God is Coming

Chapter 1207

In the conference room, images of more than 30 marshals and generals appeared one after another. Except for Schiller who attended in person, everyone else participated remotely. The core topic of the meeting was to launch a general offensive in the second theater. A battle of this scale cannot be decided by Schiller alone.

The first half of the meeting went smoothly. The preparations for the battle, the selection of fighters, and the direction of the campaign were impeccable, and Schiller's talent was fully displayed. However, when the preliminary discussion was over and the voting session was about to begin, a Marshal suddenly asked, "I heard that Marshal Austin's authority has been downgraded to A-level."

Schiller said calmly: "It's my decision. Marshal Austin's current state is not suitable for access to core secrets, nor is it suitable for frequent contact with the dynasty and the community. His main contact is Dr. Zero of the dynasty, and we all know Dr. Zero's position in the dynasty."

These remarks already vaguely accused Austin of being suspected of collaborating with the enemy. This is a very serious accusation.

The marshal couldn't see any expression on his face, and said, "This is a decision within your authority. I'm just asking, and I don't intend to interfere. However, I want to know what's going on with this image?"

The marshal directly threw the image onto the projection in the center of the conference room. The scene of outer space immediately appeared in front of everyone, and the image was taken from the main perspective of the starship. In front of the starship was a mass of distorted dark red.

All eyes fell on the dark red ball. The mass of color was clearly squirming, as if it had a life of its own. Then there was a flash of light in the image, and the main cannon of the starship on the side bombarded it, shooting at the center of the ball of color. The color of the ball suddenly looked like a wounded beast, suddenly separated into a ball and rushed to the side starship, and then swallowed it alive!

There was a commotion in the meeting room, and the eyes of many marshals fell on Schiller, and none of them had received any information about this incident. But the starship in the image is obviously a standard frigate of the Federation. This old type of frigate is basically not on the front line, and is mainly used for the defense of the rear galaxy. This is what happened in that galaxy of the Federation? The point is, why didn't they receive any information about this kind of thing?

Schiller's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "The incident happened in the galaxy on the other side. The specific reason is under investigation. It may be some kind of change in the wormhole space. Before I get a definite report, I don't think this matter is important, and I will There was no notification."

The marshal who threw the image said coldly: "Marshal Austin has just been to the other side of the galaxy, and his authority has been blocked when he wants to go again. Marshal Schiller, is this really not important?"

Schiller remained calm: "Compared with the upcoming decisive battle, I don't think it is important."

The marshal nodded and said, "Okay! Marshal Schiller doesn't think the changes in the galaxy on the other side are important. Then let's continue the original process and start voting."

The blood vessels on Schiller's forehead throbbed, but he didn't say anything, and silently started the voting procedure.

The marshal forced him to say that the changes in the galaxy on the other side are not important, and his goal has been achieved. In the event of a major event in the galaxy on the other side, the responsibility will all be Schiller. And because Schiller suppressed this matter, in fact, all the participants were very dissatisfied, and sat and watched the marshal pressing forward step by step.

Although Austin has left his position, his old contacts are still there. The marshal's insistence on holding on to the other side of the galaxy was to warn Schiller not to go too far.

The vote passed smoothly. The moment the resolution was generated, the authorization had been automatically completed, and then the huge war machine of the Federation began to start, and countless orders were sent from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the commanders of the various fleets and bases. At this time, the community also responded, sending information about the two fleets and joining the Federation's command system.

Schiller shook off the hidden worries in his heart and began to concentrate on directing. This battle will be directly commanded by him, and the four full fleets of the Federation and the Community will be assembled to launch an attack. And the dynasty has only two and a half fleets in this direction, all of which are dissatisfied. Schiller is going to gather all the superior forces and eat up all the forces of the Dynasty in this theater in one fell swoop.

A week later, the Commonwealth fleet was in place, and the coalition forces launched a full-scale offensive.

The dynasty has discovered the changes in the Federation and the Community, and immediately dispatched troops urgently. However, the military strength of the entire dynasty has long been stretched, and there is only the last mobile force left. Even if the community has mobilized troops to the front, the remaining military strength is still strong, and it is not easy to win. Moreover, the community simultaneously mobilized domestic fleets to fill the vacancies. Although those local and private fleets were not strong, they were not decorations, and the dynasty did not have the strength to take them down.

But worse situations are not unheard of. While collecting troops and sending them to the front line, the dynasty desperately resisted, fighting repeatedly from planet to planet. On the edge of the battlefield, Light Year's dispatch fleet finally arrived at Tianyu Li's house, eating up the entire federal fleet here in one go. After the victory, the Tianyu Li family's fleet turned around and went north to support the dynasty, leaving all the spoils to Light Years.

When the battle was in full swing, a private starship appeared in the galaxy on the other side. This is a very luxurious private cruise ship, and the speed is quite outstanding.

Inside the bridge, Austin stood in front of the star map, and was surprised to find that there was no response in the galaxy. There were no patrol ships to check, no one to question, not even a scan.

The captain walked over with a little uneasiness and said, "It's not right, this galaxy is too quiet. This is a first-level security zone, and any starship that has not reported should be inspected."

Austin frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Let's go to the galaxy first."

The starship was provided by Kun, but from the captain to the crew, they are all Austin's confidantes. They have fought many fierce battles with him, and they have a lot of experience. The anomaly was noticed as soon as it came out of the jump point.

The starship turned and flew towards the interior of the galaxy.

After a while, the captain said: "No, it's been such a long time, and no scan has detected it. According to wartime regulations, the scan covering the galaxy should be once every 15 minutes."

This scanning signal is very powerful and obvious. It is a detection, but also a notification, allowing all starships that receive the signal to report on their own initiative. The other shore galaxy is close to the front line, and military control is completely implemented here. It is impossible for there to be a situation where the system is not enforced. Those who do this have long been taken down.

After waiting for a while, the starship had already crossed the orbit of the outermost planet and started to slow down. Then Austin said, "Send a message to the defenders that I'm coming."

The captain immediately opened the galaxy military public channel and said: "We are Starfish, currently being requisitioned by the military, requesting to land at the military starport. Repeat..."

There was silence on the channel, without any sound.

The captain's face was serious, and he repeated it again. Only then did a voice say in a mock lake: "The military port is gone, no matter who you are, leave immediately! Don't use the public channel anymore, it will attract those things!"

The captain glanced at Austin and asked, "Who are you? Where are you now? What are those things?"

But there was only a noise in the channel, and there was no response.

Austin waited for a while and said, "Link the military mastermind of the galaxy."

This time it went very smoothly, and successfully connected to the military mastermind of the galaxy. The captain immediately checked the status of the galaxy, and found that the military base where the starport was located had not reported routinely for more than 36 hours.

Austin asked, "Is there a fight?"

"No signs of fighting."

Austin Tongkong shrunk and asked, "Which base is the mastermind? Ask the base director to call back."

The captain tried it, and then his face was strange: "The main brain is now in the automatic operation stage, and there is no one in the base to contact!"

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