God is Coming

Chapter 1193 Take the bait

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The community fleet is advancing very fast, it seems that they don't want to give Chu Jungui more reaction time. Chu Jungui waited quietly until the entire fleet of the community entered the interior of the galaxy and began to be affected by the gravitational field of the galaxy. Then he exhaled and said, "I'm hooked."

The next moment, countless light-year fleets flew out from behind the planet, and under the leadership of three battleships, rushed towards the community fleet. In an instant, eye-catching high-energy light beams and particle clusters shone in the audience, and countless space torpedoes flew out densely, flying towards the opponent like a swarm of bees. The capital ship of the community also opened fire, and the iconic magnetic-powered main gun fired shells with terrifying kinetic energy, which turned into beams of light in space and flew towards the target. Although the number of light-year capital ships is not as good as that of the opponent, the auxiliary starships far exceed them. Countless high-energy light beams shine on dozens of starships rushing forward in an instant. Those starship hulls immediately began to deform at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fleets of the two sides once again fell into a melee, and the hell mode of exchanging blood for blood was started.

The overall performance of the community starship is obviously ahead, and various weapons emerge in endlessly. On the contrary, light years are much more monotonous, and there are high-energy beams and high-energy beams going back and forth. The advantage of the high-energy beam is that it is stable, there is no burst but it will not fail, and it will consume you bit by bit slowly. Just when the war entered the meat grinder moment again, two high-speed starships suddenly rushed out from behind the Light Year Fleet and rushed into the center of the battlefield, and then a starship suddenly lit up with an indescribably strong light. The position has exceeded hundreds of millions of degrees!

In an instant, the terrifying light and all kinds of particle storms turned into a halo, which expanded rapidly and swept the entire battlefield!

On the community starship, more than 20% of the various sensors were burned in a blink of an eye, a large number of internal instruments were overloaded, and some circuits and cabins even caught fire directly. Many crew members were on fire, screaming and running around. And the most unlucky guy was directly carbonized, and he didn't even have time to scream.

This attack came suddenly, completely beyond everyone's expectations, and the community fleet immediately fell into chaos. The energy intensity of the explosion just now is equivalent to the surface of a star! To this day, the stars are still a forbidden area that humans cannot touch. Just at the moment when the light-year secret weapon broke out, the entire battlefield seemed to be changed to the surface of the stars. Although it was only a short moment, a large number of small and medium-sized starships in the community have been damaged. The starship is more serious. But the capital ship is bulky, rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so basically some sensors are broken, so it is not affected.

But the light-year starship has no effect, and the descendants of the Wu tribe can all live in the deep space of the universe, and their tolerance to the environment is much stronger than that of human beings. However, the community's fleet is chaotic, and Light Year's output rhythm is still the same, and it can't explode even if it wants to.

Just a few seconds after the first light, the second artificial sun exploded on the battlefield again! A large number of small and medium-sized starships in the community were damaged again, this time it was much more serious than the first time. Many frigates and destroyers were directly destroyed before recovering from the chaos.

The two rounds of attacks caused the community to suffer heavy losses. Almost 20% of the small and medium-sized starships were severely damaged and directly lost their combat effectiveness. This is inside the galaxy, and you can't jump until you leave the gravitational field, so being damaged is equivalent to crashing.

Fortunately, after two rounds of attacks, Light Year seemed to have run out of secret weapons and did not launch a third attack. The two sides once again entered the meat grinder mode. After the community fleet survived the chaos, they brought the battle back bit by bit. After all, their fleet numbers and combat power had obvious advantages.

The bloody battle lasted for 12 hours, and the losses of both sides exceeded 15%. The light-year loss is a bit more, close to 25%.

At this level, Marshal Sardinia hesitated. The number of the Light Year Fleet far exceeds expectations, and as always, it knows no fear and will not retreat, harvesting the lives of the community fighters like a machine. In just half a day, 300,000 crew members lost their lives. A small part of them may be able to hide in the rescue cabin and survive, but most of them will definitely die in the cold and dark deep space.

The battlefield moved slowly around planet No. 6. When it hit the other side of the planet, Marshal Sardinia suddenly saw two shipyards coming out from behind the planet!

Those are two capital ship docks. Judging from the scanned shape, there are two capital ships under construction inside, and the outline is complete, and the degree of completion is already very high.

The Marshal of Sardinia stared, unable to hide his shock! This light year is hidden so deep, and there are still two battleships under construction! He made up his mind in an instant, and he must never let these two battleships have a chance to be out of dock! Otherwise, next time you come back, you will not see two docks, but two capital ships armed to the teeth!

Even though the marshal's palace is extremely deep, he still greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the intelligence department in his heart. Apparently, the dynasty has quietly transferred most of the starship manufacturing industry to light years. No wonder the starships in light years are like sunfish laying eggs, and nests are popping out. Now there is a reasonable explanation.

Moreover, the capital ship dock does not mean that it can be built immediately, and it also needs a certain period of time. The number of such docks is limited, and if one is destroyed, there will be one less.

Sardinia immediately decided to destroy the two docks before retreating. With the addition of these two docks and the starships under construction inside, the result of this battle is enough.

The Community Fleet continued to exert pressure, while Light Year was desperately defending the two docks. Several large transport ships had already connected to the docks, trying to tow the docks away. However, it is not easy for the capital ship dock to move out of the orbit of the planet, and it can only accelerate bit by bit at the speed of a turtle. Around the two docks, another strangulation began.

Chu Jungui watched the battlefield quietly, with massive data flowing in front of him. The wise man was in command, and Chu Jungui watched as it kept pulling some seriously injured starships to the rear, and then used new starships with complete defenses to take over the opponent's firepower, and abandoned some seriously injured starships from time to time in exchange for partial encirclement and attack. firepower superiority. Overall, the starships of the community did not suffer many losses, but they suffered a lot of injuries. The wise men are quietly adding some injuries to each starship of the community.

The wise man has learned the lessons of the previous battles. In his words, there are too many escaped enemies, and 1% is enough to report back. It is no longer in a hurry to destroy the starships of the community, but to complete the preparations first. At that time, it cannot jump in the gravitational field of the galaxy. These injured starships cannot run fast, and none of them can escape.

After both parties paid a heavy price, the two light-year-old shipyards were finally exposed to the Community fleet and were smashed into two balls of fire. The Marshal of Sardinia took the time to look at the battle damage. Most of the community starships suffered minor injuries, and only 10% were damaged. But Light Year is much more serious, and one third of the starships have been destroyed.

In terms of capital ships, one of the Community was seriously injured and three were slightly injured, while Light Year was seriously injured and one was slightly injured. One of the seriously injured ones was being bitten tightly and would soon be blown up. After destroying this ship, plus the two ships in the dock, the result of this battle is already very brilliant, enough to return to the voyage.

However, Marshal Sardinia is experienced and can make decisions. He calculated the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, and then ordered: "Give me another seriously injured capital ship, and don't let it escape!"

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