God is Coming

Chapter 1201 Sense of Ritual

Whether the elites of society genuinely want to surrender, or are just trying to differentiate themselves from the soldiers at the bottom, it's all the same to Lightyear. However, Chu Jungui was a little moved by the hard work of this group. Perhaps from birth to the present, they have fought for everything in the same way. Up to now, even a mid-level control sub-body has to fight, and it turns out that there are three or six or nine levels of control.

Chu Jungui became interested in these people, so he asked the wise man to analyze their behavior patterns and culture. After the analysis, the wise man came up with a new plan: only provide 10,000 intermediate-level offspring to these 100,000 people, and then Randomly select 100 of these 10,000 people and hand them over to the high-level descendants for control. In other words, an opportunity to become the absolute trusted confidant of a big shot.

But it is not so simple to get the intermediate subdivision. The first is to register. Although it is not first come first served, the order of registration is very important. Then there are two rounds of written examinations and one round of interviews, and finally the eligibility for issuing offspring will be determined based on the comprehensive score.

Light Year has always attached great importance to efficiency, and the written test and interview must be completed within one day. As usual, before the registration, the particularity of the mid-level offspring was explained in detail. In simple terms, it was equivalent to the advanced gene optimization with emphasis on strengthening, and the chicken blood function in critical moments. As a comparison, the high-level progeny is the top level of comprehensive gene optimization, and is responsible for repairing genetic defects, the two are naturally different. But in reality, even a key gene optimization can only be afforded by the elites who go bankrupt and risk their lives for mortgages. Comprehensive top-level gene optimization is out of the question. Someone once said that the reason why they can stand out from countless ordinary people is mainly due to mutation.

The low-level control daughter has a single function, which is to accept instructions to destroy the host. Typically, there are only obligations but no rights, so they are naturally not accepted by the elites.

As soon as the wise man's plan came out, it immediately caused a sensation among the elite group. Those who were not so smart complained and blamed habitually at first, only to find that a group of people had already rushed to the exit and started queuing in advance. Now they didn't care about venting their emotions, and squeezed forward desperately, trying to get only one tenth chance. Only those who skip this threshold are eligible to enter the soaring lottery.

By the time Chu Jungui opened a few small exits and began to register applicants when he was a child, the battle for ranking in the space battle had already gone through several rounds. Then the elites looked at the narrow entrances that could only allow two people to pass side by side, and started the action of dozens of teams merging into two teams.

The specific process of the elites merging teams is very complicated. All in all, it is gentle and sweeping.

Chu Jungui checked the progress and opened hundreds of registration gates. This time the registration process was finally much faster. On the contrary, the registration process is simple, and the information will be automatically matched after the monitoring is scanned. This amount of calculation is insignificant to the wise.

When the 10,000 people registered, Chu Jungui immediately announced the end of the registration process. Now those who are only one step away from the job will quit. Everyone knows how much they will suffer later if they are short of the scores they applied for in advance. How can it be so easy to make up for the written test and interview? These people immediately took up their usual posture of defending rights, some yelled, some slapped and rolled, and some were more insidious, but they didn't go up by themselves, and desperately fanned the people next to them to go up.

It's just that within light years, human rights, specifically human rights, have never been taken seriously, let alone the rights of prisoners of war. Then the automatic weapon station was activated, and a high-voltage electric shock bomb was fired, and the world immediately became quiet.

After restoring order, there will be two rounds of written tests. The elites couldn't be more familiar, sitting at the examination table, all of them looked radiant. This is their home field! It's just that looking around, it seems that they are all of the same kind, and there are no parallel imports that can only be used as denominators, so many people immediately feel pressure. They straightened their bodies, concentrated their minds, and waited for another big test in life. Looking at the mental state of these people, Chu Jungui felt that the originally prepared hormone gas to stimulate the spirit seemed to be saved.

There are two rounds of written tests. The first round is all about mathematics, logic, and natural science. The main test is IQ and knowledge reserves. Two-thirds of the people are screened out in the first round, followed by a second round. The second round is full of questions in various complex scenarios, and the answers are solutions. Half of the questions are about war, and the other half are about social reality. This round of screening is about the industry background and the comprehensive ability to deal with and solve problems. By the way, we will examine the ability of combat command. Combat topics are mostly skirmishes to match the ranks of these men.

Regardless of the results of the two rounds of written tests, the questions are very convincing. A wise man has a natural advantage in formulating questions, which is unmatched by human beings. Finally, it came to the interview session, and 15,000 candidates had to compete for the last 10,000 places. The interview time was 15 minutes, and everyone faced an empty wall, heard the questions and began to answer. The wise man threw out the questions one by one, extremely fast. Some people think deeply, while others answer instinctively without thinking.

At the end of the interview, the wise man gave the result and announced the pass list.

