God is Coming

Chapter 1197 Investment is Art

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Austin was taken aback, and then anger surged, because the system's notification sound was not from the Dynasty, but from the Federation. He immediately connected the call of the Joint Staff Committee, regardless of who was on the other side, and asked directly: "Why can't I get through the communication just now?"

The image of a female officer appeared in front of Austin. She was young and sweet, but her rank was lieutenant colonel. At her age, such a high rank is rarely seen in the regular Federal Army. The female lieutenant colonel inquired about the information and said: "The one you are trying to connect to is Dr. Zero of the dynasty. This requires the highest level of authority."

"I know that permission is needed! I'm asking why it can't be connected!"

The female lieutenant colonel still maintained a sweet smile: "The reason why the communication was rejected is insufficient authority. Your current authority is A-level, and you need S-level to resume communication with Dr. Zero."

Austin's face was terribly gloomy: "When was the authority lowered? Who gave the order? What's the original text of the order?"

"Sorry, I don't have the right to answer this question. In addition, inquiring about this command requires S-level authority, so I can't provide you with the original text of the command."

Austin sneered: "You won't turn the other side galaxy into an S-class, right? No matter who is targeting me, but I remind you, keep an eye on the other side!"

The face of the female lieutenant colonel suddenly changed: "The secrecy level of the other shore galaxy has just been raised to S level!"

Austin's face changed: "What happened there?"

"Sorry, I don't know either, and I have no right to inquire."

Austin said in a deep voice, "Call your superior over here!"

"I'm really sorry, now I'm your exclusive receptionist, you can ask me any questions you have."

Austin directly cut off the communication and said to the captain: "Get ready to jump! Let's go back to the other side!"

"But the energy is not enough."

"Go to the other side and add more."

The captain hesitated, and said cautiously: "But your quota has been used up, and the new quota will have to wait until the next quarter."

Austin said coldly: "I pay for it myself!"

The captain returned to his post and began to operate. After a while, he said in astonishment: "The jumping channel is locked! The system shows that jumping requires higher authority, and our authority is insufficient to jump."

"Can you hack the main brain?"

"This is a felony! I really can't help it." Captain Khan came down.

Austin snorted. This starship is deployed by the Federation, and the captain is a Federation officer. It is impossible for him to execute orders that violate the law.

Instead of embarrassing the captain, he connected to Kun's communication and said, "I need a starship."

Kun said happily: "I happen to have a high-speed private starship converted from a frigate idle. I will send it to you first? Do you need to be armed?"

"Basic armament is enough. Send the starship to the Guardian V galaxy, and I will wait for you here."

"I'll do it right away, I'll check the time...she will arrive in the Guardian V galaxy in 10 hours."

Austin said: "This trip may cause damage to the starship. Do you have any questions?"

"It's just a private starship, just destroy it and buy it again! Your student and I have a lot of money now!" Kun waved his hand with great pride.

Austin was a little puzzled: "Huh? Have you made a fortune for the country?"

Kun immediately raised his hands to show his innocence: "How is it possible? I have participated in the recruitment campaign! My money mainly comes from investment. I am now a shareholder who is light years away and a member of the board of directors. It is good news during this time A lot, isn’t it to beat the community to the ground? Every time I win, my wealth will rise to a new level.”

"Light year?" Austin called up the information and looked at it, and then saw a sharp upward trend. Austin checked the information again, and was immediately puzzled: "Isn't Light Year already taken over by the Federation? It's just one step away from being confiscated. Why are people still buying its stocks?"

"Investment is an art, and purely rational analysis will only lead people astray." Kun is like a master.

Austin glared at him and said, "It's almost done, remember to accept it as soon as you see it."

Getting a starship from Kun made Austin feel a little better. He then ordered the starship to park at the military starport, and at the same time mobilized some weapons and equipment, preparing to do some basic modifications. This time Austin encountered the problem of insufficient authority again. Fortunately, he still has many old friends, and he greeted the chief officer of the naval port management, so he was not troubled by some ordinary ship equipment.

At this moment, in the Federal Joint Chiefs of Staff, a marshal is standing in front of the star map in the office, staring at the battlefield ahead. After a while, new data began to appear on the battlefield. A battle had just ended, and there was a delay in the data transmission. The Federation was victorious in this battle, successfully repelling the Dynasty fleet and seizing control of another galaxy. But the victory is also a tragic victory. The loss of the Federation itself is no less than that of the Dynasty. It just achieved the goal of the battle, so it is defined as a victory. However, there are still many dynastic military personnel left on the planet. The Federation's planetary landing force is very tense now.

Similar battle reports have been reported more than once, or even more than three or five times. Every time the dynasty resisted desperately, they withdrew if they couldn't beat it, and then left a planet full of soldiers hiding for the Federation. The marshal had a headache, and he had no good solution, or rather, no one had a good solution. The solution is either to rely on strong strength and troops to grind slowly, and dig out all the resisters on the planet bit by bit. Or, like Xu Bingyan, directly destroy all the facilities on the planet, completely abolish the planet, turn the civilians on the planet into refugees, and dump them to the opponent.

The marshal came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the magnificent starry sky outside the window, and then looked at himself in the reflection. The person on the window was just middle-aged, with a resolute face and a murderous look all over his body. Schiller is the youngest of the federal marshals. He was a lieutenant general at the beginning of the war. He worked his way up by virtue of his record, then entered the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and recently started his rotation. He is the most famous hawk in the military. His wife and two daughters died in the process of Xu Bingyan driving out the civilians, so his attitude towards the dynasty is extremely tough, and he must fight the war to the end.

However, the current situation on the battlefield is not optimistic. Progress on many fronts has stagnated, and progress is either a small victory or a tragic victory. One of the reasons for this situation is that the war potential of the dynasty has begun to be brought into play, but the community has dispatched the front-line fleet one after another to go back, resulting in the lack of strength of the coalition forces. This is the main reason. No one would have imagined that in several consecutive wars, the community would lose troops and lose almost all of the deployed fleet. But it's too late to talk about the trash of the community at this time.

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