God is Coming

Chapter 1194

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At this moment, Sardinia was a little bit thinking of destroying the light years, but he hadn't forgotten the millions of engineering fighters, so he carefully maintained the number of the fleet. After all, fighters have limited combat power and are not professional fighters. As long as the number of auxiliary starships is sufficient, these fighters can be eliminated bit by bit.

After harvesting the two capital ships of Light Years, plus the four ships under construction, when they go back to repair and replenish, they will make a comeback at that time, and the combat power of the two sides will be extremely different. The Marshal of Sardinia is scheming, brave but not reckless. His tactics are like a pack of wolves. They surround their prey in search of fighter opportunities. If they have a chance, they will go up and bite a piece of meat. If they have no chance, they will retreat until the prey is bled dry.

After the two shipyards exploded, Light Year's fleet began to retreat towards the center of the galaxy. The two seriously injured Dreadnoughts had already exposed their hull structure in many places, and they were only one step away from disintegration, while the relatively intact capital ship desperately protected its damaged companion. The two seriously injured Dreadnoughts were no longer brave, but began to hide in a large number of Indomitable and Heroic starships. This is completely different from Light Year's past style.

The Marshal of Sardinia's eyes lit up, adjusted his formation, and chased after the two seriously injured battleships. He didn't care so much about some small losses.

Finally, when the second battleship of the Community was also seriously injured, a battleship in Light Years finally exploded. On the battlefield, another round of sun suddenly appeared!

A terrifying energy storm swept across the audience again, and this time not only the small starships in the community were damaged, but also the seriously injured capital ships.

The Marshal of Sardinia was shocked and angry. The star map in front of him was missing a corner. It was because an instrument was burned in the energy storm just now. The energy released at that moment just now was extremely terrifying, how could Light Year have such a weapon? And use it three times in a row, how much is left?

Three rounds of energy storms are equivalent to removing a layer of blood from all the starships of the community. Only the capital ship is slightly less damaged, and almost all the frigates are in a state of moderate damage.

The Light Year Fleet is fighting and retreating. When retreating to planet 6, countless starships suddenly burst out from behind planet 4, outflanking the back of the community fleet! On the star map in front of Marshal Sardinia, there were suddenly countless light spots, and the mastermind automatically counted the number, a total of 430 Heroic-class and Indomitable-class ships!

In an instant, the number of small starships in the light years suddenly doubled, and in terms of combat power, it formed an advantage over the community. Most of the small and medium-sized starships in the community were seriously damaged, and when they came into contact with the light-year outflanking fleet, they were immediately blown up in pieces. Marshal Sardinia's face was ashen, but suddenly he thought that there are millions of engineering fighters in the light year! Those small and medium-sized starships were originally the best barriers against engineering fighters, but they are losing rapidly now, and they will all be wiped out in a short time if this continues.

Marshal Sardinia immediately changed his formation, gave up the pursuit of the two seriously injured battleships in Light Year, and retreated slowly. However, at this moment, the fleets of both sides have me in you, and you in me. They are already in a state of stalemate in the melee. How can it be so easy to retreat?

The Marshal of Sardinia thought about the possible losses caused by the forced retreat, and his face turned pale. He couldn't help but think that it would be good if he retreated immediately after destroying the two docks. But the two seriously injured battleships in light years are right in front of them, who can resist this temptation? But the core question is actually, where are there so many starships in light years?

At this time, a dazzling alarm suddenly appeared on the star map, and countless tiny light spots appeared from behind the No. 4 planet. The light spots are really too small, but there are too many of them, forming a fog of light, slowly flying towards the battlefield.

Light-year engineering fighter!

More than 2 million engineering fighters are extremely eye-catching even in the universe. Although their speed is slow, their flexibility is poor, and their firepower is single, the large number is enough to determine everything!

Seeing the frigates and destroyers rapidly decreasing, Marshal Sardinia finally ordered a retreat.

However, just as the community fleet had the intention to retreat, the light year starship suddenly entangled them, and even the two seriously injured capital ships attacked the community capital ship regardless of their own safety.

The Marshal of Sardinia was well aware of the consequences of being overtaken by millions of engineering fighters, and ordered a forced retreat again. The huge community fleet is like a wounded behemoth, turning around with difficulty and awkwardly, every movement will bleed more blood, or be bitten off by the wolves around it.

The losses of both sides are on the rise, the community fleet is held back tightly, and the large group of engineering fighter planes in the rear is closing the distance bit by bit.

In the desperate pursuit, the Community Fleet was finally caught up at the edge of the galaxy, and countless engineering fighters immediately flooded the Community Fleet! The community fleet is desperately fighting back, thousands of engineering fighters are blown up every second, but the small and medium starships in the community are also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, there were very few auxiliary starships left in the Community Fleet.

In desperation, the Marshal of Sardinia ordered the two seriously injured capital ships to be broken, and then he took the flagship and another lightly damaged capital ship to break through.

In the end, the battle ended in another disastrous defeat for the Community, with only the flagship and a few heavy cruisers escaping.

The light-year loss was not small. All three capital ships were destroyed, and at least 600 starships of various types were lost, including two huge docks. The dock is a real loss, but the starship inside is not. The shells of those two starships were made of ordinary materials, which were completely worthless and labor-intensive. It just looks like a battleship under construction with a high degree of completion from a distance.

The wise man laid bait layer upon layer, first the two shipyards, and then the seriously injured capital ship, all the while attracting the Community fleet to the depths of the galaxy. In the process of seduction, the strength of the community fleet is consumed all the time. But this time the wise man's strategy is to spread the damage equally to the target. Although the damage received by Light Year will be much higher during the battle, when the ambushes are exhausted, the casualties of the Community Fleet will increase sharply in an instant, and it will collapse directly. Moreover, the injured starships basically couldn't escape, and there were very few starships that escaped in the end.

The loss of light years seems to be huge, but in fact its starships were originally used as consumables, and it won't be long before another batch. The strategy set by Chu Jungui and the wise man is to add fuel to the tactics, to show part of their strength every time, and lure the community to attack. If it weren't for this, the community would not have mobilized so many fleets to fall into the trap this time.

As soon as the war ended, Chu Jungui sent seven or eight fleets to sweep the community's frontier star field in one go, and took the troops recruited from the prisoners of war to land. After this battle, the job of recruiting and surrendering suddenly went much smoother, and within a short period of time, millions of people were willing to join Light Years. They were originally members of the community, and they are very familiar with the operation mode of the community, so it is natural for them to occupy it smoothly. These people knew very well that those departments were powerful institutions, and after landing, they went straight to places such as the secret police and the intelligence bureau. The captives who surrendered were not lenient at all when dealing with their former compatriots. They were so cruel that sometimes even the Wu Clan could not stand it. And those people in powerful institutions are particularly vicious when they deal with their own citizens, but most of them are not very strong. This made the occupying army feel somewhat useless.

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