To be honest, this round of Chu Jungui was a little confused. The wise man speaks the questions very fast. With the reaction speed of normal human beings, if you don't pay attention, you will miss the questions. Some people answered quickly while others answered slowly, and there was a clear gap after a few minutes. By the end of the interview, the most people answered 37 questions, and the least was still talking about the second question, especially able to speak. The interview questions are also varied, covering various aspects, and even some things that are happening in reality, for example: How do you evaluate the commander of the fleet when you were captured?

Chu Jungui didn't have the ability to process the answers of more than 10,000 people in an instant, but he still had the ability to analyze hundreds of questionnaires in a few minutes. Then Chu Jungui found that whether he passed the interview seemed to have nothing to do with the level of answering questions in the interview?

This made him a little confused about the wise man's thinking, so he asked, "What are the criteria for passing the interview?"

The wise man replied: "The criterion is whether I am pleasing to the eye."

"???" Chu Jun didn't know why.

"In most cases, the standard for passing human interviews is whether the examiner is pleasing to the eye. I just followed the tradition of human beings."

"The interview is mainly to test the professional ability. Don't look at those messy things in the future." Chu Jun returned.

"Aren't we screening people with implanted control daughters this time? It's enough to be physically strong and not disabled. Everyone meets the requirements, so I just chose randomly."

"Then you still ask so many questions!"

"I'm giving them a sense of ritual. Without this thing, they won't feel how important the intermediate daughter is."

"How important is a child's ability to control?" Chu Jungui asked angrily.

"Human history shows that after people have obtained something through hardships, no matter what it is, they will cherish it very much. They have gone through several rounds of elimination before they get the qualification to implant intermediate daughters. They will be full of pride in their hearts, and the probability of betrayal will be corresponding reduce……"

Chu Jungui interrupted the wise man's long speech, and began to prepare to implant daughters into the elites. Unexpectedly, the elites were extraordinarily cooperative and even started to maintain order spontaneously. Those who failed to qualify were obviously unconvinced, and many people were asking if there was still a chance to be promoted to the middle-level sub-body in the future. This was beyond Chu Jungui's expectation. He replied that as long as he passed the light-year test, he could upgrade the primary descendant to the intermediate descendant. Then many people asked when to take the test and how often they could take the test. In the end, Chu Jungui had to promise to hold the test every year so that they could have a chance to be promoted to the middle class.

Chu Jungui felt a little tired after finally dealing with the troublesome elites. Every moment, there were more than a dozen people around him who kept asking, verifying and even complaining. The key point was that Chu Jungui released hundreds of videos at the same time. , and put it all together, it feels like arguing with fifty thousand ducks.

At this time, Chu Jungui also understood how attractive the genetic enhancement attached to the intermediate offspring was. In the real world, this thing is equivalent to an ordinary house in a certain country in the era of the mother star, not a luxury house. In order to get it, some people take risks, and some people sell their bodies and kidneys. Of course, most people have to carry a lifetime loan and pay it back until they are seventy or eighty until.

With the previous successful cases, based on the historical experience of human beings, the wise men implemented a new plan among the low-level soldiers: out of every 10,000 people who applied for implanting daughters, 10 were randomly selected to be implanted with intermediate daughters .

"Well, ten people will be selected to share the house..." Chu Jungui thought to himself.

After explaining the genetic enhancement effect of the intermediate offspring, it was no surprise that they received positive feedback. However, the feedback was limited, and there were only 1 million more applications. The vast majority of people were still waiting to see, or scoffed at the olive branch thrown by Light Years, and were determined not to betray the Federation. In Chu Jungui's opinion, it is a good thing to have 1 million more people, and a total of 4 million people is not a small number.

Although the wise men had different ideas, they did not object. In the eyes of the wise, these people have no resources or background, and they cannot be directly thrown back to the Federation. They can only be reorganized and used as an occupation army. But to use it again means that they have to be given food, clothing, hair and equipment, as well as wages, and the place to live can no longer be a big tin box. If this is the case, there must be a bed, and the toilet cannot be shared by hundreds of people. There must also be hospitals, bars, shower rooms, various entertainment and living facilities...

Chu Jungui understands the mood of the wise man very well. When the two of them revised the design drawings of the starship together, the first thing they removed was all kinds of living support facilities, and then they found that the cost dropped by 40% miraculously, and later realized the sub-body. Full takeover, so all the rescue chambers were also removed, so the cost dropped by another 10%. So by removing everything related to people, the cost of the starship can be directly reduced by more than half. Moreover, the daughter body does not need daily maintenance, does not need to eat and drink, just charge and charge, so the comprehensive cost is less than 1% of human beings, and it will not complain, lose its temper, and will not ask for this or that. .

What is the use of these people? The community will not accept it at all, and the wise men even suspect that even if it is released without compensation, the community will not be willing.

The only thing that makes the wise men realize that these people are still worth something is that the Dynasty has been asking for this batch of prisoners of war.

Based on the principle that I will not give what the dynasty wants, the wise man chooses to refuse every time.

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