God is Coming

Chapter 1208 Horrible Image

"Check the base records." Austin gave the order, and then stood behind the captain, staring at the video.

After a while, the image in the base came over. This is a mobile base dedicated to housing military galaxy management masterminds. It is not too big, and usually has more than a thousand permanent personnel. At this moment, the base was dead silent, and every place looked normal, but there was no one there. The main brain has completely entered the state of autonomous operation, automatically processing everything according to the preset instructions.

Austin quickly locked on to a point in time, which was 16 hours ago. Everything was normal one second ago, and the staff in the base maintained a normal but slightly lazy working attitude, and all of them disappeared suddenly in the next second, and there was no one left. Any trace of the next disappears!

Austin took over the position of the captain, adjusted it himself, quickly locked on a staff member, and then slowed down the video. During the 100x slow motion, the crew member suddenly lost the sense of three-dimensionality, turned into a plane like a photo, and then disappeared from the edge, as if someone had erased it with an eraser!

Seeing this weird scene, everyone subconsciously held their breath.

"Why didn't you call the police?" Austin asked.

The base was still operating normally at one moment, and there were hundreds of staff members on their posts. The next moment, everyone suddenly disappeared. There should be a major problem with the operation of the base. The mastermind should automatically check and issue an alarm, take rescue measures, and report to the superiors. Call for help from the rear base. But the main brain didn't, it just turned all operations into automatic processing, and then it ran quietly.

The captain said: "The main brain's reaction is abnormal, it should be manipulated by someone. Is it a spy of the dynasty?"

The staff officer on the side said: "Then what happened to the image just now? If a spy wants to use a fake image to buy time, they shouldn't use this image, right?"

Austin asked, "What about the planets?"

The captain sent a communication, and then said: "Everything is normal on the planet. The ground defense command said that the routine contact with the main brain base is normal, but there has been no contact with the Starport base for 2 days. The fleet is investigating."

"Go and see," Austin said.

The spaceship adjusted its direction and flew towards the main brain base.

After a while, the spacecraft docked at the base. Austin walked out of the hatch and entered the base. Everything in the base looked normal, even the lighting was the same as before, and it was not adjusted to the dark red of automatic processing. Entering the base, there is a hall first, in which various equipment are scattered everywhere, and there are several broken coffee cups on the ground. The coffee stains were long gone.

Austin looked around, and an image appeared in his mind. There were originally more than a dozen staff members in this hall, all busy with their own affairs, and then all of them disappeared suddenly at that moment, and the coffee cups in their hands fell to the ground and shattered.

Austin walked around the base, and everywhere the staff dropped things after they suddenly disappeared. Checking the records of the mastermind, we can only see that the mastermind has switched to the fully automatic operation state, but why it switched, who gave the command, and why it didn't call the police to the rear, these issues have no clue. Perhaps only by calling in an expert on the mastermind can we discover the clues. Austin himself is a complete layman on the mastermind. However, the location of the Xinggang base was obtained from the main brain, but it has been more than 48 hours since the contact with the Xinggang base was lost.

At this moment, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem. The star port base is built for large starships to park and supply. It can dock heavy patrols and overhaul starships up to and including destroyers. It is a large base with tens of thousands of staff and garrisons. It is also the base of the planetary defense fleet at ordinary times. . How could such a base lose contact for 48 hours? Under normal circumstances, this incident was enough to alarm the Star Field Theater, and the theater sent people to investigate.

Austin immediately said, "Go to Starport base."

On the way to the Starport Base, Austin contacted the Planetary Ground Guard Command again. The headquarters replied that it was the responsibility of the garrison fleet to contact the star port base, and the fleet had already replied that it was checking.

What about the fleet?

The defense fleet of the other side galaxy is not large, just a few destroyers and frigates. Now the dynasty has long had no spare capacity to form a surprise fleet, and there is no need to deploy a large number of garrison fleets in the rear. Besides, the Federation's own starships are seriously insufficient now, and there is no starship to deploy if they want to deploy them. This is an inconspicuous small fleet, and its whereabouts are a mystery at this moment. Austin tried calling, but there was no response. The planetary ground defenders and the fleet belong to two systems. The fleet has not responded for more than a day. They thought that the fleet was performing a mission, so they silenced the communication.

Austin tried to inquire about the location of the garrison fleet, but was told that he had insufficient authority to inquire. In times of war, the movements of the fleet are top secret. Although this fleet is small in scale, as long as it is not directly affiliated, the highest S-level authority is required to inquire about it.

Austin did not give up this time, but found a few friends in the army and asked them to find a way to check the whereabouts of the garrison fleet on their behalf. As a result, several friends inquired and found that the information of the garrison fleet had been upgraded, and now even the theater did not have the right to inquire. To inquire, an order from the Joint Chiefs of Staff was required. It was Schiller who ordered the upgrade.

Austin didn't say much, just accelerated the starship. An hour later, the starship entered the orbit of another planet. According to the location provided by the mastermind, the star port base is on the other side of the planet's orbit, which is also facing the sun.

Austin's starship slowly circled the planet, and finally saw the starport.

Only half of the Xinggang base is left, and the other half is missing. The fractures are arc-shaped one by one, as if a giant beast was bitten down and swallowed. Austin has been through wars and battles, but he has never seen this kind of wound, and he doesn't know what weapon can cause such damage.

There was silence in the starship, and finally Austin ordered to approach the base and take a closer look.

The starship flew to the other side of the base. From this angle, the interior of the Starport base could be clearly seen through the gap. After observing for a while, Austin put on his battle armor and flew directly to the base. A dozen of his subordinates also followed and flew out of the starship.

Austin approached the base and looked at the fracture. The section of the notch is extremely smooth, as if it has been carefully polished, but the arc is not continuous, and it looks a bit like undulating waves.

Those who can follow Austin are not ordinary people. One person said: "I don't think humans currently have any weapons that can cause such wounds."

His current position is the gunner on the starship, but he is actually an expert in shipborne weapons, and he is one of the few in the entire Federation. He said no, that is no.

Austin Tongkong shrunk and flew into the base.

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