God is Coming

Chapter 1198 Optical Phenomena

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A bunch of reports came from Schiller's communication terminal, and these reports can be transmitted to his terminal, which shows that it is very important. Schiller quickly glanced at it, and keenly discovered that there were many reports of domestic turmoil in the Federation. There have been riots on several planets in the Federation, and they are basically related to the shortage of living supplies. These events seemed unconnected, taking place in distant and different galaxies, but it was clear to Schiller, sitting in this position, that they were no accident.

The domestic production capacity of the Federation was hit hard by Xu Bingyan, and it once dropped by 30%. Now the scale and consumption of the war are three times that of that time, so the basic supplies in the Federation are extremely tense, and many daily necessities and food have begun to be rationed. In this way, there are still many planets where supplies are insufficient, and even residents are starving.

This is a very dangerous sign. If it is not handled properly, a wave of full-scale protests may break out at any time, and the public support brought about by the call-up campaign will disappear in smoke. At this time, a group of speculators in the federal government were already preparing for an armistice, which Schiller would never allow. He went back to his desk and picked up the photos on the table. It was a group photo of a family of four, but the wife and daughter in the photo were no longer there. When Xu Bingyan expelled the civilians from a planet, they were on a transport ship, and that transport ship never returned to the Federation.

At this time, another report was sent to him. It was Austin who asked to investigate the mutation of the galaxy on the other side, and tried to contact Dr. Zero.

Schiller snorted disapprovingly. In the past, like other federal soldiers, he feared Austin like a god, and he had a kind of fanatical worship in his heart. But with Austin's defeat to Xu Bingyan in the first battle of the vertical line, the aura of invincibility was broken. Then his attitude of valuing real dreams more than dynasties also angered many people. After the enlistment campaign, the federal war sentiment reached its peak of frenzy. At this time, any voice that does not support the war will be ruthlessly suppressed, no matter who it is, Austin is no exception. Gradually, Austin left the center of power, and even his headquarters was dismantled into a part-time department in charge of scientific research. Recently, his authority was also lowered by Schiller, who had just been on duty.

Theoretically, after leaving the military's highest command center, Austin should not have S-level authority, which is the authority only available to members of the joint committee. But in fact, this is also a humiliation to Austin. Now that the Federation's first-line famous generals are emerging in large numbers, the Austin family is no longer so important.

But during the sensitive period of the stalemate in the war, did Austin still talk to the doctor? Did something really happen in the galaxy beyond?

Schiller became a little curious, so he contacted the defenders of the galaxy on the other side and asked about the situation.

"The patrol troops sent out now have not yet reached the routine reporting time. So far, there has been no abnormality."

Schiller immediately said: "All patrols are required to report immediately."

"Yes! Marshal!"

The garrison commander of the galaxy on the other side immediately contacted the various patrol fleets, and most of them responded quickly, but only one remained silent. The garrison commander had a bad premonition, and immediately activated the galaxy scanning system, and started scanning in the direction of the patrol fleet. This scanning system consumes a lot of energy, and one scan can cover the entire galaxy, and it can only be turned on when necessary.

After the scan was turned on, a weak signal was indeed captured. The garrison commander immediately asked people to amplify the signal, and at the same time increased the scanning power towards the signal source. That signal is finally clear:

"what is that?!"

"My God!"

"Don't make a fuss, take a close scan first, maybe it's just some optical phenomenon!"

"The scan has started... No! It's moved, it's coming towards us!"

"The main gun is ready! Report to the Garrison Command immediately!"

"Communication system is disrupted! Communication cannot be established!"

"Quick! Save..."

The signal cuts out here, and the rest is noise.

The garrison commander collected himself, reported to Schiller, boarded the flagship, and led the fleet to the place where the signal was sent. It is said to be a fleet, but it is actually a destroyer and a frigate. The Federation has long been unable to produce more starships to guard the satellite system.

"Could it be Dynasty?" asked a staff officer.

The garrison commander said angrily: "How can the dynasty survive? Don't think so much, just go and have a look."

After a while, the fleet flew out of the outer edge of the galaxy and arrived at the place where the signal was last sent. The fleet then slowed down and began to scan the surroundings in all directions.

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded from the intelligence room: "What is that?!"

The garrison commander immediately switched the screen to an area just discovered by the scan. The space that should have been empty was now filled with a strange dark red color. This group of colors seems to have its own life, slowly wriggling.

"Scan...wait!" The garrison commander suddenly remembered the conversation in the signal, and broke out in a cold sweat. He looked at the screen carefully, and it showed an optical image. The high-power active scanning is only authorized by the captain. Generally, it will not be turned on until the direction of detailed investigation is determined. At this moment, the starship uses a panoramic scan, and the power in a single direction is not very high.

The dark red mass is only a small mass on the screen, but it has been scaled up to hundreds of meters. The radiation it emits is very strange, extraordinarily chaotic, and there is no pattern at all. The garrison commander ordered: "One-tenth power, start scanning!"

As the scanning beam pointed at the mass of color, the dark red seemed to have seen the prey, and suddenly began to squirm, extending towards the place where the scanning beam came from!

The garrison commander was taken aback, but fortunately, the ball of color seemed unable to leave its original location, and its extension was limited.

"What the hell is this? Archie, prepare the main gun, give him a shot first."

The frigate next to it was ready to go, and as the main gun flashed, a cloud of high-energy particles blasted into the center of the color. The dark red group seemed to shrink back in pain, shrinking from a few hundred meters to tens of meters in an instant. Then it began to surge violently, suddenly expanded, and a cloud of dark red popped out, spraying on the frigate!

The dark red spread quickly on the frigate's hull, and countless exclamations came from the communication channel, and then the lights of the frigate went out one by one, and the whole ship lost power in a blink of an eye, and was swallowed by the dark red group. Strangely, the separated chromophore was only 100 meters in diameter, even a little smaller than the frigate, but the frigate was engulfed by the dark red bit by bit and disappeared.

"Save..." the commander of the garrison fleet raised his hand and then slowly put it down. It is obvious that the shipborne weapons are useless to it, and the scan just now has no results, only the optical image can be seen as a mass of flowing dark red, while the other data are all in chaos.

"Retreat and report upwards."

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