God is Coming

Chapter 1195 Simple Values

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Chu Jungui's request is to include as many original managers on the planet as possible, no matter whether they sincerely surrender or not, the more people the better. Therefore, someone in the occupying army came up with a new method. He divided the officials who surrendered into three, six or nine grades. Institutions are second-class, non-powerful institutions are third-class, and so on. Then manage the upper level and manage one level, and finally report to the occupying army.

This structure immediately made officials surrender like a swarm, and it would be inferior if they were too late.

After all, Chu Jun didn't really intend to use these people. In fact, he knew very well what kind of people this kind of people who surrendered immediately were. However, most of these galaxies could not be occupied to the end, and Chu Jungui did not intend to accept them all. The ones that really planned to occupy were not in these galaxies. He basically chooses dictatorships or semi-dictatorships to join the country, and then lets as many people as possible have the taint of surrender. In order not to be liquidated in the future, these people will try their best to continue the light-year rule. Even if the light-year leaves in the future, there will be waves of cleansing frenzy on this planet. The more chaotic they are, the more chances Light Years has.

Taking advantage of the prisoners of war to occupy, rule by the local capitulation faction, and find all dictatorial planets, this is the plan drawn up by the wise men. After digesting thousands of years of human history, wise men have become more and more proficient.

In the face of the fleet raging everywhere in light years, although the community still has a capital ship, it has already dared not dispatch it. A lonely capital ship is no match for hundreds of starships in light years. As for the engineering fighters, don't worry, they can't fly out of the galaxy. So before forming a new fleet, the community can only watch.

At this time, another news came that Lin Xi, who originally belonged to the third war zone, suddenly led the fleet into the second war zone. After a bitter battle, he defeated the community's garrison fleet and destroyed the advance base there. That is the core of the community in the second war zone, a super base group consisting of more than a dozen mobile bases, not only has a large amount of supplies, but even a large dock that can repair heavy patrols. Now the entire base group was destroyed by Lin Xi, causing the community troops in the second theater to lose their foothold and had to retreat more than ten light years.

Lin Xi's surprise attack was so sudden that he didn't even know that the dynasty's second war zone had been realized. However, the community fleet that originally defended the base was secretly dispatched to attack Light Years, leaving the rear empty, but Lin Xi caught it right away. The Federal Fleet was also finished after receiving the news, and it was too late to rescue. The base group of the Federation alone cannot support such a large fleet.

For the first time since the start of all-out war, the Commonwealth and Federation retreat in one general direction. The war has come to this point. After the community was wiped out by Light Years with a large number of fleets, the battle situation finally began to turn. Although the dynasty is still at a disadvantage, it has been able to support the defense line. Now the war has become a protracted war. As time goes by, the dynasty’s terrifying The potential for war is gradually brought into play, but the final outcome is not necessarily so.

The community is in a state of desperation at the moment, and the upper echelons are in a quarrel. Many hawks believe that the fleet in the direction of the dynasty should be withdrawn, and the light year should be defeated first. This decision was approved by many people, and it soon reached the ears of Chu Jungui. Lightyear's response to this was to send several fleets to kill the community, occupying 5 galaxies in one go. These new fleets total 5 heavy cruisers, 10 light cruisers and 50 light starships. In normal times, these fleets are nothing at all, but at the moment when the community's garrison fleet is almost wiped out, they are already unstoppable. The local galaxy defense fleet is also in charge of law and order, and it is not an opponent at all when it encounters a regular fleet.

The new fleets launched by Light Year are completely outside of the community’s intelligence. Although the community’s clamor for war is still high, suddenly no one is willing to take the fleet on an expedition to Light Year. The president of the community asked around, and none of the dozen or so marshals who could lead troops to fight was willing to send troops. The expedition to light years has now become a very dangerous job. Marshal Sardinia almost became a prisoner. In the previous battles, only two commanders escaped back, and the rest became prisoners. I heard that the treatment of the captives in Light Year is very bad, and the officers do not give any preferential treatment, just like ordinary soldiers. How can the marshals who are used to living a luxurious life endure this?

Just when Light Year was running rampant on the ground of the community, some mysterious guests came: the special envoy of the President of Harvey Republic.

This special envoy had an appearance similar to that of the President. After Chu Jungui asked, he found out that this was actually the fourth and most favored son of the President. The special envoy brought a secret proposal from the President: Light Year captured the three galaxies in the Som series of the Kingdom of Sejir, and then handed over two to the Republic of Harvey. In return, the Republic of Harvey will co-administer the Zuka galaxy and the Som 5 galaxy with Lightyear. The so-called co-management is actually light-year rule, giving the Harvey Republic a name. In this way, Light Year has the legitimacy to gain a foothold in the community.

