God is Coming

Chapter 1199 Let's Talk

After a while, Schiller got the report, looking at the dark red mass in the image, he frowned. He has been to hundreds of galaxies and witnessed countless cosmic wonders, but he has never seen anything like this. The other shore galaxy is an important node in the study of real dreams. Is this kind of thing related to real dreams?

Schiller thought for a moment, and rejected the request for reinforcements from the garrison fleet, but only asked them to put martial law on that piece of airspace, and no one was allowed to approach it. At the same time, it was strictly confidential and no disclosure was allowed.

After giving the order, Schiller continued to study the current battle situation. For him, the complete defeat of the dynasty is the only important thing at the moment.

Light years ago, Chu Jungui was speaking to 20 million community prisoners of war.

"You come from the bottom of society, with no hope of promotion. You serve an average of 25 years, but there is only one lieutenant in 300, one field officer in 2,700, and one general in 500,000." ! On the battlefield, you are cannon fodder, but it is a group of incompetent people who give orders to you. They rely on blood and wealth to easily get things that you will never have in this life. Now, you are abandoned. Community The government refused to pay even a dollar for your ransom, so until now, you are still here..."

At the same moment, another Chu Jungui was speaking to the selected 200,000 community school officials.

"You have been outstanding since you were a child, and you have come to where you are today by relying on your own struggles, and most of you have a bright future. But now, these have come to an end. Because you were abandoned, abandoned by the government of the community... "

The third Chu Jungui stood in front of more than 8,000 generals, talking freely. There are also a few school officers among these people, and they are all very young without exception.

"Everyone has a distinguished family background and outstanding achievements, but because of the incompetence of the general, you appear here. This is not a place for you to stay, and I am willing to send you back, but it seems that some people in the community do not want you to go back , so the return is far away..."

In the end, Chu Jungui had only 9 people around him, 7 of whom were marshals, and the other two were not bad. Chu Jungui here smiled and said: "I have arrested 12 marshals in total, but I only saw you. What I want to say is that if you stay with me for one more day, your status in the country will be more dangerous. It’s not alarmist talk. You know very well whether your opponent will let go of this opportunity. Moreover, I’m afraid you dare not say how loyal your subordinates are? I’m willing to send you back, as long as the conditions are right ..."

The real Chu Jungui was looking at the data compiled by the wise men.

The wise man said: "I have studied all the famous speeches in human history, and then classified them according to the origins of prisoners of war, and then delivered speeches in a targeted manner. , although I don’t think these people are useful, it’s just Dao’s output for a few days.”

"Of course people are useful. Taking individual consciousness as the standard, each person is equivalent to a Wu tribe. The Wu tribe now has a large number of offspring, but in fact there are only three."

The wise man was silent suddenly, and then asked: "Is Kai Tian still alive?"

"what you think?"

"I can't feel his consciousness, but the cell activity is still there. This situation is somewhat similar to a human vegetative state, or a zombie."

This is a heavy topic, Chu Jungui and the wise man have been avoiding it all the time, and only brought it up again at this time. The wise man said, "Why don't we ask brother Dao what he thinks?"


A moment later, a middle-aged man who had experienced vicissitudes of life appeared in front of Chu Jungui, and said in a unique low voice, "Hi, boss!"

"Your appearance has changed again?"

"After the evolution, my state of mind has changed, so I re-chosen a more suitable image for me."

Chu Jungui nodded. The human images of the Wu Clan are like the avatars of human beings in the virtual world, and you can set them up however you want.

Before coming, the wise man had already talked to Brother Dao about Chu Jungui's return. After saying hello, Brother Dao said: "I can't feel the consciousness of Kaitian either. The consciousness of every cell has disappeared, leaving only instinct. The strange thing is that his cells didn't start to divide. We Wu clan If the number of cells does not reach the critical point of generating the will to aggregate, they will continue to divide and proliferate until the number is sufficient. This is the instinct engraved in our genes."

"Why don't I know?" asked the wise man.

Brother Dao glanced at the wise man and said calmly: "When the evolution reaches the end, many secrets in the genes will be revealed to us. Before that, we can't explore the genes, and we can only passively accept the genetic memory."

The wise man stopped talking. He was obviously a little unhappy. After all, he felt that his status was much higher than Brother Dao, but he was far behind Brother Dao in terms of evolution. Then he was sarcastically sarcastically by Brother Dao.

After listening to Brother Dao's words, Chu Jungui was thoughtful. Kaitian's cells have not died or split, which means that Kaitian's consciousness may still be alive, still in the real dream!

Chu Jungui called Brother Dao to come over, and there is a second thing.

"Is there any descendant that can control humans without affecting their ability to think and act?"

"Be specific."

Chu Jungui sorted out his thoughts and said: "I want a daughter body similar to a controller, which can end the host's life when it receives an order. This is the basic requirement. The advanced requirement is to be able to determine whether the host is Betrayal, enhance the host's physical fitness from all aspects, but don't affect the host's health..."

