God is Coming

Chapter 1202

Although they refused to give the prisoners of war to the dynasty, both Chu Jungui and the wise man had some headaches about how to deal with them. The community seems to want to increase the burden on Light Years. After all, the demand of tens of millions of people is an astronomical figure. However, after those marshals and elders returned to the community, the first thing they did was to disclose the real living conditions of the prisoners of war, and then put pressure on the community to demand the redemption of the prisoners. After all, there were only hundreds of thousands of people recorded in Light Year before, and there were tens of millions more prisoners of war suddenly, so it is impossible to get any good treatment. In this way, the big bosses can transfer the pressure to the community government, and they can also gain a wave of popularity by the way.

In the end, 4.2 million people from the bottom fighters applied, and the remaining 19 million people continued to stay in the iron box space prison. So far, the preliminary treatment of prisoners of war has achieved results.

From the data point of view, the elders have all become light-year-old people, followed by the social elites. More than 90% of these refined egoists have chosen to surrender. The group of generals actually included many second generations from good families, but they were surprisingly tough, with less than half of them surrendering. Finally, there are bottom-level fighters. People in this class have the highest proportion of rejecting light years.

"Interesting human beings." The wise man concluded.

After all the prisoners were implanted with daughter bodies, the first batch of prisoners of war set foot on the spaceship to return to the community. Chu Jungui's attention returned to the construction of the starship, and at the same time, he gave Chen Er a group of old Guangnian's people to clean up his identity and prepare to serve as the backbone of the two newly established fleets.

During a period of relative calm, an unexpected guest visits: Duan Xuyan.

Duan Xuyan could no longer be allowed to enter planets 4 and 5 at will, even close. Chu Jungui met Duan Xuyan at a space station on the edge of the galaxy.

Duan Xuyan is still as chic and charming as before, but there is a little tiredness on his face. Seeing Chu Jungui, he lifted his spirits and came over to shake hands with Chu Jungui.

"Don't be so polite, you are my elder."

Returning to his seat, Duan Xuyan said with emotion: "I didn't expect that young man who was a bit reckless back then is now the big boss of Megatron. We people are really old!"

"You still have at least 100 years to fight!" Chu Jungui smiled.

Duan Xuyan sighed with emotion, stopped the greetings, and entered the topic: "I am here this time, and one is to express my gratitude on behalf of Tianyu's Li family. Our Li family does not have any good things. I heard that you have been collecting technology patents. We It happens to have some advantages in high-speed secondary guns, so this time I brought a full set of information on the Stormbringer."

The storm messenger is the starship secondary gun that the Li family of Tianyu is proud of. Its technology is ahead of all mankind. It has an extremely fast rate of fire and high precision. The high-energy particle clusters it ejects can intercept hostile targets at a speed of 28,000 meters per second. It is the natural nemesis of space torpedoes and fighter planes. It can support an absolute defense circle within 10 kilometers around the starship. And at this distance, even a powerful space torpedo explodes in the air, and the damage to the starship is very limited.

Facing the gift, Chu Jungui was a little hesitant: "We didn't do anything, isn't that good?" He didn't refuse directly, after all, Light Year's secondary artillery was a generation behind the storm messenger.

"The last time the Dynasty deliberately leaked information, it turned out that the main force of the Commonwealth and the Federation's joint fleet attacked you first, not the main force that attacked us. Their original plan was to join forces with the fleet that attacked us after light years, and then use the Tianyu galaxy as the main force. A breakthrough to attack the dynasty's homeland. Although our side is not the main force, we are fighting very hard. When we are about to be unable to withstand it, the combined fleet on your side is completely wiped out, and the fleet that attacked us also retreated. If not Light Year withstood the pressure, Tianyu Li Family no longer exists."

"As long as the person is still there, the Li family is there. If you lose a galaxy, you can get it back. There are always infinite possibilities in the future."

Duan Xuyan laughed, and said: "There is no need to talk about the passion between us. Seriously, if it weren't for the sudden emergence of Light Year, I am afraid that the dynasty is now in danger. Who would have thought that Light Year could kill the main force of the five community ships?" Ship? Now there is a basis for peace talks in this battle."

"It's a matter of talking or fighting, and I can't participate. My idea now is to defend my own galaxy, and then it would be better if I can eat the few community galaxies that I occupy."

Duan Xuyan gave a thumbs up: "We still think about how to survive, you are ready to let the community cede territory! Awesome!"

"War is not the goal. Do you have other things to come here this time?"

Duan Xuyan straightened his expression, and said: "We have received news that the dynasty officially gave Guangnian two fleets. Everything is the same as other fleets in the dynasty, and the military ranks and resumes are also the same. Our Tianyu Li family also has a similar establishment. But there is only one squadron. We want to have another squadron in Lightyear's fleet, which can obey Lightyear's command during the war."

"Obey my command?" Chu Jungui was a little surprised, "You should have read the battle report, right? Our battle losses are very large, sometimes exceeding 80%. If you join our fleet, you will die very quickly."

