God is Coming

Chapter 1204 Bringing Ships into the Group

This question made the representatives a little embarrassed? No objection? How could they not object? It's just that in the past round of purges, the representatives of the major aristocratic families were basically old-fashioned bureaucrats, and they were the core objects of purges. The establishment of the Light Year Fleet is directly decided by the newly appointed power center. After the aristocratic family is purged, it is like the old and young of the previous dynasty. There are only a few left who can be officials. Who dares to object?

Everyone was silent, and Chu Jungui asked the second question: "Even if you don't object, the number of the fleet is not fixed. It can be the 9th fleet or the 999th fleet. You can just build a fleet yourself. gone?"

The representatives of each family continued to remain silent. Now during the war, it is still possible to get a fleet designation, but the problem is that with the establishment, where do the starships come from? If they had a starship, would they still need to come here?

But everyone thought about it carefully, even if they have a few starships in their hands, it seems that they still have light years. Do nothing, just win the battle for Light Year. If it wasn't for that bit of military exploits, why did they come here across hundreds of light years with the things in their bags? The starship is in their hands, and it is also cannon fodder on the battlefield.

After the two questions, the arrogance of the representatives of these aristocratic families all disappeared completely.

After everyone stopped talking completely, Chu Jungui said slowly: "I understand what you want, and I also know that you didn't come here empty-handed..."

Lin Xianjue opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed it wisely. There must always be a limit to Lin Xi's consumption.

Chu Jungui seemed not to see Lin Xianjue's expression, and continued: "But what you give may not be what I want. We don't have many things that we lack now, just a few things, you can solve it? "

The representatives of the various companies cheered up, this is the time to ask for a price, they are good at this!

Chu Jungui smiled and said: "Now to fight against the community, the starship is the first. Do you have a dock that can build capital ships and heavy patrols?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Do you have a complete set of shipboard equipment, main guns and power engines?"

"10,000 senior officers of the fleet..."

"100,000 engineers and senior technicians..."


"Planet Marines Individual Combat System..."

Each family raised their hands immediately, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood: "We have this!"

Chu Jungui added the next sentence: "...5 million sets."

All the raised hands were put down again.

The smile on Chu Jungui's face remained unchanged: "There is nothing, what use do I need you?"

The representative of the Zhang family coughed and said, "Everything has to be negotiated! Can you change some terms?"

Chu Jun Guidan said: "I have everything else."

The representative of the Zhang family was stunned, and wanted to refute, but thought that Light Year had independently killed the four fleets of the community. With such strength, to put it bluntly, even the sum of all the families present was not enough for Light Year to fight. So far, each family has understood their position, lowered their stance, and put on an attitude of begging for help, expressing that those in front are really helpless, and ask Chu Jun to return and exchange conditions.

When Mr. Chu saw that the arrogance of the aristocratic family was suppressed, he didn't waste time and said, "I have another plan. I can come up with a squadron to house the children of each family. The battle we fought in light years, this branch The fleet will definitely be there, as for how to participate, that’s up to me to decide, basically I will enter the field after the mid-to-late stage. I don’t need combat achievements right now, and it’s okay to share points with everyone.”

Everyone is overjoyed. They had done their homework a long time ago, knowing that the first half of the Lightyear Fleet battle was extremely tragic, and almost all starships were exchanged between the two sides. In the second half, the opponent collapsed and entered the pursuit, and the casualties were very low. Chu Jungui made it clear that the children of various families can be gilded, it depends on the conditions.

"My requirement is that those who join the squadron must bring their own starship, and the position will be given according to the starship they bring. One heavy cruiser is the deputy commander of the squadron, and the three heavy cruisers will be directly given to the commander! What kind of starship will be given? Level, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a starship, you can buy it from Light Years!”

The families looked at each other again: "Bring the ship into the team?!"

After smoothing over the major families, Chu Jungui discovered a complete set of mature procedures. There are still many establishments for a squadron, and the six are far from enough. Chu Jungui simply let out the wind, anyone who wants to join the fleet can come and talk, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a starship, it’s cheaper to buy from light years than outside. It doesn't matter if you don't have qualified crew and officers, Light Year can be fully equipped. As long as the money is in place, everything can be solved, as long as you bring a bag to take up the post, even the secretary is provided.

In addition to money, Light Year also collects various technologies and scarce resources. In this regard, the price given by Light Year is full of sincerity, and it is completely based on the market price, without any discount.

In this way, all the families of the dynasty flocked to it, and even the small family wanted to participate.

Within a few days, Chu Jungui received a communication from Chen Er. When the current first assistant to the Minister of National Defense saw Chu Jungui, he smiled wryly and said, "You've made it a bit big!"

"What?" Chu Jun pretended not to understand.

Chen Er said helplessly: "Dynasty gave your fleet establishment, not for you to sell it, big brother!"

"Oh, I didn't sell it."

Chen Er glared at Chu Jungui: "Aren't you selling it?! The impact of this matter is too bad, and now the minister is under a lot of pressure. The minister means that only one squadron can be filled at full capacity, not as an example. "

Chu Jungui was puzzled, shouldn't this matter be stopped immediately? As for how the various families compete with the Ministry of Defense, that is their business. Although the aristocratic family has undergone a round of cleansing, the underlying industry is still there. It has not been injured, but it is only temporarily dormant. When the time is right, it will inevitably make a comeback. Now is the time of war, and some extreme measures can be used at this time, but it will be two different things when the war is over. In human history, there are many examples of leaders who were united by the people during the war and were abandoned by the people immediately after the war.

Chen Er explained: "Every family actually has hidden resources, and starships are one of them. Most of their starships are used to defend their own planets and industries, and they refuse to go to the front line even when the battle situation is the most dangerous. We have always had a headache. How to mobilize this part of the resources? In the past, there was only forced expropriation, but this is not a good way. Now that you are making trouble like this, they have taken out the starships one by one voluntarily. Even if these starships are not used on the dynasty’s front , can be regarded as the dynasty has relieved the pressure."

After explaining, Chen Er reminded again: "Don't forget, there can only be one squadron!"

"No problem, but you have to admit the military achievements I reported, and you can't make things difficult."

"...All right." Chen Er reluctantly compromised.

"I'm going to name this squadron, Longteng Fleet. Go through the process!"

"Brother, only the meritorious fleet can have its own name! This is the tradition of the dynasty for hundreds of years. If we mess up like this, we will be reviled by history!" Chen Er was heartbroken.

Chu Jungui said: "Isn't our light-year meritorious service enough to name a squadron? According to the practice of the dynasty, destroying a capital ship is eligible to be named separately. I have killed five capital ships. It is not too much to ask for five names." Bar?"

"That's what I said, but..." Chen Er was speechless for a moment.

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