God is Coming

Chapter 1203 Why not object?

Regardless of his records and things he has done, Lightyear's reputation among the upper echelons of the dynasty is not very good. On the one hand, Lightyear still maintained operations in the Federation until a long time after the war began, and even invested tens of billions to build an entire industry chain of starship equipment, although these tens of billions were all owned by the Federation. from financial institutions. In the eyes of the big shots at the top, this is a sign of lack of loyalty.

Although an important factor in the close connection between Guangnian and the Federation is that Su Jian of the Fourth Fleet intended to let Guangnian die as cannon fodder, the big shots didn't think so. Although Su Jian did something wrong, this is not the reason why you can't join the dynasty war. The so-called thunder, rain and dew are all gifts from heaven, and they are used here.

The second thing is that at the most critical moment of the war, the dynasty delivered two battleships as scheduled and then there was no movement. Instead, they fought with the community until Mars collided with the earth. The starships were like wasps that had been stabbed in the nest. Piles and piles pouring out. There are so many starships. Instead of using them to support the dynasty, how dare you keep them secretly?

The third thing is that Lightyear has never offered to provide reinforcements to the dynasty, but it has kept N77 watertight. This is a typical behavior that only cares about self-interest and does not care about the dynasty.

There are all kinds of other little things, but in one sentence, Guangnian is born to be rebellious. This is what the big shots in the upper echelons of the dynasty thought in the past. Fortunately, after Xu Bingyan's death, Chen Er's group suddenly emerged and took charge of power. They purged all the big shots who were best at and could only write moral articles. With the current situation.

The other independent forces are afraid of Guangnian's strength, and are even more worried that once Guangnian comes in, he won't leave. What should they do? So when the war was at its most dangerous, no one came to Lightyear for help. Of course, another reason is that Lightyear was beaten miserably every time. His opponents were completely wiped out, and he didn't have much left. Who could have imagined that he would be able to pull out a large group of starships next time.

The relationship between Tianyu's Li family and Chu Jungui is naturally different from others, but the Li family has always been proud and arrogant, and they will never ask for outside help if they can support themselves. This time, Lightyear had obtained the establishment of two large fleets. The head of the Li family also wanted to take the opportunity to develop, so he asked Duan Xuyan to come over to lobby. Considering the past relationship, Chu Jungui agreed. Those children of the Li family had to grit their teeth and squeeze out. After all, the Li family also suffered heavy casualties, and everyone was very precious at this moment.

Duan Xuyan contacted the head of the family on the spot, and the result came within a few minutes: "The head of the house means that if Guangnian has spare power, please support him immediately! All the spoils belong to Guangnian, and our Li family's technology can also be used Take your pick!”

Chu Jungui pondered for a moment and said, "I'll organize the fleet now and it can be dispatched tomorrow. Do you need help with the ground battle?"

"I have to ask this. The family still has 200,000 ground troops, but there are only 50,000 reserve troops left. Even if the federal fleet is driven away, I don't know if it will be enough to recover the planet. How many land troops do you have now?" Duan Xu Yan asked.

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said, "I just reorganized a group of troops. Counting the original ones, it's about... more than 5 million?"

Duan Xuyan was startled at first, and then became a little sour: "He is indeed a ruthless person who can challenge the community one-on-one! We are fighting to death, but it would be better for you to fight more and more!"

Duan Xuyan took a deep look at Chu Jungui and reminded: "You are so powerful, it is best not to let people know. You must know that those people above... No, they have all gone down."

Duan Xuyan thought again, with Guangnian's current strength, even if people knew about it, who could do anything to Chu Jungui? At this time, he suddenly understood why the dynasty suddenly spent so much money to win over Chu Jungui. Not to mention the two fleets, it also comes with two galaxies, making Lightyear the de facto master of N77.

However, ground troops are not so urgently needed. Generally, without fleet cover, planetary ground troops are living targets. When the federal fleet is repelled, the ground troops that have landed will be withdrawn, otherwise they will just wait to be annihilated.

In the end, Chu Jungui decided to dispatch a fleet with four heavy cruisers as the core. One of them was controlled by humans, mainly for command and communication with the Tianyu Li family, and the rest were Mist fleets.

As soon as Duan Xuyan was sent away, Chu Jungui received a group of special visitors. Looking at the list of visitors, Chu Jungui also had a headache, so he put them together and received them at the same time.

So in a large living room on the orbital station, dozens of people sat in a semi-arc shape, and countless eyes were looking at Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui's eyes swept over everyone one by one, and the information about these people flowed through his heart at the same time. They are all representatives from the major families in the dynasty, including the Xu family, Zhang family, Gu family, and even the Lin family. There are 48 people in total, 6 aristocratic families. Judging from the scene, there was no prior contact between them, but they all arrived at about the same time. Like Duan Xuyan, they probably rushed over as soon as they got the confirmed news.

Everyone did not expect that Chu Jungui would directly arrange everyone together, but he was from a big family, so he was always shameless, and most of them knew each other, so the slight embarrassment was over.

