God is Coming

Chapter 1206 Critical Point

The critical point is a concept of Schiller, which measures the war potential of a dynasty and compares it with losses. Above the critical point, it means that the losses exceed the rate of replenishment, and the dynasty will become weaker and weaker. But today, the dynasty's losses fell below the breaking point once again, for the second time this month. This means that the bleeding giant of the Dynasty is licking its wounds and is about to shake off its increasingly weakened state. Once the dynasty is restored, no one wants to see it.

Schiller suddenly called his secretary and said, "Get Marshal Sherev from the community to me."

After a while, a marshal with extraordinary bearing appeared in front of Schiller, but he looked a bit young. Sherev is the current Defense Minister of the Community. He is only 47 years old this year. He is the son of the head of the largest member country of the Community. He also has some abilities and has won many battles. He took over as Defense Minister two years ago. He has a very tough attitude towards the dynasty and is also the core figure who pushed the community to declare war on the dynasty.

Schiller got straight to the point: "Marshal Sherev, you have also seen today's battle report. The dynasty's losses have been less than their ability to recover. You know the consequences of this situation better than I do."

Sherev sighed and said helplessly: "The pressure in the country is too great, and I have to continuously mobilize the fleet to suppress Light Year. Otherwise, they will have to mobilize the fleet back themselves."

"Light Years still hasn't solved it?"

"We suspect that Dynasty secretly transferred the starship industry to Lightyear. In the first two raids, we saw giant shipyards that exceeded expectations. So attacking Lightyear is attacking Dynasty's war potential."

"This is too slow. My suggestion is to concentrate the absolute superior force on a certain front to form a breakthrough and defeat the dynasty's defense line in one fell swoop. This can also cause a fatal blow to the dynasty's effective forces, and our casualties can also be controlled."

"Where is the breakthrough?"

Schiller pointed on the star map: "I think the second theater is good."

"The second theater is led by the federation, so how will the command of the troops be coordinated?"

Schiller said unceremoniously: "The community's fleet is temporarily integrated into our command system and is under our unified command."

Sherev sneered: "Even if I agree, do you think other marshals will agree?"

"This is for the benefit of both of us! Isn't it clear how your marshals are doing and the efficiency of your intelligence system after so long? With us under our command, your people will lose less. I I heard that there are 20 million prisoners in light years."

Sherev said displeased: "Are you here to humiliate me?"

"No, I'm here to help you, and I'm also here to help ourselves. The community's troops can't continue to be depleted like this. You marshals, there must be a limit to your greed for power and stupidity, otherwise no matter how many troops the community has, they will be buried with them! Once the dynasty reaches its full war potential, we will probably lose."

Sherev stared at Schiller and said slowly: "You are anxious."

"We don't have time," Schiller said meaningfully.

Sherev pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, I promise you, I can dispatch a fleet to the second theater and you will command it.

"2 fleets, plus 3 million planetary marines."

Sherev frowned: "I don't have so many mobile troops on hand."

"Then mobilize other lines of defense. The emptiness left behind can be filled by domestic private defense forces. Don't those local governments and nobles retain a lot of fleets? I'm afraid the number is more than your regular fleet!"

Sherev thought for a moment and said, "Okay! I'll recruit some of them."

Schiller was very satisfied and said: "Thank you for your kindness! We will get a decisive victory."

At this time, Sherev suddenly said meaningfully: "I believe that with your command ability, there will be a great victory. However, you still seem to be a little impatient. Is there something I don't know?"

"We have shared all the information that should be shared with you." Schiller said calmly.

"I hope so." Sherev left a mysterious smile and closed the communication.

When the image of Schiller in front of him disappeared, Sherev walked out from behind the desk. This is a huge office, covering more than a thousand square meters, and is extremely luxuriously decorated. At the other end of the huge office, McMillan was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of wine and flipping through the latest battle reports.

Sherev came to sit down in front of McMillan and said: "I'm sure the Federation is hiding something from us, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious. Is it related to Light Years? I heard that you are very familiar with Austin, why don't you go Ask him directly?"

McMillan said: "I contacted him some time ago, but failed. He should have been demoted by the federation, and now he is no longer able to freely contact the outside world."

"Reducing power? Who dares to reduce Austin's power?"

"Austin wanted to promote the research on real dreams and compete with the doctors of the dynasty for progress. As a result, he offended those war madmen. Those people can do anything for the sake of war. A former military god is nothing."

"How important is a real dream? I see that you have invested a lot of resources in it."

McMillan hesitated and said: "The secrets hidden in real dreams are enough to change the future of mankind. In fact, in the past few years of research, we have obtained many new formulas and new technologies. That is just the tip of the iceberg of the entire real dream. We suspect that the real dream was constructed by a civilization that far surpasses humans. If we can obtain the technology of this civilization, we will achieve a technological leap forward for thousands of years."

Shelev said: "I know all of this, but when will we get those technologies? So far, we haven't even seen the products of that civilization."

"It's a real dream."

"That's the same sentence, when?"

McMillan didn't know how to answer, so he could only say: "This kind of research sometimes depends on luck."

"Well, luck... I will not interfere with your research, nor will I reduce funding. But until I see further results, I hope you can do me a favor."

"Fill the gaps in the front line?"

"Yes. It's only temporary. Once the battle in the second theater is over, they can come back. After reaching the front line, your fleet will be a reserve force. As long as there is no all-out war in the defense zone, they will have no losses."

McMillan nodded and said, "Yes."

Shelev seemed a little more relaxed, and asked casually, "How does our research on real dreams compare to the other two?"

"The Dynasty is still number one. The Federation was originally number two, but Austin hasn't received funding for a long time. I heard that his research team has been transferred away. Now we may be number two."

Shelev became interested: "Is it possible for us to catch up with the dynasty?"

"Impossible! No one can compare with Dr. Zero in this field, and he is the boss of several military industrial groups, and the research funds are always abundant."

"So it is really necessary to completely defeat the dynasty." Shelev stood up and said, "Let your people keep an eye on the Federation. I always feel that something happened there, and Schiller's reaction is a bit weird."

"No problem." McMillan has been in charge of half of the community's intelligence agencies. Apart from his background, he is also a big man with real power.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Schiller, had prepared new campaign materials to be presented at a meeting in a few hours. He was extremely efficient. He worked continuously for more than ten hours without even drinking a sip of water, and finally completed the materials. It involves the mobilization and reorganization of multiple fleets, and the transportation and use of massive supplies. Schiller was worried about handing it over to his subordinates, so he had to do it himself. After a lot of hard work, the materials were finally distributed to all participants 5 hours before the meeting.

After 5 hours, the meeting started on time.

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