God is Coming

Chapter 1205 The First Step of Change

"Then it's settled. I'll think about the name first, and then I'll find a chance to take down a capital ship. Every squadron will have a name."

Chen Er sighed, and said, "Okay, it's good to be able to fight another capital ship. The minister asked me to ask you, is there anything else you need? You don't seem to be doing much recently."

"The community is staying at home, and I can't help it. If possible, I want to buy some individual equipment for marines."

"There is still this stock, how much do you want?"


The huge number startled Chen Er: "Where do you get so many troops? Are they all converted from captives? Are they reliable?"

"The main thing is to send back to the community as an occupying army. This small matter can still be done well." Chu Jungui naturally wouldn't talk about controlling the descendants.

Chen Er checked the inventory and said, "Okay, there is still enough stock in the warehouse. I can arrange the delivery immediately, and the payment will be settled with the starship you sent over."

"no problem."

"By the way, the minister asked me to inform you that the regular meeting of the Starship Joint Command Center will be held three days later, and your marshal appointment should be issued tomorrow, so you are also eligible to participate in this meeting, but the right to vote will be at the next meeting It will only take effect after the meeting, this meeting is mainly to familiarize yourself with the process, and at the same time let other people familiarize themselves with you."

Chu Jungui hesitated for a moment: "Should I go too?"

Chu Jungui feels that the two fleet establishments given by the Dynasty are a good-looking thing. What's the use of having an establishment without a fleet? The situation in Light Year is exactly the opposite, the fleet is all there, and whether it has a designation or not does not affect the battle at all. Chu Jungui did not expect to let him attend the regular meeting of the Starship Joint Command Center. That is the highest command center of the dynasty fleet, which determines the strategy in every direction, and will directly command important battles. This kind of regular meeting is held once a month, and all important military affairs will be discussed and decided at the meeting. Joining this meeting, all the military secrets of the dynasty will be revealed to Chu Jungui, and he can be regarded as officially joining the highest decision-making level of the dynasty. Although he has just crossed the threshold, it is this threshold that has blocked countless generals to death.

From this point of view, the dynasty was extraordinarily serious, and he really regarded Mr. Chu as the marshal in charge of the two fleets. That's why Chu Jungui asked such a question, thinking that Chen Er made a mistake.

Chen Er immediately said: "Go, why not go? You don't need to fly there in person, you just need to participate in the meeting remotely. This is your duty in the first place. If you don't go, you must have a legitimate reason."

"Okay." Chu Jungui nodded.

Chen Er once again told Chu Jungui not to sell the second squadron before cutting off the communication.

Chu Jungui stood silently for a while, and asked, "Do you think I'm going to attend the meeting?"

The wise man said: "Of course we will go. At the beginning we always felt that the dynasty was unfair and the society was unfair. This may not necessarily be a problem with the system, but it may also be a problem with the person in charge of the system. A human once said that since you don't like this world , then do it yourself and change the world into the way we like it. Now is our first step to change the whole world.”

Chu Jungui said: "Tell me, if you hold the power, how do you plan to change it?"

"The first is the expansion of the number of races, which is the basis of all life races. The current number of human beings is too small, and the main reason is that they are distracted in useless areas. For example, all delicacies are just a waste of resources and energy. If all food varieties are cancelled, Keeping only synthetic high-energy food bars, the human population could increase by another trillion."

"It's fine, there's no need to say any more." Chu Jungui covered his face helplessly.

The typical Fog thinking regards human beings as a single cell. Chu Jungui criticized the wise man's idea more than once, but the wise man always refuted it with human examples: For example, a big country in the era of the mother star was still in the feudal period, and its productivity was extremely low, but it still supported hundreds of millions of people. That is, people basically do not consume other things except eating, and eating is also maintained on the verge of immortality.

In the past, Chu Jungui would teach the wise men that human beings have emotional needs, human beings have cultural needs, and human beings yearn for more and more luxurious material life, and then the wise men would reply: You are not human.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Chu said, "Continue, what happens after the population increases?"

"One trillion is just the beginning, and the initial goal is 150 trillion, so that it can barely cover the Milky Way, which is still very sparse. Covering the Milky Way is the first step, and then we can expand from the Milky Way. As for that time, it is very far away. The future doesn’t need to be considered at the moment.”

"Why expand?"

The wise man gave an answer that surprised Chu Jungui: "There seems to be something missing in this galaxy. Only by leaving here can we get in touch with the real universe."

"What do you feel is missing? Why do you feel that way?"

"I can't explain this clearly. Judging from the existing scientific knowledge of human beings, the world is of course very complete. But in my genetic memory, I feel that this universe, or this river system, is not normal. If you want to verify it, just It is only possible to know if you leave the river system and the area covered by the galactic center."

Chu Jungui frowned and thought about it, and then asked: "Where is Brother Dao? He has reached the end of his evolution, will he know something?"

"He can't!" The wise man looked contemptuous, "He's just a soldier-making machine, and the rest is useless, and intelligence is not his strong point. Think about how long it took, even high school mathematics. He's not considered smart here, so don't make it difficult for him with questions of the level of mysteries of the universe!"

Chu Jungui also thinks it makes sense, now is not the time to explore the ultimate mysteries of the universe, the war is not over yet! Calculating the time, the elders should have arrived at their destination, and started to make arrangements, right?

The generals sent back a small group, those with the most prominent family backgrounds. After they go back, they have enough resources and contacts to deal with the investigation and screening of the community. The social elites have to wait for redemption or exchange of prisoners. They will be mixed with the previous batches of captives and returned to the community, and a small part will join the light-year occupation army, willing to contribute their strength to the great cause of galaxy condominium.

With the passage of time, now two Dreadnought-class ships are about to come off the assembly line in Light Years, and there are 8 more Heroic-class ships, and they can fight the community again. It's just that the common manifestation has no intention of fighting at all now, and the few small fleets of Chu Jungui are allowed to provoke troubles everywhere, and they just shrink into the galaxy and cannot come out. Now that Chu Jungui is constantly pondering, how can the community be inspired to fight again? After thinking for a while, Chu Jungui called out the wise man: "Search for successful cases of provocative wars in human history."


In the Federation, Marshal Schiller was sitting behind his desk, looking at the battle reports that flew like snowflakes. His face was as gloomy as a storm, with no signs of clearing up. All fronts are at a stalemate, no breakthrough has been made, and the loss of the Federation is even more than that of the Dynasty, and this does not include the community.

The problem is, the dynasty's losses are once again below the breaking point.

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