Another request is that Light Year needs to send troops to assist the Grand President in suppressing the rebellion in the Karen galaxy. Now the garrison rebellion in the Karen galaxy has swept across more than half of the planet, and the troops loyal to the grand president are huddled near the star port, barely supported by orbital fire support. But the Rebels are also starting to produce orbital fighters, which will soon have orbital attack capabilities. The rebellion in the Karen galaxy has made Harvey's capital galaxy ready to move. Many forces opposing the president are secretly colluding and want to take action.

After listening to it, Chu Jungui understood that the latter was the real request of the President. Harvey Republic was the first to be hit by Light Years. Not only the fleet was completely lost, but even the starship industry was taken away. The troops loyal to the President have basically become light-year prisoners of war, and now most of them have transformed into light-year occupying forces.

Now the domestic prices of the Harvey Republic are soaring, and the people are extremely dissatisfied. The usual high-pressure methods finally aroused the rebellion in the Karen galaxy. The capital galaxy has always been heavily guarded and has not been hit by light years, while the Zuka galaxy has always been in the hands of light years. If Karen is completely occupied by the rebels, then it is possible to join the community with independent leadership, which is what the President fears most. Therefore, the President wants to secretly form an alliance with Light Year, and use Light Year's power to suppress the rebels. As a reward, it is the two galaxies of the community. The Som 1 and 4 galaxies he wants are quite barren and have a limited population. The light-year Som 5 is ten times larger than the former two, and Zuka is even richer than Som 5.

"It really cost a lot of money." Chu Jungui sent the plan to the wise man.

"Are you going to help him?" asked the wise man.

"why not?"

"Many humans have simple moral values ​​and are unwilling to cooperate with people like him."

Chu Jungui said: "He and I are not collaborators, we can only use him. With this agreement, we are equivalent to prying a gap from the community. We and the community are enemies. For a long time It’s all the same, it’s better for someone like the president to sit in the position than to change someone.”

"It makes sense."

Chu Jungui put down the plan and said, "But the plan can't be done as he said, it needs to be revised."

The wise man put forward his own opinion: "The Kingdom of Sejir is not very popular in the community, and its strength is slightly weaker than that of the Republic of Harvey. It itself has great conflicts with the Republic of Harvey. It is not a threat. This is too good for the Harvey Republic. I think the Soma Republic is a good target, and the Mandel Chieftain can also be added. We have now occupied 4 of their galaxies, and it just happens to be the Harvey Republic. Let them co-manage."

Chu Jungui said: "The pressure of such a big president may be a bit heavy. These two countries combined, Harvey can't stop it."

"As long as he can keep his position as president, he is willing to do anything. The history of mankind has proved this countless times. So we don't have to worry about this little pressure. If those two countries really want to do something It’s not a problem either, we can have a permanent fleet in Harvey Republic.”

Chu Jungui was a little shocked, not for anything else, but something wrong with what wise men learned from human history. Co-management and garrison seem to have appeared frequently in the past, but the terms are not so elegant and pleasant.

Chu Jungui thought about it and agreed to the suggestion. Even if the war ends in the future, a certain amount of pressure needs to be put on the community. Although light years do not really need the resources of habitable stars, but some galaxies with harsh environments are more suitable, but now after all, there are still many people who need to be resettled. The occupation army transformed from prisoners of war has exceeded 3 million, and there are still rapidly increasing trend. These people are all elite middle-aged men and women, and they still have families, so it's a small 20 million people. So many people need a habitable star to house them. In fact, the two galaxies given by the dynasty can only be regarded as quasi-habitable stars, and they need to live in closed cities, and planetary transformation requires astronomical funds. Instead of spending this money, it is more practical to grab points from the community.

Regarding the plan for the later period of the war, Chu Jungui and the wise men have reached a consensus. The wise think that the quick end of the war is not good for Light Year. It takes at least two years for Light Year to develop to its peak. Once the three major forces cease fighting, it is possible to free up their hands to deal with Light Year. Therefore, the current strike target must be transferred from the community fleet to the galaxy. In the eyes of the upper echelon, some small border countries of the community are discardable objects, which just induces the community to adopt the strategy of exchanging time for space, deliberately abandoning several frontier galaxies for Light Year, and letting Light Year waste time in the occupation. Preserving the community fleet is to allow them to maintain the war with the dynasty, so as not to withdraw from the war suddenly.

It is indeed not good for the light year to end the war too quickly, and people like Chen Er in the dynasty have not yet fully established themselves, and have not had time to completely defeat their opponents. Once the war is over, they are likely to be liquidated immediately. At that time, neither Chu Jungui nor Lin Xi can escape the fate of being implicated.

After deciding on the strategy, Chu Jungui formally gave the special envoy a reply. As expected, the President agreed to all the conditions, and even allowed Light Year to station a fleet in the capital galaxy. His only request is that this fleet arrive quickly. It seems that the life of the great president is not easy.

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