by female ancestors.

There has never been such a precedent in the diplomacy of major powers. For a while, the public opinion of the community was in an uproar, and the heads of state who were named were even more furious. The community demanded to punish Light Year from top to bottom. Several leaders made speeches first and last, expressing that Light Year would be directly erased from history and physically. Driven by this public opinion, the community quickly organized a huge fleet and sailed to the light year again.

Light years ago, the wise man has collected all the information that can be collected, and sent it to Chu Jungui after sorting it out.

"The upper echelons of the community are not fools. The fleet commanders are all famous generals, and the Sardinian Marshal is the commander in chief. This Sardinian Marshal is the one who took advantage of us last time."

Chu Jungui still had an impression of Sardinia. After all, not many people could successfully retreat in front of wise men. The commander of the Marshal of Sardinia was impeccable, took a bite and ran away, and left enough margin for losses, so that Chu Jungui did not take advantage of the pursuit.

After reading the information, Mr. Chu said: "The community believes that the people's support is available. It seems that they will not retreat easily this time."

The wise man dismissed it: "The people's hearts are available for opponents who are also human. For us, it is the same whether they die in battle or a bloody battle. I will fight until all the starships in my hand are wiped out. Whether they have the will to fight or not, I don't care or care."

Chu Jungui sighed, this is the Wu Clan.

Chu Jungui looked at the comparison of the combat strength of the two sides, and said, "In this battle, we must completely destroy the opponent."

"It's not a big problem, but do you want reinforcements from the Dynasty? This battle achievement can make Miss Xi a firm general."

Chu Jungui thought for a long time, but finally shook his head. Without the presence of the Dynasty Fleet, the Mist Clan can go about their business freely. Now that Light Year's fleet has already surpassed its opponents, there is no need to involve the dynasty. We must win this battle first. In addition, Chu Jungui also had a faint feeling that Lin Xi didn't want to see him.

In the galaxy, the capital of the community, a huge fleet has assembled, and the upper-level figures in the galaxy have all come to the flagship to make the final grand march for the fleet.

The vice president of the community and the chief of the United Emirates of Huiyue, one of the five major alliance countries, was patting Marshal Sardinia on the shoulder, and said: "The intelligence system has found out that at most light years can pull out a capital ship from the dock, can you Fighting is still a matter of two. Even if that Lin Xi came over again, it would be a battleship and was injured. We have three battleships, three against two, and I have the advantage!"

The Marshal of Sardinia nodded with a smile. After all, one of the three capital ships belonged to the great chief and was still his private property. After dealing with the great chief, the marshal walked among the major dignitaries with a glass of wine, appearing to be able to do a job with ease. The upper-level relationship of the community is much more complicated than that of the dynasty and the Federation. To be a good marshal is not just about being able to lead troops to fight.

The Zhuang Tour lasted for an hour and ended on time. The huge expeditionary fleet set off immediately, slowly sailed out of the capital galaxy, and after meeting with the assembled fleet at the periphery of the galaxy, the jump started.

This battle has attracted all human attention.

In the third war zone of the Dynasty, the fleet that had just experienced a fierce battle returned to the base. Most of the starships in the fleet were scarred, even the capital ship in the center was no exception. A large piece of armor was missing from the hull, and several scars even damaged the structure of the hull. In the flagship command room, Lin Xi looked at the latest battle report. After watching, she suddenly stood up, called up the star map, stared at the war situation on it for a while, and then sent a message to Chu Jungui: Community Fleet 15 is missing, be careful.

This message was sent out, and after being filtered through layers, it disappeared at a certain point and was not sent to Chu Jungui.

The fleet slowly returned to the base, and a large number of engineering ships flew out to directly repair the damaged starship in space. The large piece of armor is simply welded to the hull, and it's not even painted. Anyway, no matter how beautifully it is sprayed, its lifespan will not be long, and it may not last until the next battle.

In the command room, Lin Xi was always fidgeting for some reason. After a few times, she stood up abruptly and said, "Call the commander and staff, and hold a combat meeting!"

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