Duan Xuyan said confidently: "Of course I have read the battle report, but the battle report only mentions the number of lost starships, not the loss of personnel. If my guess is correct, the loss of personnel should not be high, right?"

Chu Jungui neither admitted nor denied it.

Duan Xuyan continued: "The children of the Li family are not afraid of death. How can there be immortals in war? But looking at the entire dynasty, there is almost no one who can be as invincible as you. Before that, there was only one Xu Bingyan. So the people of the Li family are made up of You command, we rest assured."

The fleet of the dynasty is organized, and the number of squadrons under its jurisdiction is different. For example, the ace fleets such as the First and Ninth Fleets have four sub-fleets, and there can be four capital ships at the limit. The third-line fleet has only 2 squadrons. The Fourth and Seventh Fleets allocated to Chu Jungui are the standard establishment of three sub-fleets under their jurisdiction. Chu Jungui thought of Li Xinyi, and thought it would be okay to give the Li family a squadron. It's just that the command and use of this squadron must be extremely careful, and it cannot be purely used as a consumable like the Light Year Fog Fleet.

In the end, Duan Xuyan gave Chu Jungui another list, and there were probably dozens of people on it. These are the children of aristocratic families who want to find a future in the fleet of Light Years. Chu Jungui glanced at them and found that these people's resumes were actually not bad, and most of them had military merits on their bodies, which were the credits of actual fighting on the battlefield. This is not easy.

Chu Jungui pondered for a while, and asked: "These people don't worry about having nowhere to go, right? Why do they want to come to me?"

"They all have abilities, but there are indeed some thorns in them. They are not convinced by their usual bosses, so their future has been affected. But no matter how high they think of themselves, they all admire Light Year. You two The fleet has not yet been established, and there are many positions, so they think there will be a future here, and they want to recommend it through us."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, feeling a little embarrassed. These people are not so easy to arrange, and the casualties are second, mainly because they are afraid of affecting the combat power of the Light Year Fleet.

Chu Jungui put down the list and asked: "These people don't just want to come here, do they?"

Duan Xuyan said: "These are real talents, and each of them was killed on the battlefield. Your fleet formation also needs a backbone team, and they are good candidates. People from other aristocratic families will come looking for them soon. Come to your door, then you will know the benefits of my recommending these people."

Chu Jungui was noncommittal and said, "Is the family's hand stretched too far?"

"Politics is always about dealing."

Chu Jungui said: "It's not that we need these two establishments, but part of the dynasty's payment to Light Year. Without establishments, my fleet is still a fleet, but without starships, what's the use of more establishments?"

Duan Xuyan was not angry, and said: "As I said just now, politics always requires transactions. Those aristocratic families have good noses and can always smell opportunities for transactions. Now many people feel that the community should not dare to make money. It's been a year, so it's relatively safe to send people in. Besides, light years always win battles, and there will be fewer dead in victories, and the qualifications are better."

"They don't think that if they send someone over, I will definitely accept it?"

"Of course not. These aristocratic families have to pay something."

Chu Jungui nodded and pointed to the list: "Then what can I get from these people?"

Duan Xuyan said: "They are Cypriots, I'm sending you talent, it's different."

Chu Jungui went through his resume again before saying, "Okay, I want these people."

Duan Xuyan breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and said, "I've finished talking about everything, then I'm leaving."

"How is the situation in the Tianyu galaxy?"

Speaking of this, Duan Xuyan's face became a little dignified: "There has always been a Federation fleet in the galaxy. We can still support it but we can't drive it away. Two of the four planets are in our hands, one is in the Federation's hands, and one is in the hands of the Federation. The federal marines have already gone up and are now fighting for it. But we only have 40,000 people up there, while the Federation has 200,000 people, so it should only be a matter of time before we fall."

"What is the strength of the Federation Fleet?"

"The main force is two heavy cruisers and three light cruisers, and there are more than 100 other starships." Speaking of this, Duan Xuyan smiled bitterly, "This strength is nothing, but our fleet has long since followed When Xu Bingyan went to war, he lost 30% at that time. The last time the Federation attacked, the remaining half was lost, and now there is only one heavy cruiser left in the entire fleet."

Chu Jungui said: "I can send a fleet to the Tianyu galaxy, do you need it?"

Duan Xuyan's eyes lit up: "I need it! Of course I need it!"

Chu Jungui said: "It's too early to say, let's talk about it after the head of the Li family makes a decision. After all, Guangnian's identity is a little sensitive now."

Chu Jungui is very clear about the position of Light Year, and it is very sensitive to enter the dynasty star field or the vassal star field like Tianyu Li's family to fight. The Dynasty gave Light Year a series of treatment that had never been done before, but it never mentioned letting the Light Year Fleet enter the battle. In fact, not only the Li family of Tianyu, but also several other small independent countries, no matter how hard they fought, they never asked Guangnian for help.

Duan Xuyan was startled, and then said, "I'll just ask!"

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