God is Coming

Chapter 1192 Strange

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The fleet had just finished a battle, and before everyone had time to relax on the base, they were summoned for another meeting. But everyone in Lin Xi's fleet has become accustomed to it, and they may be summoned at any time. No one has any complaints. Those who can still persist on the battlefield at this time have a little sentimentality. But after all, where is Lin Xi's record? The chances of living with her are great. It's better to be tired than to die in battle.

Ten minutes later, the conference room was full, and all the senior officers who were supposed to be present had arrived. The commanders of other starships participated remotely.

Lin Xi opened the star map and said: "The 15th fleet of the community suddenly disappeared, and the second theater should be the emptiest time. I am going to raid the rear base of the community in the second theater. The basic goal is to disrupt the deployment of the community and annihilate it. Garrison fleet. If the battle goes well, then look for opportunities to directly destroy their mobile bases."

"General Lin, this is a cross-theater operation." A staff officer reminded.

"The war zone is dead, and the fighter plane will not wait for anyone! Everyone prepares for battle immediately, and the quartermaster will contact emergency supplies and field repairs. We will set off in 24 hours and complete the jump within 48 hours!"

Lin Xi's voice was firm, indicating that his determination had been made. The other commanders did not argue, but went back to make preparations. The staff officers have to refine the battle plan, and don't want to sleep in these two days.

The atmosphere in the base suddenly changed. People who were walking slowly started to run, and everyone's rhythm was pushed up a gear. Moments later, the base sounded the alarm. This is an alert for combat readiness. Once it is sounded, all personnel need to return to work. So all kinds of people rushed out from their homes, bars, hotels and even grass and bushes, and rushed to their posts while arranging their clothes.

After 20 hours, the fleet left the base and began to sail to the jump point. Because the trip was too hasty, some starships hadn't had time to be repaired, so the maintenance engineering ships were still working on the hull, and they would not leave until the entire fleet jumped, and they would be brought back to the base by a special transport ship.

In the joint command center of the dynasty starship, a marshal suddenly raised his head, and a red line appeared on the star map in front of him, pointing directly from the third war zone to the second war zone. The red route means that the fleet has not reported or been approved for this operation. All that can appear on this star map are at least squadrons, and there are very few cases where red routes appear. The marshal immediately checked the shifting fleet, then was taken aback, frowned and said to himself: "How could it be her?"

The marshal pondered for a while, turned on the communication channel, and said, "Pick up Lin Xi for me and ask her? What's going on with this operation!"

The marshal's voice was very majestic, and a little annoyed. After cutting off the communication, he shook his head and said to himself: "Really, I'm going to be promoted to general soon, so I can't stop."

After thinking for a while, he opened a communication and said, "Is Shuai Xu? I'm Lao Yan. That's right, a fleet has just set off from the third war zone and is going to your place. You can take care of it."

"Which fleet? Wait for me to take a look... Lin Xi! This is a battle across theaters, what, you arranged this?"

"I just found out, too."

Xu Shuai at the other end of the communication said: "Why, the enemies in the third war zone have all been defeated, and there is no one left to fight, so you want to come to me to claim credit? How much has our second war zone held back the dynasty? "

Yan Shuai smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "Don't think too much! It's not like you don't know about that child Lin Xi, she often has whimsical behaviors, but she is really good at fighting. No matter what happens about this action, I will be sure afterwards." Let her come over and apologize to you! But this time, she can't have an accident on your chassis."

Xu Shuai snorted and reluctantly agreed.

After the communication was cut off, Marshal Yan called for his secretary and said, "Check what Lin Xi has done in the past few days, and check all the communication records that can be found."

"Yes." Although the secretary was a little strange, he didn't talk too much, but went to do it immediately.

On the edge of the N77 star field, starships continuously jumped out of the void. After the many small starships finished jumping, the huge battleships jumped out of the void one by one. A moment later, a fleet with three capital ships appeared in the N77 star field. But this is not the end, not far away, another fleet appeared! This fleet is centered on a capital ship, with many auxiliary starships, it is a full-fledged regular fleet!

The two fleets converged and finally formed a huge fleet with 4 capital ships and more than 400 other starships. In the rear, the community also prepared as many as 5 million landing troops. However, having learned the lessons of the previous few times, the landing troops did not jump with the fleet this time. Although this would make the operation lengthy, it also avoided the fate of the front fleet collapsing and the landing force being captured alive. After all, there was a lesson learned from the past. After the entire fleet of the Community was wiped out, the landing troops had no cover and could not even escape. If it was just a coincidence, it happened more than once. Therefore, even though the commander of the landing force was a third-class citizen in the order of the community forces, he still fought hard this time and resolutely refused to make any concessions. Only then did he get the treatment of delaying his departure.

This time the fleet used by the community is equivalent to three full-fledged main fleets, and the dynasty will share this many fleets in one direction, so the community agrees from top to bottom that this time it will definitely crush the situation. Not long ago, the entire fleet had just been wiped out. Even if the dynasty continued to support it, how much could it have?

Even if the dynasty sacrificed his life to help, it would be one capital ship, and counting the light years, it would be possible to conjure one ship, and if it died, it would be three ships. Moreover, Light Year's capital ship is famous for its water, the main advantage is that it can be built quickly and cheaply. In this way, with full play and full calculation, it is still a win-win situation for four battleships to face three ships.

When the community fleet entered the N77 star field, the light-year fleet did not dispatch, but deployed defenses in the galaxy, quietly waiting for the community fleet.

The community fleet went straight to the interior of the galaxy without hesitation. The advantage of fighting in the galaxy is that you can use the defense system of the orbital base station. The disadvantage is that the mobility of the base is much worse than that of the starship, and various non-combat orbital stations are also easily destroyed. Just like the last battle in the galaxy, two shipyards were destroyed in Light Year, a bit of a loss.

In the galaxy, the detailed data of the community fleet has been scanned on the star map in front of Chu Jungui. He sent a large number of micro-engineering ships scattered outside the galaxy to serve as scanning and reconnaissance points. Although the Community fleet has destroyed a lot, there are still many fish that slip through the net. However, in the eyes of the community commander, this is nothing more than buying a few more hours for Light Year.

As more and more community fleet data were scanned, the original fleet icons became zoomable, and starships appeared one after another, and then the specific model data of the starships continued to appear.

Sure enough, another fleet was secretly deployed... Chu Jungui thought about it, and then ordered: "Send a message to the dynasty, and the community has deployed another fleet from the front line. The specific number is unknown."

The message is sent, and the next thing is to wait. The wise men have already judged that the community has a high probability of dispatching fleets from the front line, so Light Year's plan was formulated based on dispatching two fleets back. It's just such a big move to mobilize the fleet, but there is no news from the dynasty, which makes Chu Jungui feel a little strange.

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