The Xu family is familiar with Chu Jungui. If nothing else, Xu Bingyan alone is enough to make the entire family go down in history. After Xu Bingyan's death, the Xu family's momentum was greatly reduced. However, Chu Jungui had mixed feelings about the Xu family. Among them, they were both suppressed and favored by Xu Bingyan who directly placed orders for multiple Frostwolves with a wave of his hand. As the aristocratic family grew, it was natural that there would be everyone in it, and Chu Jungui was already very open-minded about this.

The Zhang family is an old family of the dynasty. It has always been low-key. It is a rare family that specializes in planetary development and construction. It is not well-known but has a deep foundation. Chu Jungui had never dealt with the Zhang family before, and this was the first time he had met them. It's no surprise that the Lin family can come. The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff. Xu Bingyan failed to completely kill the Lin family at the beginning, but now the Lin family has once again become active in the foreground.

After everyone looked at each other, the Xu family was the first to speak: "General Chu, no, you will soon be Marshal Chu. In the entire history of the dynasty, you are also the youngest marshal. Our Xu family has always had goodwill towards you. Yes, when Marshal Bingyan was still alive, he replaced all the battleships under construction that could be changed with Frostwolf, and even our Xu family's own battleship was shelved."

This is the truth, Chu Jungui nodded. As for Xu Yan, after performing the operation on her, Chu Jungui felt that this grievance was over.

Next is the self-introduction of Zhang Gu and several other companies. The two companies are similar, they have always been very low-key, and they are mostly engaged in livelihood industries. It's not like the Xu family's military-industrial and military work together, and it's not the Lin family who concentrates on cultivating the military, so their reputation is not obvious, and they didn't have any intersection with Chu Jungui in the past. The other two are smaller and can be regarded as middle-class families.

The person from Zhang’s family was an elderly man with a bit of a fairy spirit. After the introduction of several families, he smiled and said: “We used to do small businesses, but now the times are different. The younger generation listens to When it comes to war, the blood boils. Those of us who are elders can’t stop their dream of fighting for the country. All we can do is to help them get on the horse and see them off. This is also the main purpose of our visit this time.”

Finally, it was the Lin family's turn. The order in which each family speaks is actually ranked according to the strength of the family. The Xu family is obviously the number one. After all, it still holds a complete capital ship industry chain. If there is no light year, then the Xu family's capital ship is the first. In fact, just looking at the technical level, the Xu family's battleship is almost pulling the Frostwolf out of the generation gap. It's just that the Canglang pulled out a full three generations of difference in cost, and another two generations of difference in the construction cycle. After offsetting each other, the Frostwolf class is equivalent to leading by 4 generations. However, this is Light Year's own capital ship, and it is now officially called the Dreadnought class. The human version of Canglang produced by Dynasty is only half a generation ahead.

The Lin family has been suppressed and betrayed relatives. Although the airs are still there, their strength and status are not as good as before. It can be seen from the last speech.

After listening to the introductions of each family, Chu Jungui also understood the purpose of each family. All the families are actually two fleets with their eyes on Light Years. This is different from the private fleet of Tianyu Li's family, but a formal establishment of the dynasty, and the military ranks are common to the entire army. Two fleets are two marshals, 10 generals, and 100 lieutenant generals. Moreover, Light Year is an invincible division that has won many battles, which means that the possibility of promotion is far higher than that of other fleets. Such a golden avenue, the family with a keen sense of smell would naturally not let it go, so they waited for the news as soon as they came to visit.

Forget about the other families, Chu Jungui was really speechless about the Lin family. He is still familiar with the Lin family. Back then, for Lin Xi, Chu Jungui investigated all the members of the Lin family. He found out who could be salvaged, who was rotten to the root, and who belonged to which faction. Right now, Lin Xianjue from the Lin family talks about Lin Xi, as if he is Lin Xi's close elder, but in fact he is not in the same line as Lin Xi at all.

Is this bullying Chu Jungui for not being familiar with the Lin family?

Chu Jungui looked at Lin Xianjue's mouth moving up and down, feeling quite funny. The Lin family was also a big reason for drifting away from Lin Xi back then. Lin Xi chose to sacrifice for the family, but he was unwilling to bring Chu Jungui in, so he could only gradually distance himself, and naturally he was not the opponent of the little princess who went all out.

Now the envoy of the Lin family spoke as if he had watched Lin Xi grow up. However, Lin Xi's most important promotion and activities were funded by Mr. Chu, and the Lin family didn't seem to take much money. The Lin family has always had a reputation of being clean and honest, but such a big family can't afford tens of millions? The former Chu Jungui might have believed it, but now he doesn't believe it anymore.

After hearing a few words, Chu Jungui suddenly became impatient, and directly interrupted Lin Xianjue: "It's fine."

Lin Xianjue was displeased, and said with a sullen face, "I haven't finished yet..."

Chu Jungui ignored him, looked at the representatives of other aristocratic families, and said, "I understand the purpose of everyone's visit. But I have a question, since the establishment of the fleet is so useful, why didn't you object when the dynasty gave it to me? "

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