God is Coming

Chapter 1196: The Other Side

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The war entered a stalemate, and after Light Year occupied almost 10 galaxies in the community, it stopped expanding and began to digest. The combined population of these galaxies is only 300 million, which is a marginal interest for the community. Only the Republic of Soma and the Emirate of Mandel were cut off by a third of their territory. They were very angry and insisted that the community launch a counterattack. However, the upper echelon of the community keeps playing sloppy and evading all kinds of excuses. The key is that the commanders of the fleet of the community are also firmly opposed to going to war, and they will never do it if the two alliance countries go to retake the galaxy by themselves.

During this time, Chu Jungui suddenly had a strange feeling, as if there was a faint mysterious sensation in this universe, calling him constantly. I don't know where this feeling came from. Chu Jun went to self-check his body and found nothing abnormal. There was no change in the nerve current and chemical substances, but there was a kind of induction in the dark.

After a few minutes, the feeling gradually faded and disappeared. However, Chu Jungui was still restless, feeling that something was about to happen.

The other side of the galaxy.

This place is close to the division line between the Federation and the Dynasty, and has just experienced several fierce battles, with more than one million casualties on both sides. At this moment the galaxy has fallen into the hands of the Federation, but there are still remnants of the dynasty on the planet to resist. The Federation only left a limited force to occupy several strategic locations on the planet, and did not expand further.

The other shore galaxy is just an ordinary resource galaxy with no habitable stars, so both sides didn't care much at first. The real reason for several consecutive battles is that it is very close to the real dream singularity, and has produced a large number of entry places in the past. So the competition for this place is actually a competition between the dynasty and the federal scientific research institutions. The dynasty has tried its best to counterattack, but after the community joined the war, it could no longer keep the galaxy on the other side and let it fall into the hands of the Federation.

The loss of the Federation was greater than that of the dynasty, and it was unable to leave more troops behind. Now the federal military regards forcing the dynasty to surrender unconditionally as the most important and only strategic goal. Austin, who insists on investing in the real dream, has been marginalized, and even the name of the federal military god cannot give him support. Now only one-tenth of Austin’s department funds are left, most of the staff has been transferred, and almost all projects are at a standstill. Old friends from the past and the most staunch political allies have also stood on the opposite side of him this time, leaving only a few Scientists also supported him, but unfortunately it was useless.

In the galaxy on the other side, an old-fashioned high-speed light cruiser is slowly leaving its orbit, heading for the jump point outside the galaxy. After leaving the orbit of the planet, the starship began to accelerate slowly and steadily, and when it came to the jump point, it could just reach the jump speed.

Inside the starship, Austin stood in front of the porthole, looking at the receding planet. Just 2 years ago, there was a huge research center consisting of 12 mobile scientific research bases on the track here, and it was also one of the two largest research centers in the entire dynasty, dedicated to the study of real dreams. Of course it is gone now, the mobile base was flown back to the hinterland of the dynasty not long after the war started. Austin had also boarded the base and met with the doctor. At that time, no one knew what they talked about. They only knew that Austin had become a staunch supporter of real dream research after returning, and nothing could change his position.

Returning to the old place this time is completely different from the last time. The huge research base is no longer there, and the wreckage of starships and space stations are floating everywhere in the galaxy. The Federation has occupied this place, but they have no spare power to clean up the space junk, so they can only let them drift at will. The orbits of the two resource stars are empty, and there is no orbital station or starport in sight, and there are not even a few satellites left. The entire galaxy is a scene of aftermath.

Austin is also different. The last time he came, he was escorted by a whole squadron, and there were 5 of the most advanced heavy cruisers in the fleet. Even if you encounter a battleship, you can circle and retreat. But this time he only has one old starship, a light cruiser over 100 years old. Even the Federation Fleet, which was in desperate need of combat power, looked down on this starship and threw it to Austin as its flagship. Perhaps the only advantage of this starship is that its speed is not bad.

"Have you finished collecting the data?" Austin asked. Naturally, he didn't come here for nostalgia, but came here as a routine to collect the data of real dreams, and then tried to find out the secrets of real dreams through comparative research of a large amount of data. It's hard work with a very low probability of success. Now the top scientists in Austin's hands have been transferred away, and all they can do is collect and analyze data.

After a few minutes, someone replied: "Yes, it is collecting...but this damn circuit has failed again, and several sensors are not working! I don't know if the data collected is useful, damn it, this The ship is too broken!"

Austin smiled bitterly and said, "Go back."

The data collected this time is not very useful, and one more time or one less time will not have a decisive impact on the research. The starship has already begun to accelerate at this time, and it will consume a lot of fuel to stop, and now Austin has limited funds and cannot afford extra fuel.

The starship accelerates slowly, this kind of acceleration is the most economical way to accelerate jumps. Several hours later, the starship flew out of the galaxy and approached the jump point.

Austin habitually glanced out the window. At this time, the starship is already at sub-light speed, and the galaxies seen are somewhat distorted. At this time, he suddenly saw a bright light somewhere deep in the starry sky!

That point of light was extremely dazzling, and it was impossible to ignore it. After the light flashes, it turns from white to red, and becomes real, slowly spreading in the deep space like flowing paint!

Austin has seen countless cosmic wonders, but this is the first time he has seen such a vision.

"Stop the ship!" He ordered immediately, but it was already too late, the starship entered the wormhole with great inertia and disappeared into the void.

When the starship reappeared, it was already in the hinterland of the Federation, 35 light-years away from the galaxy on the other side. Austin looked at the time, the jump took 4 hours. This is a common problem with old-fashioned starships, and the latest technology allows the jump to be completed within 30 minutes. After the communication was restored, Austin immediately connected to the intelligence department and asked, "Is there any abnormality in the galaxy on the other side?"

"Sorry, we have not received any unusual reports."

Austin frowned slightly. As a person whose strength has reached the pinnacle of human history, he knew very well that he could not be mistaken, nor could he have hallucinations. He said in a deep voice: "The guards of the galaxy on the other side are required to dispatch a scout boat to investigate. The coordinates are 791, 11 , 232. Report immediately after the investigation!"

After issuing the order, Austin always felt a little uneasy. He opened a special channel in the communication terminal, hesitated, and sent a communication request, but the response he got was: "You do not have permission to contact this channel."

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