"I understand." Brother Dao was silent for a full ten minutes, and then said: "I adjusted the preset program of the daughter body and added a control daughter. It can parasitize in the host's brain, and then pass through gravity The field receives external instructions. According to the requirements of the boss, these daughter bodies are divided into three levels: low, medium and high. The low-level ones only have the ability to control and secrete several hormones. As long as we issue orders, it can secrete the hormones necessary for the human body. Stimulate potential and block pain. If it receives a self-destruct command, it will proliferate indefinitely and eat all the brain and nerve cells of the host. The volume of the low-level control daughter is only 0.001 cubic centimeters. With the current level of human technology, it is very important to find and understand it. Difficult. This is not impossible to find, but the cost of treatment is quite huge. No human government will be willing to pay this cost for tens of millions of people.”

"Intermediate daughters can comprehensively strengthen the host's physical fitness, repair genetic damage and defects, and provide temporary combat boosts. The specific enhancement range depends on the individual, and the most basic enhancement range is 120%."

"Advanced individuals can optimize the host's genes according to the preset plan, resulting in comprehensive changes. The effect is equivalent to three times that of human's highest level of gene optimization. It can think independently, judge whether the host is rebellious, and contains the middle-level offspring. All functions, in addition, it can additionally control the number of intermediate daughters, the specific number can be set by us. The disadvantage is that the volume is relatively large, with one cubic centimeter, but it can be dispersed in the entire brain of the host. "

Chu Jungui asked: "How can we ensure that the descendants have received our instructions? What if someone develops a shielding method?"

"Each subbody has a unique code. The self-destruction command contains the subbody number, which can directional clear the subbody we specify. The instruction is issued through the gravitational field of the star. As long as it is within the range of the star system, it will escape But instructions. So if we need to know a certain daughter, we only need to know which star it is near. Unless the host is never close to any star, it will receive our instructions sooner or later."

The control descendants are fairly simple creatures, and there is no need to give them too complicated orders, so there is no need for wise men to send out, just send a few intelligent descendants who specialize in issuing instructions. Wisdom daughters can survive in space for hundreds of years, without any supplies, and can survive for decades with only sunlight. As long as they are close to the star, they can issue commands in pulses, covering the entire star system. Brother Dao can now control 10 million intelligent offspring, so issuing a self-destruct command does not require any cost or difficulty.

This is exactly what Chu Jungui wanted, the low-level soldiers were given to the low-level offspring, the school officials and social elites were controlled by the middle-level, and the high-level people were implanted into the high-level offspring. The prisoners of war in these communities were clearly arranged.

Chu Jungui looked at the time and said, "Get the senior offspring ready first, and then go talk to those elders."

After many rounds of brainwashing by wise men, whether they were willing to surrender or not, all community prisoners of war at least admitted one fact: they were indeed abandoned by the community. The previous batches of prisoners of war were particularly certain of this. Except for the first batch of prisoners of war, in fact, the high-ranking people in the latter batch of prisoners of war knew that Chu Jungui had always wanted to sell the prisoners of war back to the community. Attacking Light Years one after another. According to the conditions under which the captives were held, if the space station was hit by a stray bullet, hundreds of thousands of people inside would die immediately.

Knowing that you have been abandoned by the government does not mean surrender or compromise. Only 15% of the more than 20 million fighters from the bottom of the community are willing to surrender, and the rest are still persisting. It's not that they don't want to compromise, but they didn't redeem their money at all. However, because of the large base, 15% also have more than 3 million. Among them, 1 million are starship crew members, which belong to high-quality combat talents.

The self-struggling social elites have more choices, 20% of them surrender, 40% of them compromise, and less than half of them are firm and uncompromising, firmly believing that the community will win the final victory.

Then there are the generals. This group of people does not need to surrender. Chu Jungui's request is to secretly work for Guangnian after returning, but more than 90% of them agreed. In the first round of negotiations, when the wise men threatened to use physical punishment, half the people succumbed. Among the nearly 30 million captives, there were less than 10,000 of these people, and one in a thousand is said to be too few. Most of them stand at a height that ordinary people can't reach in their lifetime. Most of the national strata within the community have long been solidified to the extreme. Ordinary people who start as soldiers may not be able to become captains and company commanders in their entire lives. And these people have the foundation laid by their parents and families, and they are at least majors in the beginning. Such a person is precious, not to mention giving up his life for his beliefs, even if he is beaten. So the wise men came up to show them the cruel corporal punishment of the past era, and then pulled a few people who were not afraid of death as demonstrations, and the effect was surprisingly good.

Finally, there are less than 10 marshals and great nobles. They are either in charge of one party, or the real power holders in the country, and several of them are the second in command of the franchise countries. Without Chu Jungui reminding them, they themselves knew very well what the consequences of leaving the power center would be. Once there is a vacuum in power, someone will fill it, and when they go back, the pattern will have changed a long time ago. So many of these people are not from Chu Jungui looking for them, but they are coming to Chu Jungui to talk.

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